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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 c     
00003 c     Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,
00004 c     by Steve McMillan, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
00005 c     
00006 c     All rights reserved.
00007 c     
00008 c     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
00009 c     provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
00010 c     duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
00011 c     advertising materials, and other materials related to such
00012 c     distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
00013 c     by the author named above.
00014 c     
00018 c     
00020       subroutine fr lnydr(x,y1,y2,dys,dym,dyl,
00021      $                    iax,ilab,nlab,ndec,lpow)
00022       save
00023 c     
00024 c     As for frlnxdr, but for the y-axis
00025 c     
00026 c     Draw y-axis, tick marks and numbers for linear case (ndec nonzero),
00027 c     and major tick marks and numbers for the logarithmic case (ndec = 0).
00028 c     
00029 c     iax        =  1 for bottom axis, 2 for top.
00030 c     ilab       =  0 for no labels, 1 for labels
00031 c     nlab       =  estimated number of spaces for labels
00032 c     
00033 c     ndec = -1 ==> integer format
00034 c     ndec = 0  ==> log axes, want to plot 10^n
00035 c     ndec > 0: number of places to right of decimal point
00036 c     lpow = 0  ==> F format, E format (lpow = exponent) otherwise
00037 c     
00038 c     No numbers are drawn for nonzero lmode, regardless of ilab.
00039 c     N.B. Variable "ilab" is redundant, now.
00040 c     
00041       character*80 device
00042       common/plot device/device,aspect,idev
00043       common/scales/xl,xr,dinchx,ybot,ytop,dinchy,rlen,slen
00044       common/dev status/idevon,idevpen,idevwt
00045       common/fr hts/htl,htn/fr wts/iwts(4)/fr rotn/irot
00046       common/fr ticks/tiks(3),tikl/fr int/iframe
00047       common/fr conf/scent,rnuml,rnumr,snumt,snumb,dsnums,jrot,stopnum
00048       common/fr tik level/jtik level
00049       common/fr bare/ibare
00050       common/fontc1/dum2(5),rrmax,rrmin,ssmax,ssmin
00051       common/fr setax/kax,lax
00052 c
00053       dimension dy(3)
00054       character*80 string
00055 c     
00056       common/fr lby/lmode
00057       data mode/1/
00058 c     
00059       cinch(xa,xs,di) = (xa-xs)*di
00060 c     
00061       if ( return
00062 c     
00063 c     Draw axes.
00064 c     ---------
00065 c     
00066       dy(1) = dys
00067       dy(2) = dym
00068       dy(3) = dyl
00069       rax = cinch(x,xl,dinchx)
00070       s1 = cinch(y1,ybot,dinchy)
00071       s2 = cinch(y2,ybot,dinchy)
00072       if (iwts(1).gt.0) then
00073           jwt = idevwt
00074           call weight(iwts(1))
00075       end if
00076       call plot(rax,s1,3)
00077       call plot(rax,s2,2)
00078 c     
00079       if (lax.eq.1.and.iax.eq.2) return
00080       if (lax.eq.2.and.iax.eq.1) return
00081 c     
00082 c     Draw tick marks.
00083 c     ---------------
00084 c     
00085       dr = 1.
00086       if (iax.eq.2) dr = -1.
00087       do j = jtik level,3
00088           if (dy(j).ne.0.) then
00089               rtik = rax+dr*tiks(j)
00090               call fr lnfnc(y1,y2,dy(j),mode,firsty,ny)
00091               ds = dy(j)*dinchy
00092               s = cinch(firsty,ybot,dinchy)
00093               do i = 1,ny
00094                   call plot(rax,s,3)
00095                   call plot(rtik,s,2)
00096                   s = s+ds
00097               end do
00098           end if
00099       end do
00100       if (iwts(1).gt.0) call weight(jwt)
00101       jrot = irot
00102 c     
00103       if ( return
00104       if (lax.eq.0.and.iax.eq.2) return
00105       if (lax.eq.3.and.iax.eq.1) return
00106 c     
00107 c     Add numeric labels.
