hard - make an X window dump (and send it to the printer)
hard filename
hard redraws the current plot full screen size and writes a
xwd format file of the image into the file filename so that
it can be sent to a color printer or displayed again later.
The image is written when any mouse button is pressed.
Carefully center the image on the screen before pressing a
mouse button because what you see is what you get. If noth-
ing is currently plotted an error will be generated. There
are a few special filenames that cause the command to behave
slightly differently.
If the filename is ``print'' no file is written but instead
a postscript file is sent to the default printer to be
printed in black and white.
If the filename is ``colorprint'' no file is written but
instead a color postscript file is sent to the default
printer to be printed in color.
If the filename is ``photo'' no file is written and the
image remains on the screen until a button is pressed. This
command is useful when taking pictures of the images.
If the filename is ``movie'' a file is written to file
filename that contains the image in the current window but
with the same size as the current window. Also, the command
does not wait for a mouse button to be pressed to write the
file. It is important to make certain that the entire view
area is uncovered when using this option because what you
see is what you get. This command is useful for making
framepoints(1), xypoints(1), xyzpoints(1)
KQ Release 2.0 Last change: 22 MARCH 1994 1
Created by: m2h on:Thu Nov 17 15:23:00 1994