00002 c
00003 c
00004 c
00005 c
00006 c
00007 c
00008 c
00009 c
00011 c Fortran-77 worker function (hidden inside mk_aniso_king.C).
00013 subroutine aking(mass, xx, yy, zz, vx, vy, vz,
00014 & alpha1_in, alpha3_in, iseed, N_in, W0_in, debug,
00015 & potential, kinetic, tidal_energy,
00016 & coord)
00018 c Program to make an anisotropic King model (cf. Heggie & Ramamani,
00019 c MNRAS, 272, 317-22, 1995.)
00020 c
00021 c Written (thrown together) by d.c.heggie@uk.ac.ed
00022 c This program comes without warranty.
00023 c
00024 c Function version created by SLWM.
00025 c
00026 c Arguments are: arrays for masses, coordinates and velocities,
00027 c alpha1 (< 0), alpha3, iseed, N, W0 (1 < W0 < 12),
00028 c debug.
00029 c
00030 c The Galactic tidal potential per unit mass (with the convention
00031 c that the potential is negative deep inside a bound system) is
00032 c
00033 c 0.5 * (alpha1*x**2 + alpha3*z**2)
00034 c
00035 c For a point-mass tidal field, we have
00036 c
00037 c alpha1 = -3 Omega^2
00038 c alpha3 = Omega^2
00039 c
00040 c where Omega^2 is as defined in Binney and Tremaine (and used in
00041 c kira).
00042 c
00043 c iseed is a seed for setting the random number generator
00044 c N is the number of particles required in an N-body model; if n<=1
00045 c no particles are generated, but the surface density profile is
00046 c computed and printed
00047 c W0 is the concentration of a King model from which the anisotropic
00048 c model is generated by perturbation
00049 c |debug| > 0 prints/saves info about the King model itself
00050 c debug < 0 prints extra diagnostic messages
00051 c
00052 c Parameters from original program now set to specific values:
00053 c
00054 c mtot is the total mass of the system
00055 c G is G
00056 c xstart generates the initial value of W by W(0) = W0 - xstart
00057 c
00058 c **** Take mtot = G = 1, xstart = 0.001. ****
00059 c
00060 c Units:
00061 c
00062 c "Internal" code length unit (used in computation of the King model)
00063 c is the core radius (defined in the usual way).
00064 c
00065 c "External" units are defined by the fact that G = 1, the model has
00066 c total mass mtot = 1, and exactly fills its Roche lobe in the Galactic
00067 c tidal field (i.e. defined by G, mtot, and the alpha parameters).
00068 c
00069 c The value of alpha1 determines the overall length scale of the output
00070 c model. If we plan to rescale externally (e.g. N-body units), then
00071 c this scale is irrelevant. ONLY -alpha3/alpha1, WHICH DEFINES THE
00073 c
00074 c Output:
00075 c
00076 c Unit 0 (stderr) shows
00077 c 1. the course of the iteration in which the analytic
00078 c model is computed (debug < 0),
00079 c 2. the density profiles along the three axes (in
00080 c program units) (|debug| > 0), and,
00081 c 3. the limiting radii along the three axes, in both
00082 c program and user units
00083 c Unit 7 produces surface densities (along the x and z axes,
00084 c as viewed along the y-axis) if N<=1 (|debug| > 1)
00085 c Unit 8 produces a list of the analytic solution (|debug| > 1)
00087 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00089 double precision mass(N_in), xx(N_in), yy(N_in), zz(N_in),
00090 & vx(N_in), vy(N_in), vz(N_in)
00091 double precision alpha1, alpha3, W0
00092 integer iseed, N_in, debug
00093 double precision kinetic, potential, tidal_energy
00095 parameter(ne=5,m=51,nb=3,nci=ne,ncj=ne-nb+1,nck=m+1,nsi=ne,
00096 & nsj=2*ne+1,nyj=ne,nyk=m,nstarm=10000)
00098 c Note: nstarm was used to set the size of the coord array
00099 c -- no longer used (dynamically allocated in mk_aniso_king).
