Some notes: - upgraded an FC3 thinkpad laptop, nothing really broke, the acpi suspend now even works without a grub.conf patch - on the dell8200 (laptop) - suspend didn't work like it did on the thinkpad, well it sort of, closing the lid does the job, but upon wakeup the touchpad does not work anymore (i use a USB mouse most of the time, but the TP is still very useful) - networking was weird, it didn't set a default route on dhcp eth0 (wire).. basically during the cloning of the networking setup i changed the fixed IP to dhcp, so the ifcfg file contained both GATEWAY= BOOTPROTO=dhcp NETMASK= IPADDR= which must have confused the routing setup.... - disk I/O is ok, unlike it was in FC3 (it needed the workaround) - firewire is BAD, very slow, 20 kB/sec !!! Neither kernel seem to work well. Another disk is ok, giving me nearly 30MB/sec, but the little device in question is horrible. Oddly enough that same device gives 9MB/sec (still a bit slow) on another rh9 desktop. - the eternal fights of loosing applications one gets used to. no more xv, so i got used to gqview, also now gone no more gv, it's called evince now. quite a lousy and slow product. - alps touchpad stops working after suspend, seems to be a known problem: background material to hald: Making Hardware Just Work.
See also bugzilla for a trail of this problem.
no mplayer? no xine? - see for a list of removed and why URLs to visit: Atrpms Dagrpms Newrpms Freshrpms some other i8200 user: