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00019 //............................................................................
00020 //   version 1:  July 1989   Piet Hut               email: piet@iassns.bitnet
00021 //                           Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA
00022 //   version 2:  Dec 1992   Piet Hut  --  adopted to the new C++-based starlab
00023 //............................................................................
00024 //    litt: S.J. Aarseth, M. Henon and R. Wielen (1974),
00025 //          Astron. and Astrophys. 37, p. 183.
00026 //............................................................................
00028 #include "dyn.h"
00030 #ifdef TOOLBOX
00032 #define  MFRAC_DEFAULT  0.999                 // radial cutoff               
00033 #define  RFRAC_DEFAULT  22.8042468            // corresponding radial cutoff 
00034                                               //   (not used right now)      
00035 #define  SEED_STRING_LENGTH  60
00037 local void  mkplummer(dyn * b, int n, real mfrac, real rfrac, bool u_flag)
00038 {
00039     int  i;
00041     real  partmass;                // equal mass of each particle            
00042     real  radius;                  // absolute value of position vector      
00043     real  velocity;                // absolute value of velocity vector      
00044     real  theta, phi;              // direction angles of above vectors      
00045     real  x, y;                    // for use in rejection technique         
00046     real  scalefactor;             // for converting between different units 
00047     real  inv_scalefactor;         // inverse scale factor                   
00048     real  sqrt_scalefactor;        // sqare root of scale factor             
00049     real  mrfrac;                  // m( rfrac )                             
00050     real  m_min, m_max;            // mass shell limits for quiet start      
00051     dyn * bi;
00053     b->set_mass(1.0);
00054     partmass = 1.0 / ((real) n);
00056 //  Calculating the coordinates is easiest in STRUCTURAL units;
00057 //  conversion to VIRIAL units will be performed below.
00058 //
00059 //   Recipe for scaling to the proper system of units:
00060 //
00061 //  Since G = M = 1, if we switch from a coordinate system with
00062 //  length unit  r_old  to a coordinate system with length unit  r_new ,
00063 //  the length units simply scale by a factor  C = r_new / r_old .
00064 //  Consequently, the coordinate values of physical quantities
00065 //  such as positions should transform inversely to maintain the same
00066 //  coordinate-invariant meaning. Similarly, the square of the velocities
00067 //  should transform inversely proportional to the positions,
00068 //  since  GM = 1  (cf. a relation such as  v*v = G*M/r ).
00069 //
00070 //  To summarize: If
00071 //                       r_unit(new) = C * r_unit(old)  ,
00072 //                then
00073 //                       pos(new) = (1/C) * pos(old)
00074 //                and
00075 //                       vel(new) = sqrt(C) * vel(old)  .
00077     scalefactor = 16.0 / (3.0 * PI);
00078     inv_scalefactor = 1.0 / scalefactor;
00079     sqrt_scalefactor = sqrt( scalefactor );
00081     // Now convert  rfrac  into an equivalent mfrac, if necessary:
00083     if (rfrac < VERY_LARGE_NUMBER) { // Note: the following powers can cause
00084                                      // problems on some compilers...
00086         rfrac *= scalefactor;        // Convert from VIRIAL to STRUCTURAL units
00087         mrfrac = rfrac*rfrac*rfrac / pow(1.0 + rfrac*rfrac, 1.5);
00088         if (mrfrac < mfrac)
00089             mfrac = mrfrac;          // mfrac = min(mfrac, m(rfrac))
00090     }
00093     // Now construct the individual particles.  Note that the "raw"
00094     // Plummer model has a virial radius of approximately 1.695 units
00095     // and is close to virial equilibrium.  Include this factor so
00096     // that the unscaled model (-u) is already almost in standard
00097     // units.
00099     real xfac = 1/1.695;
00100     real vfac = 1/sqrt(xfac);
00102     for (i = 0, bi = b->get_oldest_daughter(); i < n;
00103          i++, bi = bi->get_younger_sister()) {
00105         bi->set_mass(partmass);
00107         // The position coordinates are determined by inverting the cumulative
00108         // mass-radius relation, with the cumulative mass drawn randomly from
00109         // [0, mfrac]; cf. Aarseth et al. (1974), eq. (A2).