00101 common x(m),h,mm,n,c2,anorm
00102 common /path/ kmax,kount,dxsav,xp(200),yp(10,200)
00103 double precision mtot,mstar,j22,ke,kevir
00104 common /params/ w0,alpha1,alpha3,rho(m),rhodot(m),rlag,yking(2,m),
00105 & den,rking
00106 dimension scalv(ne),indexv(ne),y(ne,m),c(nci,ncj,nck),s(nsi,nsj)
00107 parameter (nmax=10)
00109 dimension ystart(nmax),coord(N_in,3) ! <-- new declaration of coord
00111 c data scalv/4*0.001d0,1.d0/
00112 data scalv/5*1.d0/
00113 external derivs,rkqc
00115 c Function erf could/should be replaced by intrinsic if possible.
00117 densty(z) = -sqrt(z)*(z+1.5d0)+0.75*sqrt(pi)*exp(z)
00118 & *dch_erf(sqrt(z))
00120 if (alpha3_in.ne.0.d0 .and. alpha1_in.ge.0.d0) then
00121 write(0,*) 'aking: alpha1 should be negative'
00122 stop
00123 endif
00124 if (w0_in.lt.0.1d0) then
00125 write(0,*) 'aking: w0 too small'
00126 stop
00127 endif
00128 if (w0_in.gt.12.d0) then
00129 write(0,*) 'aking: w0 too large'
00130 stop
00131 endif
00133 pi = 4.d0*atan(1.d0)
00134 itmax=100
00135 conv=5.e-6
00136 h=1.d0/(m-1)
00138 mtot = 1.0
00139 G = 1.0
00141 alpha1 = alpha1_in
00142 alpha3 = alpha3_in
00143 N = N_in
00144 W0 = W0_in
00146 xstart = 0.001
00148 itmax = 100
00149 c rmin = 0.2
00150 c xstart = 0.2
00151 slowc = 1.d0
00152 do i = 1,5
00153 indexv(i) = i
00154 enddo
00155 anorm=1.
00156 h = (w0-xstart)**2/(m-1)
00157 den = densty(w0)
00158 dxsav = 0.01d0*w0
00159 kmax = 200
00160 nvar = 2
00161 c xstart = 0.02
00162 c xstart = 0.001
00163 ystart(1) = 2.d0*xstart/3.d0
00164 ystart(2) = -2.d0/3.d0
00166 c Compute the King model and perturbations to it.
00167 c
00168 c In the computation of the King model, y1 = r^2, y2 = d(y1)/dx,
00169 c and x is dimensionless depth (w).
00171 x1 = w0 - xstart
00172 x2 = 0.d0
00173 tol = 1.d-6
00174 h1 = 0.01d0
00175 hmin = 0.0000000001d0
00177 call odeint(ystart,nvar,x1,x2,tol,h1,hmin,nok,nbad,derivs,rkqc)
00179 do k=1,m
00180 x(k) = w0-xstart-sqrt(h*(k-1))
00181 if (x(k).ge.0.d0) then
00182 rho(k) = densty(x(k))/den
00183 rhodot(k) = rho(k) + x(k)**1.5d0/den
00184 else
00185 rho(k) = 0.d0
00186 rhodot(k) = 0.d0
00187 endif
00188 if (x(k).gt.xp(1)) then
00189 yking(1,k) = (w0-x(k))*yp(1,1)/(w0 - xp(1))
00190 yking(2,k) = yp(2,1)
00191 else
00192 i = 1
00193 115 continue
00194 if ((x(k)-xp(i))*(x(k)-xp(i+1)).le.0.d0) then
00195 yking(1,k) = yp(1,i) + (yp(1,i+1)-yp(1,i))*
00196 & (x(k)-xp(i))/(xp(i+1)-xp(i))
00197 yking(2,k) = yp(2,i) + (yp(2,i+1)-yp(2,i))*
00198 & (x(k)-xp(i))/(xp(i+1)-xp(i))
00199 else
00200 i = i+1
00201 if (i.le.kount-1) then
00202 goto 115
00203 else
00204 if (debug .lt. 0) then
00205 write(0,*) 'aking: failing interpolation',
00206 & ' of King values?', xp(kount), x(k)
00207 endif
00208 yking(1,k) = yp(1,kount)
00209 yking(2,k) = yp(2,kount)
00210 endif
00211 endif
00212 endif
00213 y(1,k) = -0.000004*(1-x(k)/w0)
00214 y(2,k) = 0.000004/w0
00215 y(3,k) = 0.000001*(1-x(k)/w0)
00216 y(4,k) = -0.000001/w0
00217 y(5,k) = log(0.000002d0)
00218 enddo
00220 call solvde(itmax,conv,slowc,scalv,indexv,ne,nb,m,y,nyj,nyk,
00221 & c,nci,ncj,nck,s,nsi,nsj,debug)
00223 if (abs(debug) .gt. 1) then
00224 if (debug .lt. 0)
00225 $ write(0,*)'aking: writing model to unit 8...'
