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Because the present version of NEMO is passed around free of charge, we provide absolutely no warranty whatsoever.

You are of course free to pass this package on to your friends and enemies, but we really prefer to receive a mailing address of/from that new user. This is not only to keep us informed of any new users, but also to enable to send out information about updates.

While we very much appreciate receiving bug reports1, presently we do not have anyone officially assigned to the task of maintaining NEMO. Therefore we cannot guarantee speedy reply.

If the above has not been enough of a disclaimer, let us say that this version of NEMO is still a preliminary version of what might once become a ``real'' system with the usual support facilities. We strongly discourage usage of this system if you are not in regular contact with the distributor(s), simply because we feel that the system hasn't been sufficiently tested yet. At the same time, we want to make NEMO available as soon as we can, so, voilà: all these disclaimers.

The name NEMO: originally we had set up directories owned by "nobody", however it turned out that this is already a name with a predetermined functionality in UNIX. Subsequently the latin analog, nemo, was adopted2. Not meant to be used as an acronym, we owe the following one to Luis Aguilar: Not Everyone Must Observe. Another nice one is hidden in this manual, which we leave as an exercise to the reader.

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(c) Peter Teuben