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00001 /* 
00002  *
00003  * HARP3FUTIL.C : harp3 low-level fortran interface
00004  *
00007  95/4/9 multi-board on steinberger STILL PROBLEMATIC...
00008  SYMPTOM: go into infinite loop in wait_until...
00009  after h3jpdma_indirect (in main force loop)
00010  -- occures *only* with nbody4
00011  tried : change wait status in h3calc_lasthalf.
00012  Wait for nboard*5 times before dma_result and
00013  also get_result seems to cure the problem up to
00014  nboards = 4.... Still not okay for nboards = 6
00016  The above was illusion. at least nboards*5 still
00017  fails for nboards = 4. Try nboards*10 again
00019  nboards*10 and nboards = 4 still failes...
00021  95/4/10 changed host to alexandria (a 3400)
00023  Seems to work fine...
00025  95/4/11 change on steinberger : Increase the number of MB calls in
00026  -- wait_harp3_until_ready
00027  -- raw_status_of_board
00029  seems to fix the problem. This must mean very early acces of
00030  status after command issuing can cause trouble.
00031  */
00033 #include <stdio.h>
00034 #include <sys/types.h>
00035 #include "harp3.h"
00036 #include "harp3defects.h"
00037 #ifdef INTERNAL_OUT
00038 #   undef INTERNAL_OUT
00039 #   define  INTERNAL_OUT 1
00040 #else
00041 #   define  INTERNAL_OUT 0
00042 #endif
00044 #ifndef NBOARDS
00045 #  define NBOARDS 1
00046 #endif
00048 #define NWAIT 2+4
00049 /*
00050  Up to 95/11/08, NWAIT used to be
00051 #define NWAIT 2+2
00052 This changed to see the effect on S8 code
00053 */
00054 /*
00055    NWAIT = 1+2 caused (?) trouble on nbody4... (95/5/6)
00056  */
00057 unsigned int * base;
00059 unsigned int h3wait_();
00060 static int nboards;
00062 static int ndefects;
00064 void jpdma_index_initialize();
00066 int kill_dum;
00067 void kill_time(i)
00068     int i;
00069 {
00070     int j;
00071     for(j=0;j<i*3;j++)kill_dum = rand();
00072 }
00074     static int njold = 0;
00075     static int njset;
00077 void h3open_()
00078 {
00079     unsigned int * open_harp3();
00080     base =open_harp3();
00081     nboards = get_nboards();
00082     ndefects = get_number_of_defect_chips();
00083     jpdma_index_initialize();
00084     harp3_testrun_();
00085     set_mode(base,255,15);
00086     h3wait_();
00087     /* code added at 95/10/27 */
00088     njold = 0;
00090 }
00091 void h3open_notest_()
00092 {
00093     unsigned int * open_harp3();
00094     base =open_harp3();
00095     nboards = get_nboards();
00096     ndefects = get_number_of_defect_chips();
00097     jpdma_index_initialize();
00098     set_mode(base,255,15);
00099     h3wait_();
00100 }
00102 void h3close_()
00103 {
00104     close_harp3();
00105 }
00107 int h3npipe_()
00108 {
00109     return get_number_of_pipelines(base);
00110 }
00112 void h3setnboards_(nb)
00113     int * nb;
00114 {
00115     nboards =  *nb;
00116 }
00118 int h3getnboards_()
00119 {
00120     return nboards;
00121 }
00123 unsigned int h3wait_()
00124 {
00125     return wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00126 }
00128 void h3setti_(ti)
00129     double * ti;
00130 {
00131     raw_set_ti(base, ti);
00132     raw_set_ti(base, ti);
00133 }
00134 void h3randomwrite_(addr, dat)
00135     int * addr;
00136     int *dat;
00137 {
00138     dma_random_write(base,  *addr, *dat);
00139 }
00141 h3setmode_(mode, iboard)
00142     int *mode;
00143     int *iboard;
