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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 c
00003 c       Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,
00004 c       by Steve McMillan, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
00005 c
00006 c       All rights reserved.
00007 c
00008 c       Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
00009 c       provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
00010 c       duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
00011 c       advertising materials, and other materials related to such
00012 c       distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
00013 c       by the author named above.
00014 c
00018 c
00020         subroutine labels(xctit,yctit)
00021         save
00022 c       
00023         character*(*) xctit,yctit
00024 c       
00025         common /scales/ xl,xr,dinchx,ybot,ytop,dinchy,rlen,slen
00026         common /fr hts/htl,htn
00027         common /fontc1/ dum2(5),rmax,rmin,smax,smin
00028         common /fr xnums/ xnumbot
00029         common /fr ylab pos/ slab
00030         common /fr rotn/ irot
00031         common /fr setax/ kax,lax
00032         common /dev details/ itek,ivers
00033         common /debug trace/ itrace
00034         common /fr conf/ scent,rnuml,rnumr,snumt,snumb,
00035      &                     dsnums,jrot,stopnum
00036 c       
00037         parameter (kountmax = 1)
00038 c       
00039         logical debug
00040         data debug/.false./
00041 c       
00042 c       Label axes with extended font set.  S/R fr spaces now looks for 
00043 c       five spaces or a non-printing character to terminate the string.
00044 c       
00045 c       As specified, label sizes are both determined by htl.  Allow the
00046 c       labels to be rescaled by embedding a '!scale!' at the start.
00047 c
00048 c       Note that this routine makes no permanent changes to pen/font size,
00049 c       etc.  It is assumed that these have already been set up in advance.
00050 c
00051 c       First, the x-label.
00052 c       ------------------
00053 c       
00054         call fr spaces(xctit,nxtit)
00055 c       
00056         if ( then
00057 c           
00058 c           Plot the x-label
00059 c           
00060             lx = len(xctit)
00061 c           
00062 c           Check for embedded rescaling.
00063 c           
00064             call lscale(xctit,nxtit,factor,ifirst)
00065             htlsave = htl
00066             htl = htl*factor
00067             nxtit = nxtit - ifirst + 1
00068 c           
00069 c           Determine the extent of the label.
00070 c           
00071             call simbol(0.,0.,-htl,xctit(ifirst:lx),0.,nxtit)
00072             siml = rmax-rmin
00073             simh = smax-smin
00074 c           
00075 c           Dimensions of the label are siml wide by simh high.
00076 c           
00077             if ( then
00078                 htl = htl*rlen/siml
00079                 simh = simh*rlen/siml
00080             end if
00081             xltop = xnumbot-.3*(htn+htl)
00082             simbot = xltop-sihm
00083 c           
00084 c           Draw the label.
00085 c           
00086             call getbot(spbot)
00087             if ( = htl*(xltop-spbot)/simh
00088             call strpos(.5,1.)
00089             if (itrace.eq.1) write(2,*)'x call to simbol:',
00090      &              .5*rlen,xltop,htl,xctit(ifirst:ifirst+nxtit-1)
00091             call simbol(.5*rlen,xltop,htl,xctit(ifirst:lx),0.,nxtit)
00092             call clrstr
00093 c           
00094             htl = htlsave
00095         end if
00096 c       
00097 c       Now for the y-label.
00098 c       -------------------
00099 c       
00100         if ( return
00101 c       
00102         if (debug) write(6,*)'y-label...'
00103         kount = 0
00104         ileadsp = 0
00105         inbl = 1
00106         ly = len(yctit)
00107         htlsave = htl
00108 c       
00109 c       Convention:  leading spaces in yctit
00110 c        =  = > strip and plot the label VERTICALLY.
