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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 c
00003 c       Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,
00004 c       by Steve McMillan, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
00005 c
00006 c       All rights reserved.
00007 c
00008 c       Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
00009 c       provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
00010 c       duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
00011 c       advertising materials, and other materials related to such
00012 c       distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
00013 c       by the author named above.
00014 c
00018 c
00019 c         *************************************************************
00020 c         *                                                           *
00021 c         *    Initialization of mcpak and interface between it       *
00022 c         *    and any "local" plotting package:                      *
00023 c         *                                                           *
00024 c         *    ROUTINES mcinit(a), dev select(a), get device, weight, *
00025 c         *    pen (color), dev on, dev off, graphin, erase, clear,   *
00026 c         *    invert, polyfill, bounded, eop, mcquit, display text   *
00027 c         *    and plot.                                              *
00028 c         *                                                           *
00029 c         *    Also included are numbr and symbl, which use the       *
00030 c         *    external number and symbol routines (if any) to mimic  *
00031 c         *    the nomber and simbol calling conventions.             *
00032 c         *                                                           *
00033 c         *    For portability, no other plotting routine should      *
00034 c         *    ever call the external routines directly. instead,     *
00035 c         *    use plot, numbr, symbl, clear, etc.                    *
00036 c         *                                                           *
00037 c         *                                                           *
00038 c         *    (The above-named routines are now split among          *
00039 c         *     several source file.)                                 *
00040 c         *                                                           *
00041 c         *************************************************************
00042 c
00043         subroutine mcinit
00044         save
00045 c
00046 c       Initialize device, clear screen, establish plotting
00047 c       area, aspect ratio, etc.
00048 c
00049         character*80 device
00050         character *(*) dev
00051         common /plot sizes/ xsize,ysize
00052         common /plot device/ device,aspect,idev
00053         common /framesize/ nxpix,nx0,xfac,nypix,ny0,yfac
00054         common /ncar/ nxpix1,nypix1,nx01,ny01,xfac1,yfac1
00055         common /plain font/ wid
00056         common /dev status/ idevon,idevpen,idevwt
00057         common /dev details/ itek,ivers
00058         common /sunscreen/ isun
00059         common /plot offset/ iin
00060 c
00061         logical set
00062 c
00063         common /dev init/ init
00064         data init/0/
00065 c
00066 c
00067 c       Entry points:
00068 c
00069 c               mcinit:  set up graphics, prompt for device
00070 c                                         (or get from environment)
00071 c               mcinita: set up graphics, take device as argument
00072 c
00073 c               devselect:  don't change graphic state, prompt for device
00074 c                                                 (or get from environment)
00075 c               devselecta: don't change graphic state, take device as
00076 c                                                               argument
00077 c
00078 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00079 c
00080         device=' '
00081         go to 50
00082 c
00083 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00084 c
00085         entry mcinita(dev)
00086         device=dev
00087 c
00088 50      if ( return
00089         call plot setup
00090 c
00091         iclr=1
00092         if ( iclr=0
00093         init=1
00094         iin=1
00095         call init chars
00096         go to 100
00097 c
00098 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00099 c
00100         entry dev selecta(dev)
00101         device=dev
00102         go to 75
00103 c
00104 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00105 c
00106         entry dev select
00107         device=' '
00108 c
00109 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00110 c
00111 75      iin=2
00112         init = 1
00113         call devoff
00114 c
00115 c       Most devices are simply "on" or "off" and have only one display.
00116 c       Some combinations of devices are allowed, others are forbidden.
00117 c
00118 c       Presently, allow an arbitrary number of X windows,
00119 c                  only have one PostScript file open at a time (but
00120 c                       do allow it to remain open when X is selected),
00121 c                  on return to an open PostScript file, append to it,
00122 c                  don't allow any other output channel if "Sun" is used.
00123 c
00124 c       These combinations are mainly handled in getdevice.
00125 c
00126         if (idev.eq.5.or.idev.eq.6) then
00127 c
00128 c           Clean up the HP plotter.
00129 c
00130             write(6,80)27,27
00131 80          format(1x,a1,'.Y',a1,'.L')
00132             read(5,*)idummy
00133             call devoff
00134 c
00135         end if
00136 c
00137 100     idevwt = 1
00138         if ( idevpen = 0
00139 c
00140 c       Determine the new device.
00141 c
00142         call get device
00143 c
00144 c       Restore old settings:
00145 c
00146         call weight(idevwt)
00147         if ( call pen(idevpen)
00148 c
00149 c       (These is necessary because idevwt, idevpen may be set by getdevice.)
00150 c
00151         if (itek.eq.1.and.iclr.eq.1) then
00152             call devon
00153             call clear
00154             call devoff
00155         end if
00156 c
00157 c       Force ysize/xsize = aspect ratio, so coordinate angles = physical ones.
00158 c
00159         ysize=xsize*aspect
00160         xfac=nxpix/xsize
00161         yfac=nypix/ysize
00162         if (idev.eq.2) then
00163             xfac1=nxpix1/xsize
00164             yfac1=nypix1/ysize
00165         end if
00166 c
00167 c       Be careful setting up default "frame" options, as these
00168 c       may reset the graphics in an unwanted manner.
00169 c
00170         if ( return
00171 c
00172         call gethset(set)
00173         if (.not.set) call sethts(.25,.2)
00174 c
00175         call getmset(set)
00176         if (.not.set) call setmod(0,1,0,0,0)
00177 c
00178         call setlhe(0.)
00179 c
00180         call getfset(set)
00181         if (.not.set) then
00182             call setxtf
00183             if (itek.eq.1) call setpln
00184         end if
00185 c
00186         end

Generated at Sun Feb 24 09:57:09 2002 for STARLAB by doxygen1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001