00108 c     ------------------
00109 c
00110       yscale = max(abs(y1),abs(y2))
00111 c
00112 c     Labels are horizontal (left to right) if jrot = 0, horizontal otherwise.
00113 c
00114       dsnums = ds
00115 c     
00116 c     Get the actual length of the numbers for use below.
00117 c     
00118 c     Definitions:      the maximum width  of the numeric labels is xlnum
00119 c     the maximum height of the numeric labels is dsnum
00120 c     
00121       if (ibare.eq.1) then
00122 c         
00123 c         A device-specific number-drawing routine will be used, so
00124 c         pretty output is not expected.  Just estimate the space
00125 c         requirements.
00126 c         
00127           if ( then
00128               nnum = 0
00129               if ( nnum = 1
00130               if ( nnum = nnum+ndec
00131               mm = 0
00132               do k = 1,ny
00133                   y = firsty+(k-1.)*dyl
00134                   if (abs(y).lt.1.) then
00135                       nn = 1
00136                   else
00137                       nn = log10(abs(y))+1
00138                   end if
00139                   if ( mm = nn
00140               end do
00141               nnum = nnum+mm
00142               xlnum = htn*(nnum+.5)
00143           else
00144               xlnum = 2.*htn
00145               mm = 0
00146               do k = 1,ny
00147                   y = firsty+(k-1.)*dyl
00148                   nn = 0
00149                   if ( nn = 1
00150                   if (abs(y).ge.1.) nn = nn+1+log10(abs(y))
00151                   mm = max(mm,nn)
00152               end do
00153               xlnum = xlnum+.5333*mm*htn
00154           end if
00155       else
00156 c         
00157 c         Simbol will be used, so we can determine the sizes exactly.
00158 c         
00159           xlnum = 0.
00160           do k=1,ny
00161               y = firsty + (k-1.)*dyl
00162               call make_number_string(y,ndec,lpow,string,nsym,yscale)
00163               call sim size(htn,string,nsym,dx,dum)
00164               xlnum = max(xlnum, dx)
00165           end do
00166           if (idev.eq.7.or.idev.eq.8) xlnum = 1.1*xlnum
00167 c
00168 c         Modify xlnum in case of extra labels in the logarithmic case:
00169 c
00170           if (ndec.eq.0.and.nx.le.3) xlnum = 2.*xlnum
00171       end if
00172 c
00173 c     Nominal symbol height:
00174 c
00175       dsnum = 1.5*htn
00176       if ( dsnum = 1.3*xlnum
00177 c
00178 c     Check that the number size is OK.
00179 c
00180 100   if ( then
00181 c         
00182 c         Label is too tall.
00183 c         
00184           fac = ds/dsnum
00185           if ( then
00186               jrot = 0
00187               dsnum = 1.5*htn
00188               go to 100
00189           end if
00190           htn = htn*fac
00191           xlnum = xlnum*fac
00192           dsnum = ds
00193       end if
00194 c     
00195       if (iax.eq.1) then
00196           call getlhe(space)
00197           space = -space - htl
00198       else
00199           call getrhe(space)
00200           space = space - x - htl
00201       end if
00202 c     
00203       if (*space) then
00204 c         
00205 c         Too wide...
00206 c         
00207           htn = htn*.9*space/xlnum
00208           xlnum = .9*space
00209       end if
00210 c
00211 c     See if the first label should be moved up.
00212 c     -----------------------------------------
00213 c
00214 c     (There is a lot of repeated code here--there is probably a much
00215 c      better way of writing this.)
00216 c
00217       y = firsty
00218       s1 = cinch(firsty,ybot,dinchy)
00219       half = .5*htn
00220       strlen = xlnum
00221       strlen2 = .5*strlen
00222 c
00223       call pushstr
00224       if (jrot.eq.0) then
00225           if (iax.eq.1) then
00226               call strpos(1.,.5)
00227           else
00228               call strpos(0.,.5)
00229           end if
00230       else
00231           if (iax.eq.1) then
00232               call strpos(.5,0.)
