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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 c     
00003 c     Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,
00004 c     by Steve McMillan, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
00005 c     
00006 c     All rights reserved.
00007 c     
00008 c     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
00009 c     provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
00010 c     duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
00011 c     advertising materials, and other materials related to such
00012 c     distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
00013 c     by the author named above.
00014 c     
00018 c     
00020 c     
00021 c     *****************************************************************
00022 c     *                                                               *
00023 c     *     GET DEVICE:   Get/set graphics device characteristics.    *
00024 c     *                                                               *
00025 c     *****************************************************************
00026 c     
00027       subroutine get device
00028       save
00029 c     
00030       character*80 device,opt
00031       common /plot sizes/ xsize,ysize
00032 c     
00033       common /plot device/ device,aspect,idev
00034       common /forced/ opt
00035 c     
00036       common /framesize/ nxpix,nx0,xfac,nypix,ny0,yfac
00037       common /ncar/ nxpix1,nypix1,nx01,ny01,xfac1,yfac1
00038       common /plain font/ wid
00039       common /dev status/ idevon,idevpen,idevwt
00040       common /dev details/ itek,ivers
00041 c     
00042       common /hp plot/ ivdef
00043       character*1 hpinit1(34),hpinit2(34)
00044 c     
00045       character*1 ctrl(0:31),
00046      &        null,ctrla,tab,lf,ff,cr,ctrlx,ctrlz,esc,gs,del
00047       common /ctrlch/ ctrl,
00048      &        null,ctrla,tab,lf,ff,cr,ctrlx,ctrlz,esc,gs,del
00049 c     
00050       common /graphproc/ igp
00051       common /mcpak_colormap/ ncolor,red(0:255),green(0:255),
00052      &                        blue(0:255)
00053 c     
00054       common /ps head flag/ iheadflag
00055       save /ps head flag/
00056       common /ps keep/ ikeepps,iprintps
00057       common /ps enforced/ ibounds,ps rmax,ps smax
00058       common /ps copies/ ncopies
00059       character*80 psfile,temp
00060       logical ps_open
00061 c     
00062       common /sunscreen/ isun
00063 c     
00064       external mcdxnopen        !$pragma C (mcdxnopen)
00065       external mcdxinit         !$pragma C (mcdxinit)
00066       external mcdxquit         !$pragma C (mcdxquit)
00067 c
00068       common /x input/ interact
00069       common /xwin init/ no_new_xwin
00070 c     
00071       data iheadflag/1/no_new_xwin/-1/
00072 c     
00073       data hpinit1/' ','.','Y',' ','.','P','1',':',
00074      &        ' ','.','T','1','0','0','0','0',';','1','0','0',
00075      &        ';',';','1','0','0',';','2','0','0','0',':',
00076      &        ' ','.','L'/
00077       data hpinit2/' ','.','@','9','0','0','0',';',':',
00078      &        'S','P','1',';','I','N',';','R','O','0','0',';',
00079      &        'I','P',';','C','S','0',';','C','V','1',
00080      &        ' ','.','Z'/
00081 c     
00082       do 10001 i=1,34
00083           if (hpinit1(i).eq.' ')hpinit1(i)=esc
00084           if (hpinit2(i).eq.' ')hpinit2(i)=esc
00085 10001 continue
00086 c     
00087       ireaderror=0
00088       ienv = 0
00089 c     
00090 10101 do 10201 nd=80,1,-1
00091           if (device(nd:nd).gt.' ')go to 10003
00092 10201 continue
00093 c     
00094 c     No device specified.  See if the environment contains an
00095 c     "MCD_DEVICE" setting.
00096 c     
00097       if (ienv.eq.0) then
00098           call mygetenv('MCD_DEVICE', device)
00099           ienv = 1
00100 c         write(6,'(a,a,a)')'env dev = "',device,'"'
00101           go to 10101
00102       end if
00103       ienv = 2
00104 c     
00105 c     Prompt for a device ID.
00106 c     
00107 1     device=' '
00108       write(6,'(''Device: ''$)')
00109       read(5,'(a80)',end=2,err=2)device
00110       ienv = 0
00111       do 10002 nd=80,1,-1
00112           if (device(nd:nd).gt.' ')go to 10003
00113 10002 continue
00114 c     
00115 2     if ( then
00116           write(6,*)'Too many errors!'
