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Go to the documentation of this file.
00028 //.............................................................................
00029 //    version 1:  Dec 2000   Piet Hut
00030 //.............................................................................
00031 //  see also: lagradplot.C
00032 //.............................................................................
00034 #include "dyn.h"
00036 #ifdef TOOLBOX
00038 #define  MAX_NUMBER_OF_INPUT_LINES     100
00039 #define  MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS         180
00040 #define  MAX_NUMBER_OF_OUTPUT_COLUMNS   79
00042 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00043 //  use_square_window_smoothing  --  to smooth Lagrangian radii output
00044 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00046 void  use_square_window_smoothing(
00047 char in_screen[MAX_NUMBER_OF_INPUT_LINES][MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS], int w)
00048     {
00049     int c;
00050     int i, j;
00051     int k;
00052     int w_tot;
00053     w_tot = 0;
00054     real radius[12];
00055     for (i= 0; i < 12; i++)
00056         radius[i] = 0;
00058     bool input_flag;
00059     bool one_flag;
00060     bool two_flag;
00061     bool five_flag;
00062     for (i= 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_INPUT_LINES; i++)
00063         {
00064         k = 2;
00065         input_flag = FALSE; 
00066         one_flag = FALSE; 
00067         two_flag = FALSE; 
00068         five_flag = FALSE; 
00069         for (j= 0; j < MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS; j++)
00070             {
00071             while (in_screen[i][j] == ' ' && j + 1 < MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS)
00072                 j++;
00073             if (in_screen[i][j] == '`')
00074                 {
00075                 input_flag = TRUE;
00076                 radius[0] += j;
00077                 one_flag = TRUE;
00078                 }
00079             if (in_screen[i][j] == '\"')
00080                 {
00081                 input_flag = TRUE;
00082                 if (! one_flag)
00083                     {
00084                     radius[0] += j;
00085                     one_flag = TRUE;
00086                     }
00087                 radius[1] += j;
00088                 two_flag = TRUE;
00089                 }
00090             if (in_screen[i][j] == ':')
00091                 {
00092                 input_flag = TRUE;
00093                 if (! one_flag)
00094                     {
00095                     radius[0] += j;
00096                     one_flag = TRUE;
00097                     }
00098                 if (! two_flag)
00099                     {
00100                     radius[1] += j;
00101                     two_flag = TRUE;
00102                     }
00103                 radius[2] += j;
00104                 five_flag = TRUE;
00105                 }
00106             if (in_screen[i][j] == '|')
00107                 {
00108                 input_flag = TRUE;
00109                 k++;
00110                 if (! one_flag)
00111                     {
00112                     radius[0] += j;
00113                     one_flag = TRUE;
00114                     }
00115                 if (! two_flag)
00116                     {
00117                     radius[1] += j;
00118                     two_flag = TRUE;
00119                     }
00120                 if (! five_flag)
00121                     {
00122                     radius[2] += j;
00123                     five_flag = TRUE;
00124                     }
00125                 radius[k] += j;
00126                 }
00127             if (in_screen[i][j] == 'X')
00128                 {
00129                 input_flag = TRUE;
00130                 k++;
00131                 if (! one_flag)
00132                     {
00133                     radius[0] += j;
00134                     one_flag = TRUE;
00135                     }
00136                 if (! two_flag)
00137                     {
00138                     radius[1] += j;
00139                     two_flag = TRUE;
00140                     }
00141                 if (! five_flag)
00142                     {
00143                     radius[2] += j;
00144                     five_flag = TRUE;
00145                     }
00146                 radius[k] += j;
00147                 k++;
00148                 radius[k] += j;
00149                 }
00150             if (in_screen[i][j] == '@')
00151                 {
00152                 input_flag = TRUE;
00153                 k++;
00154                 if (! one_flag)
00155                     {
00156                     radius[0] += j;
00157                     one_flag = TRUE;
