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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 c
00003 c       Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,
00004 c       by Steve McMillan, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
00005 c
00006 c       All rights reserved.
00007 c
00008 c       Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
00009 c       provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
00010 c       duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
00011 c       advertising materials, and other materials related to such
00012 c       distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
00013 c       by the author named above.
00014 c
00018 c
00020         subroutine plt3d(a,m,n,alt,az,xlen,xoff,ylen,yoff,zfac,zoff,ier)
00021         save
00022 c
00023 c---    3d plot routine, adapted from the SAS-3 routine of the same name.
00024 c
00025 c---    calling sequence:
00026 c       call plt3d (a,m,n,alt,az,xlen,xoff,ylen,yoff,zfac,zoff,ier)
00027 c
00028 c       a       - real data array, represents height of surface as
00029 c                 function of location in plane
00030 c       m,n     - dimensions of data array a
00031 c       alt, az - altitude, azimuth viewing angles in degrees
00032 c       xlen,ylen - length of unprojected x,y axes in inches
00033 c       xoff,yoff - offset of origin in inches
00034 c       zfac    - scaling of z-axis from data units to unprojected inches
00035 c       zoff    - offset of z-origin in user units
00036 c       ier     - returns 0 for no error
00037 c
00038 c       Altitude is measured from the x-y plane toward the positive z-axis.
00039 c       Azimuth is measured around the z-axis (as seen from above), 
00040 c       counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.
00041 c
00042 c       The origin (xoff, yoff), in screen coordinates, is the image of the
00043 c       point at the CENTER of the x-y grid and at a height zoff above it
00044 c       (in the units used for a).
00045 c
00046         dimension a(m,n)
00047 c
00048 c       Note that the original user-provided work arrays are now internal
00049 c       and static.
00050 c
00051         parameter (LDIM = 5000)
00052         dimension x(LDIM),y(LDIM)
00053 c
00054         common /plt3b/ a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,b4,zoff1
00055 c
00056         parameter (PI = 3.141592654, PIDEG = PI/180.)
00057 c
00058 c       Coordinate to plot conversions:
00059 c
00060 c               (1,1) <--> (xmin,ymin)
00061 c               (1,n) <--> (xmin,ymax)
00062 c               (m,1) <--> (xmax,ymin)
00063 c               (m,n) <--> (xmax,ymax)
00064 c
00065         xplot(i,j) = a1*i + a2*j + a3
00066         yplot(i,j) = b1*i + b2*j + b3*(a(i,j)-zoff1) + b4
00067 c
00068         lmax = 2*min(m,n)
00069         if ( then
00070             write(0,*)'PLT3D: Array too big!'
00071             ier = 2
00072             return
00073         end if
00074 c
00075         taz = az*PIDEG
00076         talt = alt*PIDEG
00077 c
00078         saz = sin(taz)
00079         caz = cos(taz)
00080         sal = sin(talt)
00081         cal = cos(talt)
00082 c
00083         xsc = xlen/float(m-1)
00084         ysc = ylen/float(n-1)
00085 c
00086 c       The viewing plane is such that the "horizontal" vector is
00087 c
00088 c           x' = (-saz, caz, 0),
00089 c
00090 c       and the "vertical" vector is
00091 c
00092 c           y' = (-sal*caz, -sal*saz, cal).
00093 c
00094         a1 = -saz*xsc
00095         a2 = caz*ysc
00096         a3 = xoff - 0.5*(a1*float(m+1)+a2*float(n+1))
00097         b1 = -caz*sal*xsc
00098         b2 = -saz*sal*ysc
00099         b3 = zfac*cal
00100         b4 = yoff - 0.5*(b1*float(m+1)+b2*float(n+1))
00101         zoff1 = zoff
00102 c
00103 c       Find which quadrant we are viewing from.
00104 c
00105         iaz = 1
00106         if (caz.le.0.0) iaz = iaz + 1
00107         if (saz.le.0.0) iaz = 5 - iaz
00108 c
00109 c       Choose the direction of traversal of the plot based on view angle.
00110 c
00111         if (iaz.eq.2.or.iaz.eq.3) then
00112             ifirst = 1
00113         else
00114             ifirst = m
00115         end if
00116         ilast = m + 1 - ifirst
00117         istep = sign(1,ilast-ifirst)
00118 c
00119         if ( then
00120             jfirst = 1
00121         else
00122             jfirst = n
00123         end if
00124         jlast = n + 1 - jfirst
00125         jstep = sign(1,jlast-jfirst)
00126 c
00127 c       Make sure the array sent to nxtvu is traversed from left to right.
