c print two consecutive steps from movie file c for peter teuben c source teuben.f on humbabe 10 july 1994 program main c integer karr(64),kcoord(4,2048) real ahold(2048),rarr(64) equivalence (karr(1),rarr(1)) c open(9,file=’awobl8f’,form=’unformatted’,status=’old’) c kstep=767 c steps kstep and kstep+1 will be extracted and formatted 10 continue read(9,end=270) karr read(9,end=270) ahold if (karr(1).lt.kstep) go to 10 c skip up to one less than desired step number c write(6,9019) rarr(31) do 40 k=1,32,16 ku=min0(k+15,30) 40 write(6,9020)(karr(j),j=k,ku) do 50 k=33,64,8 ku=k+7 50 write(6,9022)(rarr(j),j=k,ku) c call unpack1(kcoord,ahold) c unpack1 is a subroutine that unpacks our compact ahold(2048) into c array kcoord(4,2048) of integers. c do 60 kp=1,2048 60 write(6,9030) (kcoord(k,kp),k=1,4) write(6,9033) c if (karr(1).le.kstep) go to 10 c 270 continue c 9019 format(2x,a8) 9020 format(2x,16i8) 9022 format(2x,8e13.5) 9030 format(4i7) 9033 format(/) c stop end
13-jul-94 man written PJT