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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 c
00003 c       Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,
00004 c       by Steve McMillan, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
00005 c
00006 c       All rights reserved.
00007 c
00008 c       Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
00009 c       provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
00010 c       duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
00011 c       advertising materials, and other materials related to such
00012 c       distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
00013 c       by the author named above.
00014 c
00018 c
00020 c         *************************************************************
00021 c         *                                                           *
00022 c         *    Fancy font-set symbol/number drawers.                  *
00023 c         *                                                           *
00024 c         *************************************************************
00025 c
00026         subroutine simbol(xcall,ycall,hite,chars,theta,numch)
00027         save
00028 c
00029 c       extended-font version of symbol
00030 c       positioning info is returned in common/fontc1/...
00031 c  : string centered on (xi,yi)
00032 c  : string starts with (xi,yi) at lower lh corner,
00033 c                     or the point defined by subroutine strpos.
00034 c       hite.le.0.  : only positioning info returned: nothing drawn
00035 c
00036         character*(*) chars
00037         character*10 first10
00038         integer*2 n,m,num,jl,jr,idic,long
00039         integer*4 numch,nch
00040         real*4 lastinc
00041 c
00042         common /fontc1/ offx,offy,lastinc,xp,yp,xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin
00043         common /sim fc2/ n,m,num(288),jl(288),jr(288),idic(288),
00044      &                   long(20000)
00045         common /sim ang/ sint,cost/sim len/nch,height
00046         common /str posn/ i pos set,frx,fry
00047         common /str limits/ offxmin,offxmax,offymin,offymax
00048         common /debug trace/ itrace
00049 c
00050         data flag/0./
00051 c
00052         xi = xcall
00053         yi = ycall
00054         go to 10
00055 c
00056         entry usimbol(xcall,ycall,hite,chars,theta,numch)
00057         entry usersimbol(xcall,ycall,hite,chars,theta,numch)
00058         call fr inches(xcall,ycall,xi,yi)
00059 c
00060 10      if (itrace.eq.1) write(2,*)'simbol:',
00061      &                           xi,yi,hite,chars(1:1),numch
00062         first10 = chars(1:min(10,abs(numch)))
00063         call routine id('simbol '//first10)
00064 c
00065         if (flag.eq.2.) return
00066 c
00067         if (flag.eq.0.) then
00068             n = 0
00069             call getfonts
00070             flag = 1.
00071             if (n.eq.0) then
00072                 flag = 2.
00073                 return
00074             end if
00075         end if
00076 c
00077         height = 0.04762*abs(hite)
00078 c       (factor is 1./21.)
00079 c
00080         xmax = -1.e10
00081         ymax = xmax
00082         xmin = -xmax
00083         ymin = xmin
00084         sint = sin(theta*.0174533)
00085         cost = cos(theta*.0174533)
00086         nch = iabs(numch)
00087         if( 'error: >1000 characters sent to simbol.'
00088         if(nch.eq.0)nch = 1000
00089 c
00090         if( pos
00091             call sim draw(xi,yi,chars,0,1)
00092             if(
00093 c
00094 c               n.b. numch < 0 takes precedence over strpos.
00095 c
00096                 dx = .5*(xmax+xmin)-xi
00097                 dy = .5*(ymax+ymin)-yi
00098             else
00099                 if(
00100                     dxs = (offxmin+(offxmax-offxmin)*frx)*height
00101                 else
00102                     dxs = 0.
00103                 end if
00104                 if(
00105                     dys = (offymin+(offymax-offymin)*fry)*height
00106                 else
00107                     dys = 0.
00108                 end if
00109                 dx = dxs*cost-dys*sint
00110                 dy = dxs*sint+dys*cost
00111             end if
00112             xmax = xmax-dx
00113             xmin = xmin-dx
00114             xp = xp-dx
00115             ymax = ymax-dy
00116             ymin = ymin-dy
00117             yp = yp-dy
00118             if(hite.le.0.)return
00119             call sim draw(xi-dx,yi-dy,chars,1,0)
00120         else
00121             if(hite.le.0.)call sim draw(xi,yi,chars,0,1)
00122             if( sim draw(xi,yi,chars,1,1)
00123         end if
00124 c
00125         end
00128         subroutine getfonts
00129         save
00130 c
00131 c       Read the SIMBOL fonts.
00132 c
00133         integer*2 n,m,num,jl,jr,idic,long
00134         common /sim fc2/ n,m,num(288),jl(288),jr(288),idic(288),
00135      &                   long(20000)
00136 c
00137         parameter (NDIR = 10)
00138         character*120 directory(NDIR)
00139         dimension ldir(NDIR)
00140 c
00141         parameter (IOPTION = 2)
00142 c
00143 c       Specify possible locations for the font file.