00111         m_min = (i * mfrac)/n;
00112         m_max = ((i+1) * mfrac)/n;
00113         real rrrr = randinter(m_min, m_max);
00114         radius = xfac / sqrt( pow (rrrr, -2.0/3.0) - 1.0);
00116         // Note that this procedure arranges the particles approximately
00117         // in order of increasing distance fro the cluster center, which may
00118         // sometimes be desirable, and sometimes not.  Extra option added
00119         // by Steve (7/99) to allow radii to be randomized (reshuffled).
00121         theta = acos(randinter(-1.0, 1.0));
00122         phi = randinter(0.0, TWO_PI);
00124         bi->set_pos(vector(radius * sin( theta ) * cos( phi ),
00125                            radius * sin( theta ) * sin( phi ),
00126                            radius * cos( theta )));
00128         // The velocity coordinates are determined using von Neumann's
00129         // rejection technique, cf. Aarseth et al. (1974), eq. (A4,5).
00130         // First we take initial values for x, the ratio of velocity and
00131         // escape velocity (q in Aarseth et al.), and y, as a trick to
00132         // enter the body of the while loop.
00134         x = 0.0;
00135         y = 0.1;
00137         // Then we keep spinning the random number generator until we find a
00138         // pair of values (x,y), so that y < g(x) = x*x*pow( 1.0 - x*x, 3.5).
00139         // Whenever an y-value lies above the g(x) curve, the (x,y) pair is
00140         // discarded, and a new pair is selected. The value 0.1 is chosen as
00141         // a good upper limit for g(x) in [0,1] : 0.1 > max g(x) = 0.092 for
00142         // 0 < x < 1.
00144         while (y > x*x*pow( 1.0 - x*x, 3.5)) {
00145             x = randinter(0.0,1.0);
00146             y = randinter(0.0,0.1);
00147         }
00149         // If y < g(x), proceed to calculate the velocity components:
00151         velocity = vfac* x * sqrt(2.0) * pow( 1.0 + radius*radius, -0.25);
00152         theta = acos(randinter(-1.0, 1.0));
00153         phi = randinter(0.0,TWO_PI);
00155         bi->set_vel(vector(velocity * sin( theta ) * cos( phi ),
00156                            velocity * sin( theta ) * sin( phi ),
00157                            velocity * cos( theta )));
00158     }
00160     // Transform to center-of-mass coordinates, and scale to standard
00161     // parameters, assuming a softening parameter of zero.
00163     b->to_com();
00165     putrq(b->get_log_story(), "initial_mass", 1.0);
00167     if (!u_flag && n > 1) {
00169         real kinetic, potential;
00171         get_top_level_energies(b, 0.0, potential, kinetic);
00172         scale_virial(b, -0.5, potential, kinetic);      // scales kinetic
00173         real energy = kinetic + potential;
00174         scale_energy(b, -0.25, energy);                 // scales energy
00176         putrq(b->get_log_story(), "initial_rvirial", 1.0);
00177         putrq(b->get_dyn_story(), "initial_total_energy", -0.25);
00178     }
00179 }
00181 local void swap(dyn* bi, dyn* bj)
00182 {
00183     if (bi != bj) {
00185         real mass  = bi->get_mass();
00186         vector pos = bi->get_pos();
00187         vector vel = bi->get_vel();
00189         bi->set_mass(bj->get_mass());
00190         bi->set_pos(bj->get_pos());
00191         bi->set_vel(bj->get_vel());
00193         bj->set_mass(mass);
00194         bj->set_pos(pos);
00195         bj->set_vel(vel);
00196     }
00197 }
00199 // Original reshuffling code was O(N^2)!  Modified by Steve, July 2000.
00201 local void reshuffle_all(dyn* b, int n)
00202 {
00203     // Reorder the tree by swapping mass, pos, and vel of each node
00204     // with a randomly chosen node.
00206     // First make a list of nodes.
00208     int i = 0;
00209     dynptr *list = new dynptr[n];
00210     for_all_daughters(dyn, b, bi)
00211         list[i++] = bi;
00213     // Then go down the list and randomize.
00215     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
00216         swap(list[i], list[(int)randinter(0, n)]);
00218     delete [] list;
00219 }
00221 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00222 //  main  --
00223 //      usage:
00224 //                mkplummer -n# [options]  ,
00225 // 
00226 //            where # is the number of bodies in the Nbody system.
00227 //    options:
00228 //            The following options are allowed:
00229 //       seed:
00230 //            -s #   where # stands for an integer either in the range
00231 //                   [1,2147483647], or # = 0 which causes a seed to be
00232 //                   chosen as the value of the UNIX clock in seconds; this
00233 //                   guarantees that no two calls will give the same value for
00234 //                   the seed if they are more than 2.0 seconds apart.