00226 do j = 1,m
00227 write(8,100) x(j),(yking(i,j),i=1,2),(y(i,j),i=1,5)
00228 100 format(0pf10.5,1p7e10.2)
00229 enddo
00230 endif
00232 c Now compute the density profiles
00234 s0 = 1.5d0*(1.d0+alpha3/alpha1) ! FIRST use of alpha3/alpha1
00235 s2x = -0.5d0*alpha3/alpha1 + 1.d0
00236 s2y = s2x - 1.5d0
00237 s2z = alpha3/alpha1 - 0.5d0
00238 eps = - exp(y(5,m))
00239 wyold = -1.d0
00240 wzold = -1.d0
00242 if (abs(debug) .gt. 0)
00243 & write(0,*) ' radius density on x',
00244 & ' on y on z King'
00246 fmax = 0.d0
00247 do i = 1,m
00248 r = sqrt(yking(1,i))
00249 wx = x(i) + y(1,i)*s0 + y(3,i)*s2x - eps*r**2*
00250 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2x)
00251 wy = x(i) + y(1,i)*s0 + y(3,i)*s2y - eps*r**2*
00252 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2y)
00253 wz = x(i) + y(1,i)*s0 + y(3,i)*s2z - eps*r**2*
00254 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2z)
00255 if (wx.ge.0.d0) then
00256 rhox = densty(wx)/den
00257 else
00258 rhox = 0.d0
00259 endif
00260 if (wy.ge.0.d0) then
00261 rhoy = densty(wy)/den
00262 else
00263 rhoy = 0.d0
00264 endif
00265 if (wz.ge.0.d0) then
00266 rhoz = densty(wz)/den
00267 else
00268 rhoz = 0.d0
00269 endif
00271 if (abs(debug) .gt. 0) write(0,101) r,rhox,rhoy,rhoz,rho(i)
00272 101 format(0pf10.5,1p4d15.5)
00274 if (fmax.lt.r**2*rhox) fmax = r**2*rhox
00275 if (wyold.gt.0.d0) ymax = (r*wyold - wy*
00276 & sqrt(yking(1,i-1)))/(wyold-wy)
00277 if (wzold.gt.0.d0) zmax = (r*wzold - wz*
00278 & sqrt(yking(1,i-1)))/(wzold-wz)
00279 wyold = wy
00280 wzold = wz
00281 enddo
00282 r = r + 0.1
00283 10 continue
00285 wc1 = -2.d0*yking(1,m)**1.5d0/yking(2,m)
00287 c = 9 M(r) / (4 pi rho0)
00289 wc2 = -wc1/sqrt(yking(1,m))
00291 c = -9 M(r) / (4 pi rho0 r)
00293 w0c1 = wc1*y(2,m)
00294 w0c2 = y(1,m) - w0c1/sqrt(yking(1,m))
00295 w2c1 = yking(1,m)**1.5d0*y(3,m)
00296 wx = wc1/r + wc2
00297 & +s0*(w0c1/r + w0c2) + s2x*w2c1/r**3 - eps*r**2*
00298 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2x)
00299 wy = wc1/r + wc2
00300 & +s0*(w0c1/r + w0c2) + s2y*w2c1/r**3 - eps*r**2*
00301 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2y)
00302 wz = wc1/r + wc2