00144 c
00145         nd = NDIR
00146         call listdir(directory,ldir,nd,iunit)
00147 c
00148         if ( then
00149             write(6,*)'No free unit number!'
00150             return
00151         end if
00152 c
00153 c       Read the fonts.
00154 c
00155 20      do 50 idir=1,nd
00156             n = ldir(idir)
00157             if (n.le.0) go to 50
00158 c
00159 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00160 c
00161             if (IOPTION.eq.1) then
00162 c
00163 c               Old version:
00164 c               -----------
00165 c
00166                 open(iunit,status='old',form='unformatted',
00167      &               file=directory(idir)(1:n)//'/SIM.UNF',err=50)
00168                 read(iunit)n,m,num,jl,jr,idic,(long(i),i=1,m)
00169 c
00170             else if (IOPTION.eq.2) then
00171 c
00172 c               New version:
00173 c               -----------
00174 c
00175 c                write(6,*)idir,'. Trying font file ',
00176 c     &                    directory(idir)(1:n)//'/SIM.out'
00177 c
00178                 open(iunit,status='old',form='formatted',
00179      &               file=directory(idir)(1:n)//'/SIM.out',err=50)
00181                 read(iunit,*)n,m
00182 c       
00183                 j = 0
00184                 l = 1
00185 100             read(iunit,*,err=101,end=101)
00186                 read(iunit,*,err=101,end=101)
00187                 read(iunit,*,err=101,end=101)i1,i2,i3
00188                 j = j + 1
00189                 num(j) = i1
00190                 jl(j) = i2
00191                 jr(j) = i3
00192 c
00193                 if (num(j).gt.0) then
00194                     idic(j) = l
00195                     read(iunit,*)(long(k),k=l,l+num(j)-1)
00196                     l = l + num(j)
00197                 else
00198                     idic(j) = -1
00199                 end if
00200 c               
00201                 go to 100
00202 c
00203             else
00204                 go to 50
00205             end if
00206 c
00207 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00208 c
00209 101         close(iunit)
00210             return
00211 c
00212 50      continue
00213 c
00214         write(6,'(a)')'Can''t find the fonts!'
00215 c
00216         end
00219         subroutine listdir(directory,ldir,ndir,iunit)
00220         save
00221 c
00222 c       Make a list of places to look for useful files, and return
00223 c       a free unit number.  (Also used by fullhelp.)
00224 c
00225 c       On entry, ndir specifies the maximum allowable number of
00226 c       list entries.  On exit, it is the actual length of the list.
00227 c
00228         character*120 directory(ndir)
00229         dimension ldir(ndir)
00230         logical opened
00231 c
00232         if (ndir.le.0) return
00233 c
00234         do idir=1,min(6,ndir)
00235             directory(idir) = ' '
00236         end do
00237 c
00238 c       UNIX calls!
00239 c       ----------
00240 c
00241         nd = 1
00242         call mygetenv('MCD_FONT_DIR',directory(nd))
00243 c
00244 c       Now list various likely locations.  Note the order of precedence.
00245 c
00246         if ( then
00247             nd = nd + 1
00248             directory(nd) = '.'
00249         end if
00250 c
00251         if ( then
00252             nd = nd + 1
00253             directory(nd) = '..'
00254         end if
00255 c
00256         if ( then
00257             nd = nd + 1
00258             nd = nd + 1
00259             call mygetenv('HOME',directory(nd))
00260             do n=120,1,-1
00261                 if (directory(nd)(n:n).gt.' ') then
00262                     directory(nd)(n+1:n+4) = '/bin'
00263                     go to 20
00264                 end if
00265             end do
00266 20          continue
00267         end if
00268 c
00269         if ( then
00270             nd = nd + 1
00271             directory(nd) = '/usr/local/mcdraw'
00272         end if
00273 c
00274         if ( then
00275             nd = nd + 1
00276             directory(nd) = '/usr/local/mcdraw/libs'
00277         end if
00278 c
00279         if ( then
00280             nd = nd + 1
00281             directory(nd) = '/usr/local/mcdraw/draw'
00282         end if
00283 c
00284         if ( then
00285             nd = nd + 1
00286             call mygetenv('STARLAB_PATH',directory(nd))
00287             do n=120,1,-1
00288                 if (directory(nd)(n:n).gt.' ') then
00290                     directory(nd)(n+1:n+13) = '/src/gfx/libs'
00291 c
00292 c                   Add this for help documentation...