00158                     }
00159                 if (! two_flag)
00160                     {
00161                     radius[1] += j;
00162                     two_flag = TRUE;
00163                     }
00164                 if (! five_flag)
00165                     {
00166                     radius[2] += j;
00167                     five_flag = TRUE;
00168                     }
00169                 radius[k] += j;
00170                 k++;
00171                 radius[k] += j;
00172                 k++;
00173                 radius[k] += j;  /* hoping that there are no more than 3     */
00174                                  /* points involved; this is uncertain       */
00175                 }
00176             }
00177         if (input_flag)
00178             w_tot++;
00179         }
00181 //    cerr << "w_tot = " << w_tot << "\n";
00183     for (i= 0; i < 12; i++)
00184         radius[i] /= w_tot;
00186     j = 0;
00187     k = 3;
00188     while (j < MAX_NUMBER_OF_OUTPUT_COLUMNS)
00189         {
00190         if (radius[3] > j + 0.5)
00191             {
00192             if (radius[2] <= j + 0.5 && radius[2] > j - 0.5)
00193                 printf(":");
00194             else if (radius[1] <= j + 0.5 && radius[1] > j - 0.5)
00195                 printf("\"");
00196             else if (radius[0] <= j + 0.5 && radius[0] > j - 0.5)
00197                 printf("`");
00198             else
00199                 printf(" ");
00200             }
00201         else
00202             {
00203             if (radius[k] <= j + 0.5 && radius[k] > j - 0.5)
00204                 {
00205                 k++;
00206                 if (radius[k] > j + 0.5)
00207                     printf("|");
00208                 else if (radius[k + 1] > j + 0.5)
00209                     {
00210                     k++;
00211                     printf("X");
00212                     }
00213                 else
00214                     {
00215                     k++;
00216                     k++;
00217                     printf("@");
00218                     }
00219                 }
00220             else
00221                 printf(" ");
00222             }
00223         j++;
00224         }
00225     printf("\n");
00226     }
00228 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00229 //  main
00230 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00232 main(int argc, char ** argv)
00233 {
00234     char  *comment;
00235     bool  c_flag = FALSE;      /* if TRUE: a comment given on command line   */
00236     bool  w_flag = FALSE;      /* if TRUE: followed by the number of         */
00237                                /*          snapshots over which to           */
00238                                /*          average in a square window        */
00239     check_help();
00241     extern char *poptarg;
00242     int c;
00243     char* param_string = "c:w:";
00245     int w;
00247     while ((c = pgetopt(argc, argv, param_string)) != -1)
00248         switch(c)
00249             {
00250             case 'c': c_flag = TRUE;
00251                       comment = poptarg;
00252                       break;
00253             case 'w': w_flag = TRUE;
00254                       w = atoi(poptarg);
00255                       break;
00256             case '?': params_to_usage(cerr, argv[0], param_string);
00257                       get_help();
00258                       exit(1);
00259             }            
00261     if (w > MAX_NUMBER_OF_INPUT_LINES)
00262         {
00263         cerr << "lagradplotsmooth: w = " << w << " > " <<
00264                 MAX_NUMBER_OF_INPUT_LINES << " (maximum value)\n";
00265         exit(1);
00266         }
00269     int  i,j;
00270     for (i= 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_INPUT_LINES; i++)
00271         for (j= 0; j < MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS; j++)
00272             in_screen[i][j] = ' ';        
00274     c = 1;
00276     int local_w;
00278     while (c != EOF)
00279         {
00280         local_w = w;
00281         i = 0;
00282         while (local_w && c != EOF)
00283             {
00284 //cerr << "w = " << w << "\n";
00285             j = 0;
00286             c = getchar();
00287             while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
00288                 {
00289                 in_screen[i][j++] = c;
00290                 c = getchar();
00291                 }
00292             i++;
00293             local_w--;
00294             }
00296         if (c != EOF)
00297             use_square_window_smoothing(in_screen, w);
00298         }
00299     }
00301 #endif
00303 // endof: lagradplot.C

Generated at Sun Feb 24 09:57:07 2002 for STARLAB by doxygen1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001