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A Gentle Introduction to NEMO |
1: NEMO is a package
NEMO is a collection of programs running under most Unix environments
(Linux, Solaris, SGI). It is
normally operated within a Unix shell, in which a number of environment variables
are used to control NEMO. Any scripting environment (e.g. C-shell, perl, tcl/tk)
can be used to assemble tools in a variety of ways for complex
data processing.
How does one start NEMO
One has to change the interactive shell (C-shell) a little bit, by adding some
environment variables and adding NEMO's bin directory to the search-path. This
is normally done in one step. E.g. at INAOE:
% source /net/nemo/nemo_start # older version (2.5.4)
% source ~teuben/nemo/nemo_start # latest version (3.0.2)
which can be done via the .cshrc file, or providing an alias the
loads NEMO on-demand (cf. astromake)
% alias nemo 'source ~nemo/nemo_start; unalias nemo'
- Collection of programs and functions to compose new programs (Toolbox vs. Package)
- Communication via datafiles (unix pipe), in a portable efficient binary
- Uniform command line user interface (CLUI), which can be easily
extended to a GUI (e.g. Khoros, tkrun)
- Consistent error, warning and debug reporting
- Simple graphics interface via YAPP (e.g. yapp_pgplot, yapp_gl, yapp_sm, ...)
- Geared for batch usage, there are not many interactive tools
- Does not only Snapshot's, but also Orbit, Potential, Table, Image, FITS....
- Relies heavily on classic tools (man, gv, gimp, CVS, make, ...) and public
libraries (pgplot, plplot, vogl, cfitsio, HDF)
- Web page: http://www.astro.umd.edu/nemo/