00303 & +s0*(w0c1/r + w0c2) + s2z*w2c1/r**3 - eps*r**2*
00304 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2z)
00305 if (wx.ge.0.d0) then
00306 rhox = densty(wx)/den
00307 else
00308 rhox = 0.d0
00309 endif
00310 if (wy.ge.0.d0) then
00311 rhoy = densty(wy)/den
00312 else
00313 rhoy = 0.d0
00314 endif
00315 if (wz.ge.0.d0) then
00316 rhoz = densty(wz)/den
00317 else
00318 rhoz = 0.d0
00319 endif
00320 if (wyold.gt.0.d0) ymax = (r*wyold - wy*(r-0.1d0))/
00321 & (wyold-wy)
00322 if (wzold.gt.0.d0) zmax = (r*wzold - wz*(r-0.1d0))/
00323 & (wzold-wz)
00324 wyold = wy
00325 wzold = wz
00326 rhok = 0.d0
00328 if (abs(debug) .gt. 0) write(0,101) r,rhox,rhoy,rhoz,rhok
00330 if (fmax.lt.r**2*rhox) fmax = r**2*rhox
00331 r = r + 0.1
00332 if (r.lt.rlag) goto 10
00333 fmax = 1.1d0
00335 c Reminder from Steve to Steve (7/16/98): at this point, lengths
00336 c are measured in core radii and the density is scaled to the
00337 c central value.
00339 write(0,*) 'aking: scaled masses: King ', wc1,
00340 & ' anisotropic ', wc1+s0*w0c1
00341 write(0,*) 'aking: radii (core radii):',rlag, ymax, zmax
00342 rking = sqrt(yking(1,m))
00343 write(0,*) 'aking: King cutoff radius (core radii):',rking
00344 write(0,'('' aking: scaled densities: King: '',1pe9.3, '
00345 &
00346 & wc1*3/(4*pi*rking**3),
00347 & (wc1 + s0*w0c1)*3/(4*pi*rlag**3), W0
00349 c Next section computes surface density viewed parallel to y-axis
00351 if (abs(debug).gt.1) then
00352 zero = 0.d0
00353 sigma0 = sigma(zero,zero,y)
00354 if (debug .lt. 0)
00355 & write(0,*) 'Writing surface densities to unit 7...'
00356 do i = 1,250
00357 x1 = 10.d0**(0.01d0*(i-1))
00358 if (x1.le.rlag) then
00359 sigmax = sigma(x1,zero,y)/sigma0
00360 sigmaz = sigma(zero,x1,y)/sigma0
00361 write(7,*) x1, sigmax, sigmaz
00362 endif
00363 enddo
00364 endif
00366 c Next section computes N-body initial conditions. Note that alpha1
00367 c is used to establish scaling.
00369 idum = iseed
00371 c Compute core radius in user units:
00373 rc3 = 2.d0*g*mtot*eps/(alpha1*(wc1 + s0*w0c1)) ! FIRST use of alpha1
00375 c (This eps really is the eps in the paper, although it is
00376 c obtained here as a solution to a boundary-value problem.)