00233           else
00234               call strpos(.5,1.)
00235           end if
00236       end if
00237 c
00238       if (jrot.eq.0) then
00239           th = 0.
00240           if (iax.eq.1) then
00241               r = rax-half
00242           else
00243               r = rax+half
00244           end if
00245       else
00246           th = 90.
00247           if (iax.eq.1) then
00248               r = rax-htn
00249           else
00250               r = rax+htn
00251           end if
00252       end if
00253       s = s1
00254 c
00255       smin = half                       ! Only offset the first y-axis
00256       if (th.eq.90.) smin = strlen2     ! label if it really would
00257       if ( s = s+smin        ! extend below the x-axis.
00258 c
00259 c     Reference point for first number is (r, s).
00260 c
00261       if (iwts(2).gt.0) then
00262           jwt = idevwt
00263           call weight(iwts(2))
00264       end if
00265 c     
00266       if (iax.eq.2) th = -th
00267 c     
00268 c     Draw the number and initialize bookkeeping.
00269 c
00270       if (ibare.eq.1) then
00271           if (ndec.eq.0) then
00272               call lognum(r,s,htn,y,th,-1)
00273               rnummin = r
00274           else
00275               call fr numbr(r,s,htn,y,th,ndec)
00276               rnummin = rrmin
00277           end if
00278       else
00279           call make_number_string(y,ndec,lpow,string,nsym,yscale)
00280           call simbol(r,s,htn,string,th,nsym)
00281       end if
00282 c
00283       rnummax = rnummin + xlnum
00284 c     
00285       snumb = 0.
00286       snumt = slen
00287       rnuml = 0.
00288       rnumr = 0.
00289       inumset = 0
00290 c
00291       if (jrot.eq.0) then
00292           sref = s - half
00293       else
00294           sref = s - strlen2
00295       end if
00296 c     
00297 c     sref is the level of the bottom of the current numerical label.
00298 c
00299       dstrue = ds
00300       if (ndec.eq.0.and.ny.le.3.and.abs(dyl-1.).lt..01) then
00301 c
00302 c         In this case, we must take into account the fact that
00303 c         intermediate numbers are being inserted, and that the bottom
00304 c         label could be above the centerline...
00305 c
00306           dstrue = .5*ds
00307           isign = 1
00308           if ( isign = -1
00309       end if
00310 c
00311       if ( (sref-scent) * (sref+isign*dstrue-scent) .le. 0. ) then
00312 c
00313 c         This number and the next straddle the centerline.
00314 c         The vertical whitespace for the label lies between snumb
00315 c         and snumt.  The y-label will be centered there.
00316 c
00317           inumset = 1
00318 c
00319           snumt = sref+dstrue
00320 c
00321           if ( then
00322               rnuml = r-htn
00323               rnumr = r
00324               snumb = s+strlen2
00325           else
00326               rnuml = r-strlen
00327               rnumr = r
00328               if (ndec.eq.0) then
00329                   snumb = sref+1.2*htn
00330               else
00331                   snumb = sref+htn
00332               end if
00333           end if
00334       end if
00335 c
00336 c     Draw the remaining numbers.
00337 c     --------------------------
00338 c
00339 c     Undo any offset:
00340 c
00341       if ( s = s-smin
00342 c
00343       do i = 2,ny
00344           s = s+ds
00345           y = y+dyl
00346 c         
00347           if (ibare.eq.1) then
00348               if (ndec.eq.0) then
00349                   call lognum(r,s,htn,y,th,-1)
00350                   rnummin = min(rnummin,r)
00351                   rnummax = max(rnummax,r+strlen)
00352               else
00353                   call fr numbr(r,s,htn,y,th,ndec)
00354                   rnummin = min(rnummin,rrmin)
00355                   rnummax = max(rnummax,rrmax)
00356               end if
00357           else
00358               call make_number_string(y,ndec,lpow,string,nsym,yscale)
00359               call simbol(r,s,htn,string,th,nsym)
00360 c
00361 c             Still have to deal with intermediates...