00117           stop
00118       end if
00119 c     
00120       write(6,3)
00121 3     format(/' Options:'/
00122      &        ' d: store vectors on disk (PLOT.DAT)'/
00123      &        ' n: NCAR plotting package (not implemented)'/
00124      &        ' t01: Tektronix 4010, 10x10'/
00125      &        ' t02: Tektronix 4010, 10x7.6'/
00126      &        ' t41: Tektronix 4014, 10x10 - XTERM'/ 
00127      &        ' t, t42: Tektronix 4014, 10x7.6 - XTERM'/
00128      &        ' t5:  Tektronix 4105'/ 
00129      &        ' h: HP plotter 7550a'/
00130      &        '    ht ==> transparency'/
00131      &        '    h1 ==> 10x10 display (10x7.7 otherwise)'/
00132      &        '    hr ==> 90 degree rotation',
00133      &        ' (--> 10x10 or 10x13.0)'/
00134      &        ' v0: as t0, but for mac/versaterm'/
00135      &        ' v, v4: as t4, but for versaterm-pro'/
00136      &        ' v5: as t5, but for versaterm-pro'/
00137      &        ' s: SUN window output'/
00138      &        ' p: PostScript output'/
00139      &        ' x: X window output (test version)'/
00140      &        )
00141 c     
00142 c     Devices and associated IDs:
00143 c     --------------------------
00144 c
00145 c               d:              1
00146 c               n:              2
00147 c               t01:            3
00148 c               t02:            4
00149 c               ht:             5
00150 c               hr:             5
00151 c               h1:             6
00152 c               v01:            7
00153 c               v02:            8
00154 c               t41:            9
00155 c               t = t42:        10
00156 c               v41:            11
00157 c               v = v42:        12
00158 c               t5:             13
00159 c               v5:             14
00160 c               s:              15
00161 c               p:              16
00162 c               x:              17
00163 c
00164       ireaderror=ireaderror+1
00165       go to 1
00166 c     
00167 10003 if (ienv.eq.1) write(6,'(a)')'Adopted device = "'//
00168      &        device(1:nd)//'" from the environment'
00169       nd=nd+1
00170       device(nd:nd)=' '
00171 c     
00173 c     
00174 4     do 5 i=1,nd
00175           if (device(i:i).ge.'A'.and.device(i:i).le.'Z')
00176      &            device(i:i)=char(ichar(device(i:i))+32)
00177           if (device(i:i).gt.' ') go to 6
00178 5     continue
00179 c     
00180 6     do 10 i=1,nd
00181           if (device(i:i).gt.' ')go to 15
00182 10    continue
00183       go to 2
00184 15    do j=i,nd
00185           device(j-i+1:j-i+1)=device(j:j)
00186       end do
00187       nd=nd-i+1
00188 c     
00189 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
00190 c
00191 c     The rest of this routine checks the device and sets the following
00192 c     generally-used variables (as well as any device-specific ones):
00193 c
00194 c     itek      = 1 if we are a Tektronix
00195 c     ivers     = 1 if we are Versaterm
00196 c     wid       = nominal character width
00197 c     aspect    = device aspect ratio
00198 c     ncolor    = number of colors available
00199 c     nxpix     = number of pixels in the x direction
00200 c     nypix     = number of pixels in the y direction
00201 c     nx0       = x offset of the plotting area
00202 c     ny0       = y offset of the plotting area
00203 c     idev      = device ID
00204 c
00205       itek=0
00206       ivers=0
00207       wid=1.
00208       aspect=1.
00209       ncolor=2
00210 c     
00211       if (device(1:1).eq.'d') then
00212 c         
00213 c         Generic data file (not used).
00214 c         ----------------------------
00215 c         
00216           idev=1
00217           open(60,file='PLOT.DAT',status='unknown',form='formatted')
00218           rewind 60
00219           nx0=0
00220           nxpix=262143
00221 c         = 64**3 - 1
00222           ny0=nx0
00223           nypix=nxpix
00224 c         
00225       else if (device(1:1).eq.'n') then
00226 c         
00227 c         NCAR graphics (not implemented now).