00293 c
00294                     nd = nd + 1
00295                     directory(nd) = directory(nd-1)
00296                     directory(nd)(n+1:n+13) = '/src/gfx/draw'
00297                     go to 30
00298                 end if
00299             end do
00300 30          continue
00301         end if
00302 c
00303         if ( then
00304             nd = nd + 1
00305             call mygetenv('SIM_FONT_DIR',directory(nd))
00306         end if
00307 c
00308         ndir = nd
00309 c
00310 c       Determine lengths of directory names.
00311 c
00312         do idir=1,nd
00313             do n=120,1,-1
00314                 if (directory(idir)(n:n).gt.' ') then
00315                     ldir(idir) = n
00316                     go to 50
00317                 end if
00318             end do
00319             ldir(idir) = 0
00320 50      end do
00322 c        do ii=1,nd
00323 c           write(6,*)ii,directory(ii)(1:ldir(ii))
00324 c        end do
00326 c
00327 c       Find a free unit number.
00328 c
00329         do 100 iunit=10,99
00330             inquire(iunit,opened=opened)
00331             if (.not.opened) go to 120
00332 100     continue
00333         iunit = -1
00334 c
00335 120     end
00338         block data sboxsetup
00339         save
00340         common /sboxdata/ iborder,ierase,fraction
00341         data iborder/0/ierase/0/fraction/.5/
00342         end
00345         subroutine sboxset(ib,ie,fr)
00346         save
00347         common /sboxdata/ iborder,ierase,fraction
00348 c
00349         iborder = ib
00350         ierase = ie
00351         if ( fraction = fr
00352 c
00353         end
00356         subroutine boxsim(x,y,ht,string,theta,nch)
00357         save
00358 c
00359 c       Same as "simbol," but optionally first erase the background
00360 c       and/or add a bounding box.
00361 c
00362         character*(*) string
00363 c
00364         common /sboxdata/ iborder,ierase,fraction
00365         common/fontc1/offx,offy,lastinc,xp,yp,xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin
00366         dimension xbox(4),ybox(4)
00367 c
00368         if ( then
00369 c
00370 c           Get string dimensions and location.
00371 c
00372             call simsize(ht,string,nch,dx,dy)
00373             call simbol(x,y,-ht,string,theta,nch)
00374             call simwhe(xp,yp)
00375 c
00376 c           String "end" (xp) includes some space.  Correct by adjusting dx.
00377 c
00378             dx = dx + .5*ht
00379 c
00380 c           Set up box containing the string.
00381 c
00382             cost = cos(3.14159*theta/180.)
00383             sint = sin(3.14159*theta/180.)
00384 c
00385             xbox(1) = xp - dx*cost
00386             xbox(2) = xp
00387             xbox(3) = xp - dy*sint
00388             xbox(4) = xp - dx*cost - dy*sint
00389             ybox(1) = yp - dx*sint
00390             ybox(2) = yp
00391             ybox(3) = yp + dy*cost
00392             ybox(4) = yp - dx*sint + dy*cost
00393 c
00394 c           Enlarge the box (anisotropically).
00395 c
00396 c           "Fraction" refers to the height direction.  Along the string,
00397 c           cap the enlargement at ht.
00398 c
00399             ddy = .5*fraction*dy
00400             ddx = max(ddy,min(.5*ht,.5*fraction*dx))
00401 c
00402             xbox(1) = xbox(1) - ddx*cost + ddy*sint
00403             xbox(2) = xbox(2) + ddx*cost + ddy*sint
00404             xbox(3) = xbox(3) + ddx*cost - ddy*sint
00405             xbox(4) = xbox(4) - ddx*cost - ddy*sint
00406 c
00407             ybox(1) = ybox(1) - ddx*sint - ddy*cost
00408             ybox(2) = ybox(2) + ddx*sint - ddy*cost
00409             ybox(3) = ybox(3) + ddx*sint + ddy*cost
00410             ybox(4) = ybox(4) - ddx*sint + ddy*cost
00411 c
00412 c           Add the embellishment(s).
00413 c
00414             if ( call polyerase(xbox,ybox,4)
00415             if ( call polydraw(xbox,ybox,4)
00416 c
00417         end if
00418 c
00419 c       Draw the string, as usual.
00420 c
00421         call simbol(x,y,ht,string,theta,nch)
00422 c
00423         end

Generated at Sun Feb 24 09:57:16 2002 for STARLAB by doxygen1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001