This was initially a redhat 7.2 (beta; codename roswell) install. it seemed to work just as well as rh71, except I got so disgusted with a number of broken features, I was not going to wait for the real 7.2 and reinstall 7.1, and thus decided to do this install again. After all, it's only 4-5 hours on a P600.... The install takes about 1.7 GB, although I didn't keep good track what the maximum amount was at any time. 2GB is probably a good aim (as long as you don't do the docs) - downgraded the compiler from the rh71 default gcc-2.96-.... to gcc-2.95.3 $mkdir -p /home/aips2/code $cd /home/aips2/code $ncftp cd /pub/code mget README VERSION configure install-16.000.tar.gz quit $chmod +x configure $./configure --source y (on working on the install-16 file) y (answer some obvious questions) *** linux_egcs (there don't seem to be more options, like linux_gnu ??) linux_gnu -- was not accepted linux was accepted...... NO KIDDING, this is for freakin' rh5, why is this not warned for..... so, i have to go back to stupid linux_egcs.... back to step1 ... $edit /home/new_aips++/linux/umd/aipsrc (set silly things about printer and papersize...) sorry, this is stupid, reasonable defaults should be figured out here.... $edit /home/new_aips++/linux/umd/makedefs ok, lapack and blas are NOT on powertools anymore, now on regular. as well as lesstiff: rpm -i lesstif-0.92.32-4.i386.rpm rpm -i lesstif-devel-0.92.32-4.i386.rpm rpm -i lapack-3.0-11.i386.rpm rpm -i blas-3.0-11.i386.rpm now, as for pgplot. the old pgplot from redhat6.1 that NRAO distributes, cannot be found. it doesn't list where it is. I had an installation in /usr/local/pgplot anyways, so I will keep that. PGPLOT has a quirk. Default pgplot installation from the caltech distrbution places all pgplot things in one directory ($PGPLOT_DIR) and thus PGPLOTROOT := /usr/local PGPLOTDEFS := PGPLOTINCD = $(PGPLOTROOT)/include PGPLOTLIBD = $(PGPLOTROOT)/lib from the template will then not work. Need to get rid of include and lib also do XmPGPLOT in same way ok, so i finish this and the screen scrolls by many pages with no way to get back... i wish i had just set scrolling to 1000 lines, mine is only 100.... ************ ok, there is a reverify luckily -- this is an important step to look at the output and check if all seems ok. During the first install there will be a lot of warnings of libraries that do not exist yet, since they have to be built :-) and the big inhale of code has not even started yet. GLISHLOLIB =-lgtkpgdrv /bin/sh: cd: illegal option: -l cd: usage: cd [-PL] [dir] <<--- both in rh71 and rh72 Look at the file /home/aips2/code/build.log will take not even a minute to finish this bootstrap build $ source /home/aips2/aipsinit.csh -b: get the latest stable beta, but -n: do not make it yet, we do that next step $ inhale -n -b >& inhale.log started 20.20pm on a 604k DSL line, ended 21.12pm. Download took 30 minutes. $ ln -s /home/aips++/data /home/aips2/data $ mkdir ../logs-teuben $ avers 16.118.00 Tue 2001/07/03 11:30:16 GMT $ time gmake allsys >& ../logs-teuben/LOG.16.118 13189.810u 1907.530s 4:29:52.06 93.2% 0+0k 0+0io 61554086pf+0w So, done at 1.50am, took 4.5 hours at 93% (not bad for a laptop!) .. now, only if it would work again. Although the rh72 version at least worked, this first attempt on rh71 simply doesn't. 'aips++' just sits there and nothing is going.. very very very very slow.... o dear, i had given my laptop a local IP, and this particular hostname was now online as something else... Darell and Joe figured that out around the GB meeting.