00228 c         -----------------------------------
00229 c         
00230           idev=2
00231 c         
00232 c         for centered output (e.g. to lca0):
00233 c         
00234           nx0=384
00235           nxpix=32000
00236 c         
00237 c         for output going to lpa0, smaller by 0.877 and
00238 c         shifted left:
00239 c         
00240 c         nxpix=28064
00241 c         nx0=10
00242 c         
00243           nypix=nxpix
00244           ny0=nx0
00245           wid=.86
00246           nxpix1=877
00247           nypix1=nxpix1
00248           nx01=12
00249           ny01=nx01
00250 c         
00251       else if (device(1:1).eq.'t') then
00252 c         
00253 c         Tektronix options (slightly buggy?).
00254 c         -----------------------------------
00255 c         
00256           if (device(2:2).eq.'0') then
00257 c             
00258 c             4010: 1024x781 pixels.
00259 c             
00260               if (device(3:3).eq.'1') then
00261 c                 
00262 c                 Square output area.
00263 c                 
00264                   idev=3
00265                   nxpix=781
00266               else
00267 c                 
00268 c                 Rectangular output area.
00269 c                 
00270                   idev=4
00271                   nxpix=1023
00272                   aspect=.7625
00273               end if
00274 c             
00275           else if (device(2:2).eq.'4'.or.device(2:2).eq.' ') then
00276 c             
00277 c             4010: 4096x3132 pixels.
00278 c             
00279               if (device(3:3).eq.'1') then
00280 c                 
00281 c                 Square output area.
00282 c                 
00283                   idev=9
00284                   nxpix=3132
00285               else
00286 c                 
00287 c                 Rectangular output area.
00288 c                 
00289                   idev=10
00290                   nxpix=4095
00291                   aspect=.764
00292               end if
00293 c             
00294           else if (device(2:2).eq.'5') then
00295 c             
00296 c             Tektronix 4105.
00297 c             --------------
00298 c             
00299               idev=13
00300               nxpix=4095
00301           else
00302               go to 2
00303           end if
00304 c         
00305           itek=1
00306           nx0=0
00307           ny0=0
00308           nypix=nxpix*aspect
00309 c         
00310       else if (device(1:1).eq.'h') then
00311 c         
00312 c         HP plotter.
00313 c         ----------
00314 c         
00315           i1=index(device(1:nd),'1')
00316           if (
00317           i2=1-i1
00318           it=index(device(1:nd),'t')
00319           if (
00320           ir=index(device(1:nd),'r')
00321           if (
00322           nx0=0
00323           ny0=0
00324           idev=5+i1
00325           if (ir.eq.0) then
00326               if (i1.eq.1) then
00327                   nxpix=7840
00328               else
00329                   nxpix=10170
00330                   aspect=.7709
00331               end if
00332               nypix=7840
00333               hpinit2(19)='0'
00334           else
00335               if (i1.eq.1) then
00336                   nypix=7840
00337               else
00338                   nypix=10170
00339                   aspect=1./.7709
00340               end if
00341               nxpix=7840
00342               hpinit2(19)='9'
00343           end if
00344           wid=.9
00345           write(6,'(1x,40a1)')hpinit1
00346           read(5,*)idummy
00347           idevpen=1
00348           hpinit2(12)='1'
00349           write(6,'(1x,40a1)')hpinit2
00350           if (it.eq.1)ivdef=1
00351 c         
00352       else if (device(1:1).eq.'v') then
00353 c         
00354 c         Versaterm-PRO Tektronix emulation (buggy with latest VT release!).
00355 c         -----------------------------------------------------------------
00356 c         
00357           if (device(2:2).eq.'0') then
00358 c             
00359 c             Versaterm/Mac Tek 4010 emulation apparently allows pixel
00360 c             addresses from 0 to 1023 in both x and y, but maps any
00361 c             y-values above 781 onto 781! The actual output region is
00362 c             a 17.3 cm by 10.1 cm screen.
00363 c             (Similarly for versaterm-pro in 4014 mode with y > 3132.)