00144 {
00145     set_mode(base, *mode, *iboard);
00146 }
00148 h3setled_(mode, iboard)
00149     int *mode;
00150     int *iboard;
00151 {
00152     set_led(base, *mode, *iboard);
00153 }
00155 int h3jpmax_()
00156 {
00157     int jpdma_max_particles();
00158     return jpdma_max_particles();
00159 }
00163 h3jpdma_(nj,xj,vj,aj,jj,mj,tj,pj)
00164     int * nj;
00165     double xj[][3];
00166     double vj[][3];
00167     double aj[][3];
00168     double jj[][3];
00169     double mj[];
00170     double tj[];
00171     int    pj[];
00172 {
00173 #define JPMAX 100    
00174     int i, k;
00175     int index[JPMAX];
00176     register int p;
00177     if(*nj > JPMAX){
00178         fprintf(stderr,"(h3jpdma) Too large nj (%d > %d\n",nj, JPMAX);
00179         exit(-1);
00180     }
00181     for (i=0; i< *nj; i++){
00182 #if 0   
00183         index[i]= pj[i]*3+0x2000000;
00184 #endif
00185         p = pj[i];
00186         index[i]=0x2000000*(p%nboards+1) + 3*(p/nboards);
00187 #if INTERNAL_OUT        
00188         printf("index, i,  mj = 0x%x %d %g\n",index[i],  i, mj[i]);
00189 #endif  
00190     }
00191     jpdma_for_array(base, *nj, index,xj,vj,aj,jj,tj,mj);
00192 }
00194 static int jpdma_index_array[2000000];
00195 static int jpdma_index_initialized = 0;
00196 void jpdma_index_initialize()
00197 {
00198     int i;
00199     if(jpdma_index_initialized) return;
00200     jpdma_index_initialized =1;
00201     for (i = 0;i < 2000000; i++){
00202         jpdma_index_array[i+1] =
00203         0x2000000*(i%nboards+1) + 3*(i/nboards);
00204     }
00205 }
00206 h3jpdma_indirect_(nj,hostindex,xj,vj,aj,jj,mj,tj,mode)
00207     int * nj;
00208     int hostindex[];
00209     double xj[][3];
00210     double vj[][3];
00211     double aj[][3];
00212     double jj[][3];
00213     double mj[];
00214     double tj[];
00215     int *mode;
00216 {
00217 #define JPMAX 100    
00218     int i, k;
00219     int index[JPMAX];
00220     register int p;
00221     if(*nj > JPMAX){
00222         fprintf(stderr,"(h3jpdma) Too large nj (%d > %d\n",nj, JPMAX);
00223         exit(-1);
00224     }
00225     for (i=0; i< *nj; i++){
00226 #if 0
00227         index[i]= hostindex[i]*3+0x2000000-3;
00228         p = hostindex[i] - 1;
00229         index[i]=0x2000000*(p%nboards+1) + 3*(p/nboards);
00230 #endif
00231         index[i]=jpdma_index_array[hostindex[i]];
00232 #if INTERNAL_OUT        
00233         printf("j, mj = 0x%x %d %g\n", index[i], i, mj[i]);
00234 #endif  
00235     }
00236     jpdma_for_array_indirect(base, *nj, hostindex,index,xj,vj,aj,jj,tj,mj,*mode);
00237 }
00240 static int buff_used = 0;
00241 h3mjpdma_indirect_(nj,hostindex,xj,vj,aj,jj,mj,tj,mode,buff_id)
00242     int * nj;
00243     int hostindex[];
00244     double xj[][3];
00245     double vj[][3];
00246     double aj[][3];
00247     double jj[][3];
00248     double mj[];
00249     double tj[];
00250     int *mode;
00251     int * buff_id;
00252 {
00253 #define JPMAX 100    
00254     register int i;
00255     static int index[JPMAX];
00256     int bufno;
00257     if(*nj > JPMAX){
00258         fprintf(stderr,"(h3jpdma) Too large nj (%d > %d\n",nj, JPMAX);
00259         exit(-1);
00260     }
00261     for (i=0; i< *nj; i+=4){
00262         index[i]=jpdma_index_array[hostindex[i]];
00263         index[i+1]=jpdma_index_array[hostindex[i+1]];
00264         index[i+2]=jpdma_index_array[hostindex[i+2]];
