The catalogue has been constructed by using theoretical least squares fits of published spectral lines to accepted molecular models. The associated predictions and their estimated errors are based upon the resultant fitted parameters and their covariances. Future versions of this catalogue will add more atoms and molecules and update the present listing (331 species) as new data appear.
select="sqrt(%Rad) < %lum**2/(%D_0 + %R_0)"
Note: the old pre-1994 catalog will need c%s.ed4.gz and catdir.ed4. The maryland version needs TAB_PP set to /lma/spectra.
% tabpp species=all mode=species col=name | more or shorthand, since these are the first three program keywords: % tabpp all species name | morethis can be followed up by a frequency search of a few species:
% tabpp species=HCOOH,HOCL mode=lines col=mu2 freq=80,115,ghz | more or shorthand: % tabpp HCOOH,HOCL lines name,freq,err 80,115,ghz | more
FREQ, ERR, LGINT,DR, ELOW, GUP,TAG,QNFORM, QN1, QN2 (F13.4, F8.4, F8.4, I2, F10.4, I3, I7, I4, 6I2, 6I2, 1X) FREQ frequency of line (by default in Mhz, but you can change it) ERR estimated or experimental error in FREQ LGINT base 10 logarithm of the integrated intensity DR degree of freedom in the rotatational partition function ELO lower state energy relative to ground state GUP upper state degeneracy TAG species tag or molecular identifier. Negative means laboratory freq. QNFMT identifies format of the quantum numbers in QN QN’ quantum numbers of the upper state coded according to ANFMT QN’’ quantum numbers of the lower state The species-directory file is in the Footran format: TAG, NAME, NLINE, QLOG, VERSION (I6,1X, A14, I5, 7F7.4, I2)
A special column name, mu2 identifies the electric dipole matrix, which can be printed out too. It’s units are Debye**2
TAG species tag number in format WWWWXXXX, WWW=weight, XXX=ordinal NAME ASCII name for the species NLINE number of lines for this species QLOG log10 of the partition function for 300, 225, 150, 75, 37.5, 18.75, 9.375 K VERSION version number of this species
freq MHz (optionally GHz, THz; see freq= keyword) err MHz (optionally GHz, THz) lgint nm^2.Mhz (optionally nm^2.GHz, nm^2.THz) elow cm^-1 qlog ... mu2 Debye^2 (computed from other quantities)
% time tabpp all lines mu2 80,81,Ghz > log1 2092.020u 118.850s 40:33.46 90.8% 0+116k 2300+29io 2248pf+0wwhereas using the (slow) select= keyword took much longer:
% time tabpp all lines mu2 select="%freq < 81000,%freq > 80000" > log2
JPL Molecular Spectroscopy:
The Fitting and Prediction of Vibration-Rotation Spectra with Spin Interactions, H. M. Pickett. J. Molec. Spectroscopy 148, 371-377 (1991).
Submillimeter, Millimeter, and Microwave Spectral Line Catalogue, R.L. Poynter and H.M. Pickett. Applied Optics 24, 2335-2240 (1985). This catalogue is also available from these authors as a magnetic tape recorded in card images and as a set of microfishe records, or from anonymous ftp
Molecular collision rates for line radiative transfer:
Anderson, Herbst and De Lucia’s list for methanol lines (unknown ref)
Atomic Data for Astrophysics:
Table of Isotopes:
Chemical MIME draft:
Infrared Line Lists:
PP_DIR Home directory of the catalogue
$PP_DIR home directory of the catalogue (e.g. $MIRCAT/jplcat or $NEMODAT/jplcat) species data for the new (>1994) edition XXXth (gzip compressed) line data for a species with mol.weight WWW catdir.ed4 species data for the old 4th edition cWWWXXX.ed4.Z XXXth (compressed) line data for a species with mol.weight WWW src/scripts/get_jplcatalog script to install the catalog via SMA
29-feb-92 V1.0 Created - data has 206 species PJT 24-mar-92 V1.1 compute mu^2 to appease lgm/joe PJT 3-oct-92 V1.2 implemented select= PJT 18-jan-95 V1.3 made it work for the new 1994 edition of PP_DIR=/lyra/pp 11-sep-95 V1.3a new unofficial edition, now 228 species 22 new species: SiC, SiC-v1, SiC-13, HCP, DCP, CH3OCH3, HCCNC, HCCNC-v7, HCCNC-v6, CCS, C-13CCS, CC-13S, CCS-34, CH3OCHO-A, CH3OCHO-E, OS-34-O, HC6, HOBr-79, HOBr-81, HC7N, HC9N, HC11N corrected spelling error H2C-13-S 9-oct-95 V1.3b updated, now 272 species / 1041209 lines 15-may-98 V1.4 merged two diverged versions, now 331 species / 1747809 lines 17-aug-05 [miriad $MIRCAT/jplcat resurrected] 338 species / 2209176 lines PJT 17-jul-11 V1.5 fixed strcpy for more modern gcc compilers PJT 22-sep-14 default for $NEMODAT/jplcat