Some notes on the steps one needs to setup webservices etc. for a VO (somewhat linux RH9 centric) Keep in mind that version numbers as well as overall flow of things you do is likely to change as time goes on. This document was initially written October 2003 and is evolving as the TVO demo evolves from simple cgi-bin access to VO enabled webservices.... Last mod: 3-jan-2003 PJT 0) make sure your local webserver is running, i.e. mozilla http://localhost should now come back with either the silly default placeholder RH9 gives you, or whatever you did. On RH9 you main page lives under /var/www/html/ on this webserver machine.. 1) java: you need a JDK. I used 1.4.2 , in the end, $JAVA_HOME will be used by other programs, and is used to point to where the JDK resides. I.e. JAVA_HOME/bin/java is normally where you find the java executable on linux. 2) apache w/ tomcat: if you get RH9, you get apache, but that's not enoguh. you need the java enabled thing, so you can choose either a new version, or add the java stuff. So, go to and get yourself the binary version, e.g. i found the file jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12.tar.gz then untarred it, and ran cd jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12 bin/ and now tried the URL http://localhost:8080/ and voila, the tomcat server is now setup and running. Try running some examples to make sure it works. (curious point: i was able to startup the tomcat server as 'teuben' while normal apache was already running as 'apache') 3) axis 1.1, Look in i downloaded axis-1_1.tar.gz then copy the axis-1_1/webapps/axis tree into the jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12/webapps/ tree. restart the server bin/ bin/ and try the webpage http://localhost:8080/axis/ and see if you can validate yourself. - then: a) take a java interface b) java2wsdl c) wsdl2java, and fill in the template put these classes is then generates into axis/web.inf/classes or: /lib ?? then run some axis program to deploy this ? SOAP-Lite-latest.tar.gz ? XML-RPC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirage is a java application available from Lucent Technologies: It can do various forms of visualization of tabular data, including spreadsheets, scatter plots, histograms, and vector plots. One particularly nice feature is the ability to select a subset of the data in one plot to see where the appear in other plots. mirage from Bell Labs JAI 1.1.1_01 may be needed for images == Java Advanced Imaging 1.1.1_01 Download vo extensions (JHU) i did the jdk, and the website talks about 1.3, but i use 1.4.2....