00265         index[i+3]=jpdma_index_array[hostindex[i+3]];
00266 #if INTERNAL_OUT        
00267         printf("j, mj = 0x%x %d %g\n", index[i], i, mj[i]);
00268 #endif  
00269     }
00270     if(*buff_id >= 0){
00271         bufno = *buff_id;
00272     }else{
00273         bufno = buff_used;
00274         buff_used ++;
00275     }
00276     mjpdma_for_array_indirect(base, *nj, hostindex,index,xj,vj,aj,jj,tj,mj,
00277                               *mode, bufno);
00278 }
00280 h3mjpdma_start_(buff_id)
00281     int * buff_id;
00282 {
00283     jpdma_start(base, *buff_id);
00284 }
00286 h3jpdma_flush_()
00287 {
00288     int i;
00289     for(i=0;i<buff_used; i++){
00290         jpdma_start(base, i);
00291     }
00292     buff_used = 0;
00293 }
00295 h3jpdma_reset_()
00296 {
00297     buff_used = 0;
00298 }
00301 h3jpdma_xvtm_(nj,xj,vj,mj,tj,pj)
00302     int * nj;
00303     double xj[][3];
00304     double vj[][3];
00305     double mj[];
00306     double tj[];
00307     int    pj[];
00308 {
00309 #define JPMAX 100    
00310     int i, k;
00311     int index[JPMAX];
00312     register int p;
00313     if(*nj > JPMAX){
00314         fprintf(stderr,"(h3jpdma) Too large nj (%d > %d\n",nj, JPMAX);
00315         exit(-1);
00316     }
00317     for (i=0; i< *nj; i++){
00318 /*      index[i]= pj[i]*3+0x2000000;*/
00319         p = pj[i] - 1;
00320         index[i]=0x2000000*(p%nboards+1) + 3*(p/nboards);
00321 #if INTERNAL_OUT        
00322         printf("j, mj = 0x%x %d %g\n", index[i], i, mj[i]);
00323 #endif  
00324     }
00325     jpdma_for_array_xvtm(base, *nj, index,xj,vj,tj,mj);
00326 }
00330 void clear_sprious_particles(nj, nb)
00331     int nj;
00332     int nb;
00333 {
00334     static double x[3];
00335     static double v[3];
00336     static double a[3];
00337     static double j[3];
00338     static double m;
00339     static double t;
00340     int j1, jw, k;
00341     for(k=0;k<3;k++){
00342         x[k] =1e50;
00343         v[k] =0.0;
00344         a[k] =0.0;
00345         j[k] =0.0;
00346     }
00347     m = 0.0;
00348     t = 0.0;
00349     if( nj % nb){
00350         j1 = nb-(nj%nb); /* number of unused locations */
00351         for(jw = 0; jw < j1; jw ++){
00352             int jtmp = 0x2000000*(nb-jw) + 3*(nj/nb);
00353             /* Next h3wait is for test of 3700 */
00354             h3wait_();
00355             jpdma_for_array(base, 1, &jtmp,x, v, a, j, &t, &m);
00356         }
00357     }
00358 }
00362 h3calc_(nj,ni,xi,vi,eps2,h2,acc,jerk,pot)
00363     int * nj;
00364     int * ni;
00365     double xi[][3];
00366     double vi[][3];
00367     double eps2[];
00368     double h2[];
00369     double acc[][3];
00370     double jerk[][3];
00371     double pot[];
00372 {
00373 #define IPMAX 100
00374     static ipdma_packet i_particles[IPMAX];
00375     static result_packet real_result[IPMAX];
00376     ipdma_packet * ip;
00377     int i, k;
00378     if(*nj != njold){
00379         clear_sprious_particles(*nj, nboards);
00380         njold = *nj;
00381         njset = ((*nj+nboards - 1)/nboards)*3;
00382     }
00384     if(*ni > IPMAX){
00385         fprintf(stderr,"(h3ipdma) Too large ni (%d > %d\n",ni, IPMAX);
00386         exit(-1);
00387     }
00389     ipdma_for_array_with_real_ni(base, *ni, *ni,xi,vi,eps2,h2);
00390     wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00391     dma_result_initialize(base);