00362 c
00363               if (ndec.eq.0.and.ny.le.3.and.abs(dyl-1.).lt..01) then
00364                   s3 = s-.5229*ds
00365                   if ( then
00366                       call format_string(10.**(y-.5*dyl),-1,
00367      $                                   string,nsym,1)
00368                       call simbol(r,s3,htn,string,th,nsym)
00369                   end if
00370 c
00371                   if (i.eq.2) then
00372                       s3 = s-1.5229*ds
00373                       if ( then
00374                           call format_string(10.**(y-1.5*dyl),-1,
00375      $                                       string,nsym,1)
00376                           call simbol(r,s3,htn,string,th,nsym)
00377                       end if
00378                   end if
00379 c                 
00380                   if (i.eq.ny) then
00381                       s3 = s+.4771*ds
00382                       if (s3.le.s2) then
00383                           call format_string(10.**(y+.5*dyl),-1,
00384      $                            string,nsym,1)
00385                           call simbol(r,s3,htn,string,th,nsym)
00386                       end if
00387                   end if
00388               end if
00389 c
00390               rnummin = min(rnummin,rrmin)
00391               rnummax = max(rnummax,rrmax)
00392           end if
00393 c         
00394 c         Bookeeping (same as before):
00395 c
00396           if (inumset.eq.0) then
00397               if (jrot.eq.0) then
00398                   sref = s - half
00399               else
00400                   sref = s - strlen2
00401               end if
00402 c
00403               if ( then
00404                   inumset = 1
00405 c
00406                   snumt = sref+dstrue
00407 c
00408                   if ( then
00409                       rnuml = r-htn
00410                       rnumr = r
00411                       snumb = s+strlen2
00412                   else
00413                       rnuml = r-strlen
00414                       rnumr = r
00415                       snumb = sref+htn
00416 c
00417 c                     Old version:
00418 c
00419 c                     if (ndec.eq.0) then
00420 c                         snumb = sref+1.2*htn
00421 c                     else
00422 c                         snumb = sref+htn
00423 c                     end if
00424 c
00425                   end if
00426               end if
00427           end if
00428       end do
00429 c
00430 c     Restore settings.
00431 c
00432       if (iwts(2).gt.0) call weight(jwt)
00433       iframe = 1
00434       call popstr
00435 c     
00436       rnuml = rnummin
00437       rnumr = max(rnummax,rnuml+htn*jrot+strlen*(1-jrot))
00438 c     
00439       snumb = max(0.,snumb)
00440       snumt = min(slen,snumt)
00441       stopnum = s
00442 c
00443 c     Force the label to be above the centerline.
00444 c
00445       if (.5*(snumb+snumt).lt.scent) then
00446           snumb = snumb + dstrue
00447           snumt = snumt + dstrue
00448       end if
00449 c     
00450       end
00453       subroutine make_number_string(y,ndec,lpow,string,nsym,yscale)
00454       character*(*) string
00455       common /fr plain/ iplain
00456 c
00457       parameter (TOL = 1.e-6)
00458 c     
00459       if (lpow.eq.0.or.( then
00460           call numsym(y,ndec,string,nsym)
00461           if (iplain.eq.1) call convert_to_plain(string, nsym)
00462       else
00463           if (ndec.eq.0) then
00464               call format_string(10.**y,ndec,string,nsym,0)
00465           else
00466               call exp_string(y,ndec,string,nsym,1)
00467           end if
00468       end if
00469 c
00470       end

Generated at Sun Feb 24 09:57:00 2002 for STARLAB by doxygen1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001