00235 //     cutoff:
00236 //            -m #   mass fraction of the (infinitely extended) Plummer model
00237 //            -r #   radius fraction of the (infinitely extended) Plummer model
00238 //
00239 //            If the mass fraction and radius fraction are both 1.0 then 
00240 //            particles will be sprinkled in all over space. If mfrac < 1.0 or
00241 //            rfrac < 1.0 then each particle is constrained to lie within
00242 //            both the radial and (cumulative) mass bound.
00243 //               For example, if rfrac( mfrac ) > rfrac then rfrac is the 
00244 //            limiting factor, but if rfrac( mfrac ) < rfrac then mfrac limits
00245 //            the extent of the Plummer realization.
00246 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00248 main(int argc, char ** argv)
00249 {
00250     int  i;
00251     int  n;
00252     int  input_seed, actual_seed;
00253     real  mfrac;
00254     real  rfrac;
00256     bool  c_flag = false;
00257     bool  i_flag = false;
00258     bool  m_flag = false;
00259     bool  n_flag = false;
00260     bool  o_flag = false;
00261     bool  r_flag = false;
00262     bool  R_flag = true;
00263     bool  s_flag = false;
00264     bool  u_flag = false;
00266     char  *comment;
00267     char  seedlog[SEED_STRING_LENGTH];
00269     check_help();
00271     extern char *poptarg;
00272     int c;
00273     char* param_string = "c:im:n:os:r:Ru";
00275     mfrac = rfrac = VERY_LARGE_NUMBER;
00277     while ((c = pgetopt(argc, argv, param_string)) != -1)
00278         switch(c) {
00280             case 'c': c_flag = TRUE;
00281                       comment = poptarg;
00282                       break;
00283             case 'i': i_flag = TRUE;
00284                       break;
00285             case 'm': m_flag = TRUE;
00286                       mfrac = atof(poptarg);
00287                       break;
00288             case 'n': n_flag = TRUE;
00289                       n = atoi(poptarg);
00290                       break;
00291             case 'o': o_flag = TRUE;
00292                       break;
00293             case 'r': r_flag = TRUE;
00294                       rfrac = atof(poptarg);
00295                       break;
00296             case 'R': R_flag = !R_flag;
00297                       break;
00298             case 's': s_flag = TRUE;
00299                       input_seed = atoi(poptarg);
00300                       break;
00301             case 'u': u_flag = TRUE;
00302                       break;
00303             case '?': params_to_usage(cerr, argv[0], param_string);
00304                       get_help();
00305                       exit(1);
00306         }            
00308     if (!n_flag) {
00309         cerr << "mkplummer: specify the number # of";
00310         cerr << " particles with -n#\n";
00311         exit(1);
00312     }
00314     dyn *b, *by, *bo;
00315     b = new dyn();
00317     if (n > 0) {
00318         bo = new dyn();
00319         if (i_flag)
00320             bo->set_label(1);
00321         b->set_oldest_daughter(bo);
00322         bo->set_parent(b);
00323     }
00325     for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
00326         by = new dyn();
00327         if (i_flag)
00328             by->set_label(i+1);
00329         by->set_parent(b);
00330         bo->set_younger_sister(by);
00331         by->set_elder_sister(bo);
00332         bo = by;
00333     }
00335     if (c_flag == TRUE)
00336         b->log_comment(comment);
00337     b->log_history(argc, argv);
00339     if (s_flag == FALSE)
00340         input_seed = 0;                                 // default
00341     actual_seed = srandinter(input_seed);
00343     if (o_flag) cerr << "mkplummer: random seed = " << actual_seed << endl;
00345     sprintf(seedlog, "       random number generator seed = %d",actual_seed);
00346     b->log_comment(seedlog);
00348     if (m_flag == FALSE && r_flag == FALSE)
00349         mfrac = MFRAC_DEFAULT;                           // default
00351     if (n != 0) {
00352         mkplummer(b, n, mfrac, rfrac, u_flag);
00353         if (R_flag) reshuffle_all(b, n);
00354     }
00356     put_node(cout, *b);
00357     rmtree(b);
00358 }
00360 #endif
00362 // end of: mkplummer.C

Generated at Sun Feb 24 09:57:08 2002 for STARLAB by doxygen1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001