... reports1
... adopted2
It's greek analog is KEITAO, Zeno is a NEMO descendant
The full NEMO directory structure is outlined in Appendix [*]
... used4
on a rare occasion you may even find a VMS DCL example in this case
... shell1.1
We will assume some basic knowledge of the UNIX operating system
... example2.1
from here on the % will denote the prompt of the operating system, anything after that on that line you type - subsequent lines without a prompt are output from the program. The number preceding is an identification number.
... immediately2.2
There are ways around this, see the error= keyword described later in this section
... diverted2.3
Technically, it was written to the standard error output channel, commonly called stderr in UNIX
... like:2.4
Your local VERSION will probably look a little different.
... doing2.5
bypassing existence of an output file is a very common use
... interrupted2.6
UNIX programs can be interrupted with (control-backslash)
... guaranteed2.7
In fact, this is hardly anywhere the case
... interface2.8
See also http://www.khoral.com for their new release
... environment.2.9
It is envisioned NEMO will - perhaps via a SWIG, or-like, environment - support such an environment
... tricky2.10
really: not documented
... data3.1
Programmers are always free to choose any format they like in memory - this is usally hidden from the users. What we mean here is the disk format. The popular memory (object) models, and how they interact with persistent data on disk, are discussed in Chapter [*]
... designed3.2
note this was back in 1986, well before XML was conceived
...s:exch-data). 3.3
Note however that currently NEMO's binary files have some limited support for machine-independancies, e.g. simple endian swap. Some portability notes about this can be found in Appendix [*]
... programs3.4
notable exceptions are basic programs like tsf, rsf, csf and hisf
...hisf. 3.5
HISTORIC NOTE: To prevent data files having a history written into them an environment variable HISTORY must be set to 0. This dates back from older times when not all programs could properly handle data files with embedded history items properly. Also note there is no associated system keyword with HISTORY. It is expected that this feature will disappear, i.e. history is always forcefully written into the data files, unless the user interface (getparam.o in libnemo.a) was explicitly compiled with the HISTORY disabled.
... NEMO3.6
see also the tpipe tool
... keywords3.7
Normally called potname=, potpars= and potfile=, but see also rotcurves
... scripts5.1
where applicable, the examples in this chapter are written in the C-shell language
... (E=-1/4)5.2
Virial units are the preferred units, see also: Heggie & Mathieu, in: The use of supercomputers in stellar dynamics ed. Hut & McMillan, Springer 1987, pp.233
This can be found out by using the program nemoinp(1NEMO) or help=
... algorithm5.4
see also their paper in: Nature, Vol. 324, pp 446 (1986).
... execution5.5
loadobj, the dynamic object loader, does not works on all UNIX implementations
... procedure5.6
This assumes during installation the snapplot program was compiled with $YAPP_SV and renamed as sp
interface device between the video output of a image display device and a VCR recorder which allows frame-by-frame recording
... default5.8
one can recompile NEMO in single precision and define body.h with less wastefull members
... useful5.9
Only relevant keywords are shown, remaining take their default value, use help= to see them
... files5.10
Not all operating systems allow the programmer to use this feature - see your local loadobj implementation
... speed5.11
Although if you supply your own potential you could cheat and bypass this
... Fortran5.12
FORTRAN is not supported on all architectures
... orbits5.13
For the careful reader: mkplummer and potname=plummer actually have different units, and as such this experiment is not properly set up.
... method5.14
see also van Albada & Sanders, (1982, MNRAS, 201, 303)
... Santangelo5.15
Carnevali, P. & Santangelo, P., 1984. ApJ 281 473-476
... FITS5.16
See: Wells et al. (1981), A&A Suppl. 44, 363.
... format5.17
See: Harten et al. (1988), A&A Suppl. 73, 365.
... bytes5.18
Newer versions of AIPS now allow you to use a blocking factor which writes blocks in multiples of 2880 bytes; e.g. a blocking factor of 10 needs block size 28800 bytes.
... introduction6.1
Based on an original report ``NEMO: Elementary Mechanics Observatory'' by Joshua Barnes
... item.6.2
The curses library also defines bool, and this made us change from short int to char
... available.6.3
ZENO uses a different technique: ...
It secretly assumes that argv[] is NULL terminated, which is not guaranteed on all UNIX implementations
... string6.5
note that ANSI rules say you can't write to this location in memory if they are direct references to string defv[]; this is something that may well be fixed in a future release
... parse6.6
Depending on compiler switches at installation the getXparam parsing includes full expressions
... in/output,6.7
Older versions of filestruct cannot handle binary files in pipes, since filestruct uses fseek(3)
... values6.8
The implementors of NEMO will not be held responsible for any loss of precision resulting from the use of this feature.
... order6.9
tagnames must now be unique within an item, as in a C struct
This is a toy model, shown for its simplicity. The full SnapShot format is discussed in Section [*]
... history6.11
See next section for more details on history processing
...app_history() 6.12
The old name, add_history was already used by the GNU readline library
... install:6.13
this assumes you have some appropriate NEMO permissions
The environment variable NEMOPATH is from V1 is now invalid
mirtool also uses this environment variable
This may result in long filenames, Unix SYS5 allows only 14 characters - a different solution is needed here
Both mirtool and miriad need such a doc-file to lookup keywords and supply help
... installedB.4
Obviously this is priviliges to NEMO superusers only
... MONGO-87B.5
MONGO is a copyrighted program by John Tonry
PGPLOT is a copyrighted public domain graphics library written by Tim Pierson
SM is a copyrighted program and subroutine library by Robert Lupton and Patricia Monger
... invokeB.1
Optional command line switches are summarized in Table [*]
... commandsB.2
UNIX aliases are not supported in miriad
... commandB.1
Note that the miriad cd command does not understand special UNIX symbols
... compiledB.2
This latter information is useful only for the advanced user, so if you don't understand it, don't worry.
... recommended.C.1
recommended: Anderson and Anderson, The Unix C Shell Field Guide. (Prentice Hall,1986)
... /bin/csh"C.2
Some older versions of UNIX do not understand this technique
... notationC.3
like the UNIX command-line syntax
... codeE.1
C version code of the treecode written by Mark Bellon - Urbana, IL
Table [*] compiled by D. Richstone
... potentialsE.3
Compiled with -DTWODIM
... AppendixF.1
Automatically generated from CTEX comments in the $NEMO/src/orbit/potential/data source code
... stepG.1
Remember there is also the bootstrap method, which automates large parts of the following steps
... availableG.2
See Section [*] how to create such tar files from an existing NEMO installation
not all versions of ftp allow this feature though
... on.G.4
At least, this is the goal of this game
... structureG.5
A full listing was presented in Appendix [*]
... importantG.6
only the cc script is installed now
... issue:G.7
you may need a rehash command here
... source:G.8
To exclude hidden dot-files, issue a ``make purge'' before creating exporting tarfiles
... oneH.1
currently the output of unbind may do this for you
... yearsJ.1
The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated...
... guarenteedJ.2
for IEEE and twos-complement data automatic byte-swap detection this problem has been solved