00111 c       
00112         call fr spaces(yctit,nytit)
00113         do 100 inbl = 1,nytit
00114             if (yctit(inbl:inbl).gt.' ') go to 110
00115 100     continue
00116         go to 500
00117 c       
00118 110     if ( then
00119             ileadsp = 1
00120             nytit = nytit-inbl+1
00121         end if
00122 c       
00123 c       Check for embedded rescaling.
00124 c       
00125         call lscale(yctit(inbl:inbl+nytit-1),nytit,factor,ifirst)
00126         htl = htl*factor
00127         inbl = inbl + ifirst - 1
00128         nytit = nytit - ifirst + 1
00129 c       
00130 c       Determine the extent of the label.
00131 c       
00132         call simbol(0.,0.,-htl,yctit(inbl:ly),0.,nytit)
00133         siml = rmax - rmin
00134         simh = smax - smin
00135 c       
00136 c       Dimensions of the label are siml wide by simh high.
00137 c       Now determine its left and right edges.  Note that this uses
00138 c       information returned by the last calls to the number-drawing
00139 c       routines used by eframe:
00140 c       
00141 c       rnuml = the left-most extent of the numeric labels
00142 c       rnumr = the right-most extent of the numeric labels
00143 c       scent = the vertical center of the box
00144 c       snumb = the level of the next numeric label below the center
00145 c       snumt = the level of the next numeric label above the center
00146 c       dsnums = the vertical label spacing
00147 c       stopnum = the level of the top numeric label
00148 c       jrot = 1 iff the numeric labels are drawn vertically
00149 c       
00150         if (debug) write(6,*)'lax,ileadsp,siml,irot,nytit = ',
00151      &          lax,ileadsp,siml,irot,nytit
00153         if (lax.le.1) then
00154             rttlmax = rnuml-.5*htn
00155             call getlhe(rttlmin)
00156             rttlmin = max(rttlmin,-.3*rlen)
00157         else
00158             rttlmin = rnumr+.5*htn
00159             call getrhe(rttlmax)
00160             rttlmax = min(rttlmax,1.3*rlen)
00161         end if
00162 c       
00163 c       The basic dimensions of the label layout are now set.
00164 c       
00165 c       See if the user wants a horizontal label.
00166 c       
00167         if (ileadsp.eq.0.and.irot.eq.0
00168      &          .and.(siml.le.7.5*simh.or.siml.le..25*slen)) go to 300
00169 c       
00170 c       Plot the y-label vertically
00171 c       
00172 200     slab = scent
00173         if (lax.le.1) then
00174             rlab = rttlmax-simh
00175             rlablhs = rttlmax-2.*simh
00176             rlabrhs = rlab
00177         else
00178             rlab = rttlmin+simh
00179             rlablhs = rlab
00180             rlabrhs = rttlmin+2.*simh
00181         end if
00182 c       
00183 c       Check label positioning.
00184 c       
00185         if (debug) write(6,*)'Checking position for vertical label...'
00186         if ( then
00187             drwant = rttlmax-rttlmin
00188             if (drwant.le..25*simh.and.( then
00189                 call display text('No room for the y-label.',24)
00190                 go to 500
00191             end if
00192             if (debug) write(6,*)'simh,drwant,htn  = ',simh,drwant,htn
00193             if (*htn) then
00194                 if (lax.le.1) then
00195                     rlab = rttlmin+.5*simh
00196                 else
00197                     rlab = rttlmax-.5*simh
00198                 end if
00199             else
00200                 htl = htl*drwant/simh
00201                 siml = siml*drwant/simh
00202                 rlab = .5*(rttlmin+rttlmax)
00203             end if
00204         end if
00205 c       
00206         if ( = htl*slen/siml
00207         th = 90.
00208         if ( th = -th
00209         if (debug) write(6,*)'th = ',th
00210 c       
00211         go to 400
00212 c       
00213 c       Try to make the y-label horizontal.
