Jan 16-26, 1999 was the first time the RT Linux box was used with WASP1, at CSO. Apart from the usual static problems of dry air at 14,000ft, there were no major problems to report. We did not bother putting a fan on top of the monitor, but probably should have.

Left/Top: spent daytime of day1 at 14,000ft, so had to enjoy lunch at sub-zero temperatures and 50 mph winds. From left to right: John Ward, Andy Harris and Jonas Zmuidzinas. Right/Bottom: Keck-I and it's twin brother II and on the left Subaru, which (also) had official first light that week.
Left/Top: Subaru again (right), JCMT (middle) and just to the left it it our seemingly little CSO. Right/Bottom: View on HP, the dorm complex where one spends the nights and enjoys wonderful meals
Left/Top: Me, during one rare 3 minute session I was not on the laptop Right/Bottom: John and Jonas, obviously bored....
Left/Top: We ran out of helium and had to refill. They didn't let me touch anything. I wonder why? Right/Bottom: WASP and the RT Linux box. Note the grounding cables on the left racks, with which you always need to be connected or you and/or WASP gets zapped.
Left/Top: It's nice to be above the clouds for a change.... Right/Bottom: Tired after a long night of observing (or was it before????)

This page was last modified on 09-Apr-2000 by teuben@astro.umd.edu.