00378 rc = rc3**(1.d0/3.d0)
00379 write(0,*)'aking: core radius (user units) = ', rc
00381 c Compute 1 / (1-D velocity dispersion) in user units:
00383 rc2 = rc**2
00384 j22 = 2.d0*eps/(rc2*alpha1)
00386 pe = 0.d0
00387 ke = 0.d0
00388 sumx = 0.d0
00389 sumy = 0.d0
00390 sumz = 0.d0
00392 do 40 i = 1,n
00393 if (n.le.1) goto 40
00394 15 continue
00395 rstar = rlag*ran2(idum)
00396 costh = 2.d0*ran2(idum)-1.d0
00397 phi = 2.d0*pi*ran2(idum)
00398 sinth = sqrt(1.d0-costh**2)
00399 xstar = rstar*sinth*cos(phi)
00400 ystar = rstar*sinth*sin(phi)
00401 zstar = rstar*costh
00402 r2s2 = (alpha3/alpha1-0.5d0)*(zstar**2-0.5d0*(xstar**2+
00403 & ystar**2))+ 0.75d0*(xstar**2-ystar**2)
00404 r2 = xstar**2 + ystar**2 + zstar**2
00405 s2 = r2s2/r2
00406 r = sqrt(r2)
00407 if (r.lt.rking) then
00408 if (r.lt.sqrt(yking(1,1))) then
00409 w1 = x(1) + y(1,1)*s0 + y(3,1)*s2 - eps*r**2*
00410 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2)
00411 w = w0 - (r2/yking(1,1))*(w0 - w1)
00412 else
00413 j = 1
00414 20 continue
00415 j = j + 1
00416 if (r.gt.sqrt(yking(1,j))) goto 20
00417 wj1 = x(j-1) + y(1,j-1)*s0 + y(3,j-1)*s2 - eps*r**2*
00418 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2)
00419 wj = x(j) + y(1,j)*s0 + y(3,j)*s2 - eps*r**2*
00420 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2)
00421 w = wj1 + (r2-yking(1,j-1))*(wj-wj1)/
00422 & (yking(1,j)-yking(1,j-1))
00423 endif
00424 else
00425 w = wc1/r + wc2
00426 & +s0*(w0c1/r + w0c2) + s2*w2c1/r**3 - eps*r**2*
00427 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2)
00428 endif
00429 if (w.gt.0.d0) then
00430 rhost = densty(w)/den
00431 else
00432 rhost = 0
00433 endif
00434 if (rstar**2*rhost.lt.fmax*ran2(idum)) go to 15
00436 c Now choose speed
00438 vmax = sqrt(2.d0*w)
00439 30 continue
00440 speed = vmax*ran2(idum)
00441 fstar = speed**2*(exp(-0.5d0*speed**2)-exp(-w))
00442 if (fstar.lt.2.d0*ran2(idum)/exp(1.d0)) go to 30
00443 costh = 2.d0*ran2(idum)-1.d0
00444 phi = 2.d0*pi*ran2(idum)
00445 sinth = sqrt(1.d0-costh**2)
00447 c Convert positions and velocities from code units to user units.
00449 speed = speed/sqrt(j22)
00451 xstar = xstar*rc
00452 ystar = ystar*rc
00453 zstar = zstar*rc
00454 ustar = speed*sinth*cos(phi)
00455 vstar = speed*sinth*sin(phi)
00456 wstar = speed*costh
00457 mstar = mtot/n
00459 coord(i,1) = xstar
00460 coord(i,2) = ystar
00461 coord(i,3) = zstar
00463 c Ultimately, might be better to compute energies, etc. in
00464 c mk_aniso_king, but keep code as is for now. Avoid significant
00465 c cost of computing energy twice by passing energies back to
00466 c mk_aniso_king via the argument list.