00364 c             
00365 c             For versaterm, only bother with 4010 emulation.
00366 c             
00367               if (device(3:3).eq.'1') then
00368 c                 
00369 c                 Square output area.
00370 c                 
00371                   idev=7
00372                   nxpix=593
00373                   nypix=781
00374               else
00375 c                 
00376 c                 Rectangular output area.
00377 c                 
00378                   idev=8
00379                   nxpix=1023
00380                   nypix=781
00381                   aspect=.58
00382               end if
00383 c             
00384           else if (device(2:2).eq.'4'.or.device(2:2).eq.' ') then
00385 c             
00386 c             Tektronix 4014 emulation.
00387 c             ------------------------
00388 c             
00389               if (device(3:3).eq.'1') then
00390 c                 
00391 c                 Square output area.
00392 c                 
00393                   idev=11
00394                   nxpix=3132
00395               else
00396 c                 
00397 c                 Rectangular output area.
00398 c                 
00399                   idev=12
00400                   nxpix=4095
00401                   aspect=.7648
00402               end if
00403               nypix=nxpix*aspect
00404 c             
00405           else if (device(2:2).eq.'5') then
00406 c             
00407 c             Tektronix 4105 emulation.
00408 c             ------------------------
00409 c             
00410               idev=14
00411               nxpix=4095
00412               nypix=4095
00413           else
00414               go to 2
00415           end if
00416 c         
00417           nx0=0
00418           ny0=0
00419           itek=1
00420           ivers=1
00421 c         
00422       else if (device(1:1).eq.'s') then
00423 c         
00424 c         SunCore (under Sunview) -- now obsolete and no longer supported.
00425 c         ---------------------------------------------------------------
00426 c         
00427 c         SunCore will not coexist peacefully with X or PostScript!
00428 c         
00429           if (idev.eq.16) call psquit(2)
00430           if (idev.eq.17) call mcdxquit
00431 c         
00432           if ( then
00433               write(6,'(''Enter <CR> to delete window'',
00434      &                '' and reinitialize graphics.'')')
00435               call plstop
00436           end if
00437 c         
00438           if (nd.eq.1) then
00439               nd=2
00440               device(2:2)=' '
00441           end if
00442 c         
00443 c         Most Suncore initialization is done in plinit, which determines
00444 c         the type of frame buffer we have, and the size of the color
00445 c         map, opens a window and initializes the internals of the Core
00446 c         sraphics package.  Note that the interpretation of the input
00447 c         command string is done by plinit, too.
00448 c         
00449           call plinit('s -b 255 -a 1. -s .5 '//opt
00450      &            //' '//device(2:nd)//' ',
00451      &            aspect,icolor,igp,ncolor,ierr)
00452           if ( go to 2
00453 c         
00454           idev=15
00455           isun=1
00456 c         
00457           wid=.85
00458           idevwt = 1
00459           idevpen = 1
00460 c         
00461       else if (device(1:1).eq.'p') then
00462 c         
00463 c         PostScript output.
00464 c         -----------------
00465 c         
00466 c         Only allow one open PostScript file.  Note that opening
00467 c         PostScript will not terminate any X windoes.
00468 c
00469 c         SunCore will not coexist peacefully with X or PostScript!
00470 c         
00471           if (idev.eq.15) then
00472               call plstop
00473               isun = 0
00474           end if
00475 c
00476 c         If we already have an open PostScript file, append to it
00477 c         (and set graphics parameters from stored values).  If we
00478 c         specify a file name that differs from the previous name,
00479 c         close the current file and open a new one.
00480 c
00481           if (ps_open()) then
00482               call ps_filename(device(1:nd)//opt//' ',nd,temp,nt)
00483               if (temp(1:1).gt.' '
00484      $                .and.temp(1:nt).ne.psfile(1:npsf)) then
00485 c
00486 c                 A new file name was explicitly specified, and it is
00487 c                 not the same as the current one.  Close out the current
00488 c                 file and get ready to open the new one.
