Fedora6: not for me yet
FC4 came out in late 2006, and came with a 2.6.18) kernel, a brand new
Gnome 2.x and KDE 3.x. The upshot however was: it's not for me. Upon
coming out of suspend, on the laptop, the X server crashes and that makes
my life just too painful.
Some notes:
- i'm back to this old /dev/hdb polling issue,now via the
hald-addon-storage on /dev/hdb. If i kill it, hdparm on
hda is ok again, but otherwise it sucks big time and the
performance on the machine is horrible.
The solution is to do
killall hald-addon-storage
which polls /dev/hdb all the time. There is a bugzilla
on this issue.
- odd: sometimes (i've seen this in FC5 too) the screen doesn't come
back, and the machine *SEEMS* locked up. Solution:
ctrl-alt-F2 to a console, and then ctrl-alt-F7 back to X
- hmm, the community seems a bit slow here and there to adopt to FC6
I tried the following:
1) enable the Livna.org repo
rpm -ivh http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release-6.rpm
wow, it just hung and then segfaulted once.... not a good sign. O wait,
this was because my X server crashed upon resume from suspend, and it locked
the rpm updater..... confusing. rpm should check for a lock and report.
After a reboot, this was working right away.
2) Install the nvidia driver stuff:
yum install kmod-nvidia
nvidia-config-display enable
And restart X (i had to reboot, since nvidia was installed in 2868, and i was
still running kernel # 2849).
- and then came the sad realization that coming out of suspend would crash the
X server. I have tried with nvidia and without, tried not being in X, but a
virtual console, and 'echo mem > /sys/power/state' but nothing worked.
There is a bugzilla on this:
So, it's back to FC5 for me!
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by PJT