00468 if (i.gt.1) then
00469 do j = 1,i-1
00470 r2 = (coord(j,1)-xstar)**2 + (coord(j,2)-ystar)**2 +
00471 & (coord(j,3)-zstar)**2
00472 pe = pe - 1.d0/sqrt(r2)
00473 enddo
00474 endif
00475 ke = ke + mstar*speed**2
00476 sumx = sumx + mstar*xstar**2
00477 sumy = sumy + mstar*ystar**2
00478 sumz = sumz + mstar*zstar**2
00480 mass(i) = mstar
00481 xx(i) = xstar
00482 yy(i) = ystar
00483 zz(i) = zstar
00484 vx(i) = ustar
00485 vy(i) = vstar
00486 vz(i) = wstar
00487 40 continue
00488 pe = g*pe*mstar**2
00489 e_tidal = 0.5*alpha1*sumx + 0.5*alpha3*sumz
00490 ke = ke*0.5d0
00491 xmax = rc*rlag
00492 ymax = rc*ymax
00493 zmax = rc*zmax
00495 write(0,*) 'aking: radii (user units):', xmax, ymax, zmax
00496 write(0,*) 'aking: "Jacobi radius" (from alpha1 ',
00497 $ 'with phi ~ -1/r; user units):',
00498 $ (-g*mtot/alpha1)**(0.3333333333)
00501 if (n.gt.1) then
00502 rvir = -g*mtot**2/(2.d0*pe)
00503 rvir_tidal = -g*mtot**2/(2.d0*(pe+e_tidal))
00504 write(0,*) 'aking: virial radius of N-body system ',
00505 $ '(user units):', rvir
00506 write(0,*) 'aking: ....same, but with tidal potential ',
00507 $ 'included:', rvir_tidal
00509 endif
00511 c Derived quantities (user units) returned to calling program:
00513 potential = pe
00514 kinetic = ke
00515 tidal_energy = e_tidal
00517 return
00518 end
00520 c
00522 subroutine difeq(k,k1,k2,jsf,is1,isf,indexv,ne,s,nsi,nsj,y,nyj,nyk
00523 & )
00524 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00525 parameter(m=51)
00526 common x(m),h,mm,n,c2,anorm
00527 common /params/ w0,alpha1,alpha3,rho(m),rhodot(m),rlag,
00528 & yking(2,m),den,rking
00529 dimension y(nyj,nyk),s(nsi,nsj),indexv(nyj)
00531 g2(i) = -2.25d0*yking(2,i)**2*(rhodot(i)*(y(1,i) + (2.d0/9.d0)*
00532 & exp(y(5,i))*yking(1,i)) - y(2,i)*rho(i))/yking(1,i)
00533 g4(i) = 0.25d0*yking(2,i)**2*(6.d0*y(3,i)/yking(1,i)-
00534 & 9.d0*rhodot(i)*(y(3,i) + (2.d0/3.d0)
00535 & *exp(y(5,i))*yking(1,i))
00536 & + 9.d0*y(4,i)*rho(i))/yking(1,i)
00538 if(k.eq.k1) then
00539 do i = 3,5
00540 do j = 6,10
00541 s(i,j) = 0.d0
00542 enddo
00543 enddo
00544 eps = -exp(y(5,1))
00545 b0 = 0.1d0*eps*rhodot(1)
00546 s(3,5+1) = 1.d0
00547 s(3,5+5) = -b0*yking(1,1)**2
00548 s(3,jsf) = y(1,1) - b0*yking(1,1)**2
00549 s(4,5+2) = 1.d0
00550 s(4,5+5) = -2.d0*b0*yking(1,1)*yking(2,1)
00551 s(4,jsf) = y(2,1) - 2.d0*b0*yking(1,1)*yking(2,1)
00552 s(5,5+3) = yking(2,1)
00553 s(5,5+4) = -yking(1,1)
00554 s(5,jsf) = y(3,1)*yking(2,1) - yking(1,1)*y(4,1)
00555 else if(k.gt.k2) then
00556 do i = 1,2
00557 do j = 6,10
00558 s(i,j) = 0.d0
00559 enddo
00560 enddo
00561 s(1,5+3) = 1.5d0*yking(2,m)
00562 s(1,5+4) = yking(1,m)
00563 s(1,jsf) = yking(1,m)*y(4,m) + 1.5d0*y(3,m)*yking(2,m)