00489 c
00490                   call psquit(2)
00491 c
00492               end if
00493           end if
00494 c
00495 c         Decipher options from command line if necessary
00496 c         -----------------------------------------------
00497 c
00498           if (.not.ps_open())
00499      $            call ps_parse(device(1:nd)//opt//' ',nd,
00500      $                          ikeepps,iprintps,iheadflag,ncopies,
00501      $                          psfile,npsf,iorient,isparc,psaspect)
00502 c         
00503 c         Offset of origin:
00504 c
00505 c         ***** Beware of magic numbers! *****
00506 c         
00507           nx0=22
00508           ny0=nx0
00509           aspect = psaspect
00510 c         
00511           if (iorient.eq.1) then
00512               nxpix = 570
00513               if ( then
00514                   nypix = aspect*nxpix
00515               else
00516                   nypix = nxpix
00517                   aspect = 1.
00518               end if
00519           else
00520               nxpix = 750
00521               if ( then
00522                   nypix = aspect*nxpix
00523               else
00524                   nypix = 510
00525               end if
00526               aspect = nypix/float(nxpix)
00527           end if
00528 c         
00529           ncolor=256
00530           psrmax=nx0+nxpix
00531           pssmax=ny0+nypix
00532           ibounds=1
00533 c         
00534 c         Attempt to guess a "standard" character width:
00535 c         
00536           wid=.75
00537 c
00538 c         NOTE change to defaults (overwrite previous PS settings):
00539 c         Note also modification to ps color so color 1 is black in greyscale.
00540 c
00541           idevpen=1
00542           idevwt=5
00543 c
00544 c         Note that we do NOT append to an existing file if we open
00545 c         it with psinit!
00546 c
00547           idev = 16
00548           if (.not.ps_open())
00549      $            call psinit(psfile(1:npsf),iorient,isparc)
00550 c         
00551       else if (device(1:1).eq.'x') then
00552 c         
00553 c         X-windows.
00554 c         ---------
00555 c         
00556 c         SunCore will not coexist peacefully with X or PostScript!
00557 c         
00558           if (idev.eq.15) then
00559               call plstop
00560               isun = 0
00561           end if
00562 c
00563           if (mcdxnopen() then
00564 c
00565 c             Open a new X window.
00566 c         
00567 c             Non-interactive flag for use with scripts.
00568 c         
00569               interact = 1
00570               if (index(device(1:nd)//' '//opt,'-i').gt.0
00571      &                .or. index(device(1:nd)//' '//opt,'-I').gt.0)
00572      &                interact = 0
00573 c
00574               xaspect = aspect
00575               call getaspect(device(1:nd)//' '//opt,iaspect,xaspect)
00576               call mcdxinit(xaspect,nxpix,nypix,ncolor,ierr)
00577               if ( go to 2
00578           end if
00579 c
00580 c         (Don't bother with pixels...)
00581 c
00582           aspect = xaspect
00583           idev = 17
00584 c         
00585 c         Defaults:
00586 c         
00587 c         background color = black (1)
00588 c         foreground color = white (0)
00589 c         pen width = 0
00590 c
00591 c         NOTE: These may overwrite current X settings with defaults.
00592 c
00593           call background(0)
00594           idevpen = 1
00595           idevwt = 1
00596           wid=1.
00597 c         
00598       else
00599           go to 2
00600       end if
00601 c     
00602       end
00605       subroutine getaspect(string,iaspect,aspect)
00606       save
00607       character*(*) string
00608 c     
00609 c     Return the location and value of the aspect ratio in the input
00610 c     string.  Only the first "-a" with a legal number following counts.
00611 c     
00612       iaspect = index(string,'-a')
00613       if (iaspect.le.0) iaspect = index(string,'-A')
00614 c     
00615       if ( then
00616 c         
00617 c         Locate and read the aspect ratio from the input string.