00392 #ifndef ONEBUS
00393 #ifndef TWOBUS    
00394 #ifndef THREEBUS    
00395 #ifndef FOURBUS
00396 #ifndef SIXBUS    
00397     Present code works only for ONEBUS case....
00398     aho-----------------
00399 #endif    
00400 #endif    
00401 #endif    
00402 #endif    
00403 #endif
00404 #ifdef ONEBUS    
00405     calc(base, njset, nboards, *ni - 1);
00406 #endif
00407 #ifdef TWOBUS    
00408     calc(base, njset, nboards, (*ni)/2 - 1);
00409 #endif
00410 #ifdef THREEBUS    
00411     calc(base, njset, nboards, (*ni + ndefects)/3 - 1);
00412 #endif
00413 #ifdef FOURBUS    
00414     calc(base, njset, nboards, (*ni + ndefects)/3 - 1);
00415 #endif
00416     {
00417         int i;
00418         int k;
00419         kill_time(1);
00421     }
00422     wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00423     wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00424     for(i = 0; i<nboards*NWAIT; i++){
00425         wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00426         wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00427     }
00428     {
00429         int i;
00430         i = 1;
00431         kill_time(i);
00432     }
00433     dma_result(base);
00434 #if 0    
00435     get_result(base, *ni, real_result);
00436     for(i=0;i< *ni;i++){
00437         for(k=0;k<3;k++)acc[i][k] = real_result[i].acc[k];
00438         for(k=0;k<3;k++)jerk[i][k] = real_result[i].jerk[k];
00439         pot[i] = real_result[i].phi;
00440     }
00441 #else
00442     get_result_for_array(base, *ni, acc,jerk,pot);
00443 #endif    
00445 }
00447 h3calc_firsthalf_(nj,ni,xi,vi,eps2,h2)
00448     int * nj;
00449     int * ni;
00450     double xi[][3];
00451     double vi[][3];
00452     double eps2[];
00453     double h2[];
00454 {
00455 #define IPMAX 100    
00456     static ipdma_packet i_particles[IPMAX];
00457     ipdma_packet * ip;
00458     int i, k;
00459     if(*nj != njold){
00460         clear_sprious_particles(*nj, nboards);
00461         njold = *nj;
00462         njset = ((*nj+nboards - 1)/nboards)*3;
00463     }
00464     if(*ni > IPMAX){
00465         fprintf(stderr,"(h3ipdma) Too large ni (%d > %d\n",ni, IPMAX);
00466         exit(-1);
00467     }
00468     ipdma_for_array(base, *ni, xi,vi,eps2,h2);
00469     wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00470     dma_result_initialize(base);
00472 #ifndef ONEBUS
00473 #ifndef TWOBUS    
00474 #ifndef THREEBUS    
00475 #ifndef FOURBUS    
00476     Present code works only for ONEBUS case....
00477     aho-----------------
00478 #endif    
00479 #endif    
00480 #endif    
00481 #endif
00482 #ifdef ONEBUS    
00483     calc(base, njset, nboards, *ni - 1);
00484 #endif
00485 #ifdef TWOBUS    
00486     calc(base, njset, nboards, (*ni)/2 - 1);
00487 #endif
00488 #ifdef THREEBUS    
00489     calc(base, njset, nboards, (*ni + ndefects)/3 - 1);
00490 #endif
00491 #ifdef FOURBUS    
00492     calc(base, njset, nboards, (*ni + ndefects)/3 - 1);
00493 #endif
00494 }
00496 h3calc_lasthalf_(ni,acc,jerk,pot)
00497     int * ni;
00498     double acc[][3];
00499     double jerk[][3];
00500     double pot[];
00501 {
00502     static result_packet real_result[IPMAX];
00503     ipdma_packet * ip;
00504     int i, k;
00505     if(*ni > IPMAX){
00506         fprintf(stderr,"(h3ipdma) Too large ni (%d > %d\n",ni, IPMAX);
00507         exit(-1);
00508     }
00509     for(i = 0; i<nboards*NWAIT; i++){
00510         wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00511         wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00512     }
00513     dma_result(base);
00514     for(i = 0; i<NWAIT; i++){
00515         wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00516         wait_harp3_until_idle(base);
