Installed Nov 28, 2014; on Lenovo T530 during installation I picked /dev/sdc (the 64G boot device) as where to install the boat loader.... but next boot it still went back to old one.... maybe that one was on the HD (sda). Running update-grub in the old u14.04 fixed this, I now have a grub.cfg file that points also to sdc2 with u14.10 The following packages were added using: sudo apt-get install some are essential for development, others to sustain my old/bad habits. Also google around, e.g. for 14.10 I also noticed a few new ones: First time login, there is a warning about a new language being used, and i get the option to change 'Templates' and 'Public', this was the cause of some trouble about missing data/time in top bar. Also to advice, before you start dpkg --list > u1410a.list and repeat this at the end. Here are the packages: emacs build-essential (gcc 4.9.1) gfortran cmake ruby (eventually to fix sshmenu - no go on that one) tcsh chromium-browser pidgin then "chsh" and login again with tcsh (skip that if you want to keep bash login) digikam khelpcenter4 systemsettings (KDE System Settings) gnome-tweak-tool dconf-editor ubuntu-restricted-extras libavcodec-extra youtube-dl unity-tweak-tool gconf-editor (any of these two to get auto raise) geeqie (old gqview) tkcvs (has tkdiff as well, meld is another alternative?) cvsutils meld alternative to buggy tkdiff openssh-server (sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config) sshm (shortcut tool, since sshmenu now fails; sshplus is better) Reminder how to clone your old system ssh settings so multiple versions will remember the hostname ================================================================================================================ An '=' in the first column below here means it's been installed. = ncftp = libx11-dev (x11proto-core-dev was already installed) = libreadline6-dev (useful for miriad to get the latest) automake kdbg = pdftk = nautilus-open-terminal = apt-file (e.g. "apt-file search Intrinsic.h") libxt-dev = git-core = libboost-all-dev = valgrind = cpu-checker = psensor = cpufrequtils = libgif-dev (for pgplot; but it seemed to build in NEMO ok) libxaw7-dev = indicator-cpufreq = pepperflashplugin-nonfree (after that, run: "update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install") = rapid-photo-downloader = gimp = gimp-lensfun = libgimp2.0-dev = gimp-plugin-registry (e.g. resynthesizer) = libexiv2-dev = liblensfun-dev = jhead exif editor = synaptic (if you like something else to install packages from) = compizconfig-settings-managera = rcs = vlc = rar = tomboy libtool (for miriad/auto) flex (for miriad/auto) = enscript = texlive-latex-base = texlive = texlive-publishers = doxygen = mdbtools (accessing MDB) = basenji (volume indexer) python-setuptools python-tk (or did this option add tkinter???) python-scipy python-matplotlib python-scitools python-pyfits python-pywcs python-keyring (for astroquery) python-pandas pyqt4-dev-tools (for glue) = cython = ipython = python-pip = swig = python-sympy = python-h5py libhdf4-dev (HDF 4; for cmhog, nemo) libplplot-dev libcfitsio3-dev = sysinfo = preload = idle (for tkinter????) = mesa-utils (has glxgears) - goes at aout **3700** OMG, 60 now.. still 60 in U14.10 = iotop < = sshfs = hfsprogs = gv (didn't trigger anything) = darktable = ufraw = dcraw qt4-qmake libqt4-dev = ifrit = grace = xpdf wine gphoto2 libgphoto2-dev librsvg2-dev libinotifytools0-dev = libsqlite3-dev bonnie iozone3 (fileop,iozone,pit_server) docbook2odf (needed an xslt interpreter) = xsltproc (aha, this was the one) = stellarium xaw3dg-dev (will also install xaw3dg - for gipsy) = acpitool = nemo (the file manager) lame music conversions = k3b CD writer qpdfview trying, since my evince now doesn't do ps right.... imagination slideshow maker (makes vob) photofilmstrip = exfat-fuse (needed for Nikon big disks) = ruby-gtk2 for sshmenu (used to be called libgtk2-ruby) = ruby-gnome2 (?) = libruby = ssh-askpass (?) gufw (graphical interface to firewall) gstm hotssh (sshmenu replace?) = python-appindicator (sshplus needs it) # vpn = openconnect = traceroute # things i forgot from u13: = bcrypt = bison = ddd = dmg2img = finger fityk ggobi gman html2text man2html = mercurial = mutt (local only; just for browsing local mailfolders) openjpeg-tools pgplot5 python-sklearn python-scikits.statsmodels = rman inkscape scribus = shutter = sqlite = sqlitebrowser = subversion (svn) = virtualbox xcfa (sound conversion) = nautilus-dropbox (this will also download dropbox :-) liblapack-dev libblas-dev * icedtea-7-plugin (this failed) openjdk-7-jre = openjdk-7-jdk (but only if you need to develop) = ant (for developing) ---- if you really need Oracle's version, use this instead sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer ------- sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/ ------- visudo /etc/sudoers Defaults env_reset,timestamp_timeout=30 ----- vipw change the shell to /bin/tcsh ========== - ctrl-alt-F1 : blank screen ** disappeared later on ** - glxgears way slow (wrong device X driver) - load in chrome super high (flash?) - digikam 3.5.0 crashed a few times already .... always in saving? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install aptik -------------------------------------- patch /etc/hosts with old value from previous system ---- restarting services is new now,e.g. sudo restart ssh ubuntu-restricted-extras (will uninstall libavcodec53, libavutil51) skype dropbox ubuntu one icetea web (for rtd and such) gnome (w. xfce, skipped wm) = gnome-panel (to get option back to do classic) picasa 3.9 (via wine) =openjdk java7 runtime icedtea-plugin (icetea java browser plugin) unity-lens-askubuntu pyregion ? pyavm ? Montage ? libncurses5-dev acroread todo - tpe - javaws other: - thunderbird plugins: lightning, - - === skype: You may try running > apt-get install depended_packages:i386 that is, for each dependencies at 32 bit, install it adding :i386. For example, skype told me it needs libqt4-dbus at 32bit, I run > apt-get install libqt4-dbus:i386 sudo sh -c 'echo "deb quantal partner" >> /etc/apt/sources.list' sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install skype === printers.... again? could perhaps copy /etc/cups ??? ==== sudo pip install astropy # wget cd ~/Work/ALMAvis/radio-tools/pyds9-1.7 sudo python install # git clone # now 71MB sudo python install # ~/Work/ALMAvis/radio-tools # in: pvextractor radio_beam spectral-cube sudo python install # git clone # ...No module named keyring # ? needs python-keyring -- # git clone # may also do pyparsing pip install pyregion ? # pip install pyAVM # pip install aplpy --- better laptop powermanagement tools: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw sudo tlp start === gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Lenses disabled-scopes "['more_suggestions-amazon.scope', 'more_suggestions-u1ms.scope', 'more_suggestions-populartracks.scope', 'music-musicstore.scope', 'more_suggestions-ebay.scope', 'more_suggestions-ubuntushop.scope', 'more_suggestions-skimlinks.scope']" or? wget -q -O - | bash ---- =sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer =sudo apt-get update =sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin ==== thse don't seem to work in U14.10 anymore???? =sudo apt-get install p7zip-rar p7zip-full unace unrar zip unzip sharutils rar uudeview mpack arj cabextract file-roller # a full unity reset, in case something went nuts. sudo apt-get install dconf-tools dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ setsid unity unity --reset-icons -- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install grub-customizer Problem: .ps files with evince have issues Problem: digikam 3.5.0 now crashes a lot (4.0.0 also) == sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak =?google-talkplugin =fdupes python-nlopt nlopt = calibre (ebook) = pitivi (movie edit) = imagination = avidemux (video editor) =?acroread === what doesn't work? - geeqie on ps files - digikam 3.5.0 crashes all the time - shotwell (0.18.x) seems to come up with a transparent screen, can't do a thing ? no borders around windows is a pain when you use black windows, need a grey in it. sshmenu options? - putty - SecureCRT (commercial) - Gnome-Connection-Manager (gcm) - hotssh - sshm/trusty 0.4.3-2 amd64 command-line tool to manage your ssh servers another issue: - the unity spaces (?) can sometimes hang if you do it in a certain way. can't recover. reboot is needed, or you need to know the way to kill the X server or restart nautilus or unity really???? - evince on some PS not working (ligature? ** seems fixed on 14.10 ** - and then suddenly the dashboard (?) search for launching applications dies.... works ok on files etc. but not apps. rm ~/.cache/software-center -R unity --reset & (ah, now deprecated option) unity --replace & but this forgets about the placement of windowns.... all piled up in 1, ugly welll, after a reboot (or was it logout) this bug went away. - sometimes cut and paste via mouse selection doesn't work on first time, - cutting and pasting not reliable, now you have to more use shift-ctr-C or so. - used to work, now, sep, expose has isues with remembering the screen view of chrome. they go white. ** so far, fixed on 14.10, but i saw it once on thunderbird ** - crap, sometimes those default font sizes just rest themselves.... where is that done. this whole Unity is just full of shit - then the sound control has disappeared from top bar ** dconf got it back, accidentally deleted? at least rhytmbox can be controlled again, that died on 14.04 === package reminders: dpkg -S file which package owns that file dpkg -L package list what files the package gives === screen #0: dimensions: 1600x900 pixels (423x238 millimeters) bugs in unity: digikam in particular doesn't register with a triangle it's starting up... so you could easily start up a 2nd one. == the NUMIX theme: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:numix/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme sudo apt-get install numix-icon-theme sudo apt-get install numix-icon-theme-circle sudo apt-get install numix-plymouth-theme sudo apt-get install numix-wallpaper-aurora