00618 c         
00619           ibl = 1
00620           do 10 i=iaspect+2,len(string)
00621               if (string(i:i).le.' ') then
00622                   if (ibl.eq.0) then
00623                       if (index(string(iaspect+2:i),'.').gt.0) then
00624                           read(string(iaspect+2:i),'(f20.10)',
00625      &                            iostat=ii)aa
00626                       else
00627                           read(string(iaspect+2:i),'(i20)',
00628      &                            iostat=ii)ia
00629                           aa = ia
00630                       end if
00631                       if (ii.eq.0) then
00632                           aspect = aa
00633                           return
00634                       end if
00635                   end if
00636               else
00637                   ibl = 0
00638               end if
00639 10        continue
00640       end if
00641 c     
00642       end
00645       subroutine ps_parse(dev,nd,ikeepps,iprintps,iheadflag,ncopies,
00646      $                    psfile,npsf,iorient,isparc,aspect)
00647 c     
00648 c     Read PostScript parameters from the "device" line.
00649 c     
00650       character*(*) dev,psfile
00651 c     
00652 c     (1) Print/store:
00653 c     
00654       ikeepps=0
00655       iprintps=1
00656 c
00657       if (index(dev,'-k').gt.0.or.index(dev,'-K').gt.0) ikeepps=1
00658       if (index(dev,'-n').gt.0.or.index(dev,'-N').gt.0) iprintps=0
00659 c
00660       if (iprintps.eq.0) ikeepps=1
00661       if (ikeepps.eq.0) iprintps=1
00662 c     
00663 c     (2) Suppress standard header line:
00664 c     
00665       if (index(dev,'-h').gt.0.or.index(dev,'-H').gt.0) iheadflag=0
00666 c     
00667 c     (3) Specify # of copies:
00668 c     
00669       ic=index(dev,'-c')
00670       if (ic.le.0) ic=index(dev,'-C')
00671       ncopies=1
00672       if ( then
00673           inum=0
00674           do 1600 ii=ic+3,nd
00675               if (dev(ii:ii).lt.'0''9') then
00676                   if ( then
00677 c                     
00678 c                     NOTE assumption of a trailing blank here!
00679 c                     
00680                       j=ii-1
00681                       if (ii.eq.nd) j=ii
00682                       read(dev(inum:j),*,err=1610,end=1610)
00683      &                        ncopies
00684                       go to 1610
00685                   end if
00686               else
00687                   if (inum.eq.0) inum=ii
00688               end if
00689 1600      continue
00690       end if
00691 c     
00692 c     (4) PostScript file name:
00693 c     
00694 1610  if=index(dev,'-f')
00695       if (if.eq.0) if=index(dev,'-F')
00696       psfile=' '
00697       npsf=1
00698       if ( then
00699           inbl=0
00700           do 1650 ii=if+3,nd
00701               if (' ') inbl=ii
00702               if (' ') go to 1660
00703 1650      continue
00704           ii=nd+1
00705 1660      if ( then
00706               npsf=ii-inbl
00707               psfile(1:npsf)=dev(inbl:ii-1)
00708               ikeepps=1
00709               iprintps=0
00710           end if
00711       end if
00712 c     
00713 c     (5) Landscape mode?
00714 c     
00715       iorient = 1
00716       if (index(dev,'-l').gt.0 .or. index(dev,'-L').gt.0) iorient = 2
00717 c     
00718 c     (6) SPARCprinter point-plotting bug fix:
00719 c     
00720       isparc = 0
00721       if (index(dev,'-S').gt.0) isparc = 1
00722 c     
00723 c     (7) Force the output aspect ratio:
00724 c     
00725       call getaspect(dev,iaspect,aspect)
00726 c     
00727       end
00730       subroutine ps_filename(dev,nd,psfile,npsf)
00731 c     
00732 c     Attempt to read a PostScript file name from the "device" line.
00733 c     
00734       character*(*) dev,psfile
00735 c     
00736       psfile=' '
00737       npsf=1
00738 c
00739       if=index(dev,'-f')
00740       if (if.eq.0) if=index(dev,'-F')
00741 c
00742       if ( then
00743           inbl=0
00744           do ii=if+3,nd
00745               if (' ') inbl=ii
00746               if (' ') go to 100
00747           end do
00748           ii=nd+1
00749 100       if ( then
00750               npsf=ii-inbl
00751               psfile(1:npsf)=dev(inbl:ii-1)
00752               ikeepps=1
00753               iprintps=0
00754           end if
00755       end if
00756 c
00757       end

Generated at Sun Feb 24 09:57:01 2002 for STARLAB by doxygen1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001