00517     }
00518     get_result_for_array(base, *ni, acc,jerk,pot);
00519 }
00521 #define REAL double
00522 void accel_by_harp3_separate_(ni,xi,nj,xj,m, a, pot,eps2)
00523     int *ni;
00524     REAL xi[][3];
00525     int *nj;
00526     REAL xj[][3];
00527     REAL m[];
00528     REAL a[][3];
00529     REAL pot[];
00530     REAL *eps2;
00531 {
00532     h3open_();
00533     calculate_accel_by_harp3_separate_trial_noopen(*ni,xi,*nj,xj,m,
00534                                                    a, pot,*eps2,0);
00535     h3close_();
00536 }
00539 void h3nbread_(nboards)
00540     int * nboards;
00541 {
00542     int get_nb_retval,  get_nb_mode;
00543     int iwait;
00544     iwait = 1;
00545 #if INTERNAL_OUT
00546     printf("(h3nbread) nboards = %d\n", *nboards);
00547 #endif    
00548     get_nb_retval = get_nb_mode = 1;
00550     while(get_nb_retval){
00551         nb_read_low(base, 250, *nboards);
00553         h3wait_();
00554         h3wait_();
00555         h3wait_();
00556         h3wait_();
00557         h3wait_();
00558         h3wait_();
00559         h3wait_();
00560         h3wait_();
00562         h3wait_();
00563         h3wait_();
00564         h3wait_();
00566         get_nb_retval = get_nb_low(base,get_nb_mode);
00568         h3wait_();
00569         h3wait_();
00570         h3wait_();
00571         h3wait_();
00572         h3wait_();
00573         get_nb_mode =0;
00574     }
00575 }
00577 int compare(i,j)
00578     int *i;
00579     int *j;
00580 {
00581     return *i - *j;
00582 }
00584 int h3nblist_(board, chip, nblist)
00585     int * board;
00586     int * chip;
00587     int * nblist;
00588 {
00589     int construct_nblist(), nnb, compare(), i;
00590     nnb = construct_nblist_low(*board, *chip,1, nblist);
00591 #if INTERNAL_OUT    
00592     printf("h3nblist: nnb = %d\n", nnb);
00593     for(i=0;i<nnb;i++){
00594         printf("h3nblist: nb[%d]= %d\n", i, nblist[i]);
00595     }
00596     printf("sort...\n");
00597 #endif    
00598     qsort(nblist, nnb, sizeof(int), compare);
00599 #if INTERNAL_OUT    
00600     printf("h3nblist: nnb = %d\n", nnb);
00601     for(i=0;i<nnb;i++){
00602         printf("h3nblist: nb[%d]= %d\n", i, nblist[i]);
00603     }
00604 #endif    
00605     while ((nnb > 0) && (nblist[nnb-1] >= njold)) nnb--;
00606     for(i=0;i<nnb-1;i++){
00607         /* This part is not complete yet : possible THREE occation */
00608         while((nblist[i] == nblist[i+1]) && (i<nnb-1)){
00609             int j;
00610 #if INTERNAL_OUT            
00611             printf("correcting nblist, %d %d %d %d\n",
00612                    i, nnb, nblist[i], nblist[i+1]);
00613 #endif      
00614             for(j=i+1; j<nnb-1;j++){
00615                 nblist[j] = nblist[j+1];
00616             }
00617             nnb--;
00618         }
00619     }
00620 #if INTERNAL_OUT    
00621     printf("h3nblist: adjusted nnb = %d\n", nnb);
00622 #endif    
00623     return nnb;
00624 }
00627 accel_by_harp3_separate_noopen_(ni,xi,nj,xj,m, a, pot,eps2)
00628     int *ni;
00629     double xi[][3];
00630     int *nj;
00631     double xj[][3];
00632     double m[];
00633     double a[][3];
00634     double pot[];
00635     double *eps2;
00636 {
00637     calculate_accel_by_harp3_separate_trial_noopen(*ni,xi,*nj,xj,m, a, pot,*eps2,0); 
00638 }
00640 int dummy_wait_on_host(idummy)
00641     int * idummy;
00642 {
00643     (*idummy) ++;
00644     return *idummy;
00645 }
00647 int dummy_wait_on_host2(idummy)
00648     int * idummy;
00649 {
00650     (*idummy) ++;
00651     return *idummy;
00652 }

Generated at Sun Feb 24 09:57:02 2002 for STARLAB by doxygen1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001