00214 c       ----------------------------------
00215 c       
00216 c       First, check vertical positioning
00217 c       
00218 300     slab = scent
00219         imovr = 0
00220         if (debug) write(6,*)'At 300: jrot = ',jrot
00221 c       
00222         if (jrot.eq.0) then
00223 c           
00224 c           Horizontal numerical labels.
00225 c           
00226             if (min(snumt-scent,scent-snumb).gt.1.5*(simh+htn))
00227      &              go to 350
00228 c           
00229             slab = .5*(snumb+snumt)
00230             if ( then
00231                 snumb = snumb+dsnums
00232                 snumt = snumt+dsnums
00233                 slab = slab+dsnums
00234             end if
00235             sclear = min(snumt-slab-.5*simh,slab-snumb-.5*simh)
00236             if (*simh) go to 350
00237         end if
00238 c       
00239 c       Not enough clearance to move right(left): put label's r(l)h edge
00240 c       at l(r)h edge of numbers
00241 c       
00242         rright = rttlmax
00243         rleft = rttlmin
00244         go to 360
00245 c       
00246 c       Label can be moved right(left).
00247 c       
00248 350     if (debug) write(6,*)'At 350: Move right...'
00249         if (lax.le.1) then
00250             rright = rttlmax
00251             if (*htl) rright = .75*rnuml
00252             rleft = rright-siml
00253             if ( = rnuml+siml
00254         else
00255             dr = rnumr-slen
00256             rleft = rttlmin
00257             if (*htl) rleft = rnumr-.25*dr
00258             rright = rleft + siml
00259             if ( = rnumr-siml
00260         end if
00261 c       
00262         imovr = 1
00263 c       
00264 c       Right(left)-hand edge of label is now set.  Check the left(right) end.
00265 c       
00266 360     if (lax.le.1) then
00267             room = rright-rttlmin
00268         else
00269             room = rttlmax-rleft
00270         end if
00271         if (debug) write(6,*)'room = ',room
00272 c       
00273         if ( then
00274             kount = kount+1
00275             if (kount.le.kountmax) then
00276                 siml = siml*.95
00277                 simh = simh*.95
00278                 htl = htl*.95
00279                 if (debug) write(6,*)'Reducing y-label size.'
00280                 go to 300
00281             end if
00282             if (kount.eq.kountmax+1.and.(
00283      &              call display text('Warning: problem plotting'//
00284      &              ' y-label horizontally.',47)
00285             if (*siml) then
00286                 if (imovr.eq.1) then
00287 c                   
00288 c                   Try to move label farther right(left).
00289 c                   
00290                     imovr = 2
00291                     if (lax.le.1) then
00292                         rright = min(rttlmin + siml,-htn)
00293                         rleft = rright - siml
00294                     else
00295                         rleft = rttlmax
00296                         rright = rleft + siml
00297                     end if
00298                     go to 360
00299                 end if
00300 c               
00301 c               Give up--plot the label vertically!
00302 c               
00303                 siml = siml*htlsave*factor/htl
00304                 simh = simh*htlsave*factor/htl
00305                 htl = htlsave*factor
00306                 if (
00307      &                  call display text('Attempting to plot the'//
00308      &                  ' y-label vertically.',42)
00309                 go to 200
00310             end if
00311             kount = kount+1
00312             fac = room/siml
00313             htl = htl*fac
00314             siml = siml*fac
00315             simh = simh*fac
00316             go to 350
00317         end if
00318         rlab = rright-.5*siml
00319         th = 0.
00320 c       
00321 c       Plot the y-label.
00322 c       
00323 400     if (debug) write(6,*)'Plotting the label !',rlab,slab
00324         call simbol(rlab,slab,htl,yctit(inbl:ly),th,-nytit)
00325         if (itrace.eq.1) write(2,*)'y call to simbol:',
00326      &                         rlab,slab,htl,yctit(1:nytit)
00327 c
00328 500     htl = htlsave
00329 c
00330         end

Generated at Sun Feb 24 09:57:07 2002 for STARLAB by doxygen1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001