00128 c
00129         if (iaz.eq.1.or.iaz.eq.3) then
00130             lli = -1
00131         else
00132             lli = 1
00133         end if
00134 c
00135 c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
00136 c
00137         ic = 0
00138         ibeg = ifirst+istep
00139 c
00140 c       Traverse the plot region in a zig-zag motion, transverse to the
00141 c       viewing direction (left to right), and from front to back.
00142 c       The plotting routine "nxtvu" takes care of hidden line removal.
00143 c
00144 c       First, deal with the "front" portion of the plot (i.e. nearest
00145 c       the viewer).
00146 c
00147  70     lnth = min(2*iabs(ibeg-ifirst)+1,lmax)
00148         if (lli.eq.-1) then
00149             ll = lnth + 1
00150         else
00151             ll = 0
00152         end if
00153 c
00154         i = ibeg
00155         j = jfirst
00156         ll = ll+lli
00157         x(ll) = xplot(i,j)
00158         y(ll) = yplot(i,j)
00159 c
00160  80     i = i-istep
00161         ll = ll+lli
00162         x(ll) = xplot(i,j)
00163         y(ll) = yplot(i,j)
00164         if ( then
00165             j = j+jstep
00166             ll = ll+lli
00167             x(ll) = xplot(i,j)
00168             y(ll) = yplot(i,j)
00169             if ( go to 80
00170         end if
00171 c
00172         call nxtvu(ic,x,y,lnth,ier)
00173         if ( return
00174         ic = 1
00175         if ( then
00176             ibeg = ibeg+istep
00177             go to 70
00178         end if
00179 c
00180 c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
00181 c
00182 c       Now do the "rear" half of the figure in the same manner.
00183 c
00184         jbeg = jfirst
00185 c
00186  100    lnth = min(2*iabs(jbeg-jlast)+1,lmax)
00187         if (lli.eq.-1) then
00188             ll = lnth + 1
00189         else
00190             ll = 0
00191         end if
00192 c
00193         i = ilast
00194         j = jbeg
00195         ll = ll+lli
00196         x(ll) = xplot(i,j)
00197         y(ll) = yplot(i,j)
00198 c
00199  110    j = j+jstep
00200         ll = ll+lli
00201         x(ll) = xplot(i,j)
00202         y(ll) = yplot(i,j)
00203         if ( then
00204             i = i-istep
00205             ll = ll+lli
00206             x(ll) = xplot(i,j)
00207             y(ll) = yplot(i,j)
00208             if ( go to 110
00209         end if
00210 c
00211         call nxtvu(1,x,y,lnth,ier)
00212         if ( return
00213         jbeg = jbeg+jstep
00214         if (jbeg.eq.jlast) return
00215         go to 100
00216 c
00217         end
00220         function xplot3d(x,y,z)
00221         save
00222 c
00223 c       Externally accessible version of the statement function in plt3d.
00224 c       This will work only AFTER plt3d has been used, as that routine
00225 c       sets up the common array.
00226 c
00227 c       The coordinates x and y are expected to range from 1 to m and
00228 c       1 to n, respectively.
00229 c
00230 c       Typical usage:  xx = xplot3d(float(i),float(j),array(i,j))
00231 c
00232 c       Note that z is not used.
00233 c
00234         common /plt3b/ a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,b4,zoff1
00235 c
00236         xplot3d = a1*x + a2*y + a3
00237 c
00238         end
00241         function yplot3d(x,y,z)
00242         save
00243 c
00244 c       Externally accessible version of the statement function in plt3d.
00245 c       This will work only AFTER plt3d has been used, as that routine
00246 c       sets up the common array.
00247 c
00248 c       The coordinates x and y are expected to range from 1 to m and
00249 c       1 to n, respectively.
00250 c
00251         common /plt3b/ a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,b4,zoff1
00252 c
00253 c       Typical usage:  yy = yplot3d(float(i),float(j),array(i,j))
00254 c
00255         yplot3d = b1*x + b2*y + b3*(z-zoff1) + b4
00256 c
00257         end

Generated at Sun Feb 24 09:57:11 2002 for STARLAB by doxygen1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001