00564 c now find radius where acceleration vanishes
00565 r = sqrt(yking(1,m))
00566 s0 = 1.5d0*(1.d0+alpha3/alpha1)
00567 s2 = -0.5d0*alpha3/alpha1 + 1.d0
00568 iter = 0
00569 eps = -exp(y(5,m))
00570 wc1 = -2.d0*yking(1,m)**1.5d0/yking(2,m)
00571 wc2 = -wc1/sqrt(yking(1,m))
00572 w0c1 = wc1*y(2,m)
00573 w0c2 = y(1,m) - w0c1/sqrt(yking(1,m))
00574 w2c1 = yking(1,m)**1.5d0*y(3,m)
00575 10 continue
00576 iter = iter + 1
00577 if (iter.gt.20) then
00578 write(0,*) 'aking: too many iterations finding r'
00579 write(0,*) (y(i,m),i=1,5)
00580 stop
00581 endif
00582 f = -wc1/r**2 +s0*(-w0c1/r**2)
00583 & -s2*3.d0*w2c1/r**4 - 2.d0*eps*r
00584 fdash = 2.d0*wc1/r**3 + 2.d0*s0*w0c1
00585 & /r**3 +12.d0*s2*w2c1/r**5 -
00586 & 2.d0*eps
00587 rnew = r - f/fdash
00588 if (abs((r-rnew)/rnew).gt.1.d-4) then
00589 r = rnew
00590 go to 10
00591 endif
00592 r = rnew
00593 rlag = r
00594 temp = 1.d0 - sqrt(yking(1,m))/r
00595 s(2,5+1) = s0
00596 s(2,5+2) = s0*2.d0*(yking(1,m)/yking(2,m))*temp
00597 s(2,5+3) = s2*yking(1,m)**1.5d0/r**3
00598 s(2,5+5) = exp(y(5,m))*r**2
00599 s(2,jsf) = 2.d0*yking(1,m)*temp/yking(2,m) +
00600 & s0*(y(1,m) + 2.d0*yking(1,m)*y(2,m)*temp/yking(2,m))
00601 & + s2*yking(1,m)**1.5d0*y(3,m)/r**3
00602 & - eps*r**2
00603 else
00604 do i = 1,5
00605 do j = 1,10
00606 s(i,j)=0.d0
00607 enddo
00608 enddo
00609 halfh = 0.5d0*(x(k)-x(k-1))
00610 s(1,1) = -1.d0
00611 s(1,2) = -halfh
00612 s(1,5+1)=1.d0
00613 s(1,5+2)=-halfh
00614 s(1,jsf)=y(1,k)-y(1,k-1)-halfh*(y(2,k)+y(2,k-1))
00615 s(2,1) = -halfh*(-2.25d0*(yking(2,k-1)**2/yking(1,k-1))*
00616 & rhodot(k-1))
00617 s(2,2) = -1.d0 - halfh*(-2.25d0*(yking(2,k-1)**2/
00618 & yking(1,k-1))*
00619 & (-rho(k-1)))
00620 s(2,5) = -halfh*(-2.25d0*(yking(2,k-1)**2/yking(1,k-1))*
00621 & rhodot(k-1)*
00622 & (2.d0/9.d0)*exp(y(5,k-1))*yking(1,k-1))
00623 s(2,5+1) = -halfh*(-2.25d0*(yking(2,k)**2/
00624 & yking(1,k))*rhodot(k))
00625 s(2,5+2) = 1.d0 - halfh*(-2.25d0*(yking(2,k)**2/yking(1,k))*
00626 & (-rho(k)))
00627 s(2,5+5) = -halfh*(-2.25d0*(yking(2,k)**2/
00628 & yking(1,k))*rhodot(k)*
00629 & (2.d0/9.d0)*exp(y(5,k))*yking(1,k))
00630 s(2,jsf) = y(2,k)-y(2,k-1)-halfh*(g2(k-1)+g2(k))
00631 s(3,3) = -1.d0
00632 s(3,4) = -halfh
00633 s(3,5+3)=1.d0
00634 s(3,5+4)=-halfh
00635 s(3,jsf)=y(3,k)-y(3,k-1)-halfh*(y(4,k)+y(4,k-1))
00636 s(4,3) = -halfh*(0.25d0*(yking(2,k-1)**2/
00637 & yking(1,k-1))*(6.d0/
00638 & yking(1,k-1)
00639 & -9.d0*rhodot(k-1)))
00640 s(4,4) = -1.d0 - halfh*(0.25d0*(yking(2,k-1)**2/
00641 & yking(1,k-1))*
00642 & 9.d0*
00643 & rho(k-1))
00644 s(4,5) = -halfh*(0.25d0*(yking(2,k-1)**2/
00645 & yking(1,k-1))*(-9.d0)*
00646 & rhodot(k-1)*(2.d0/3.d0)*exp(y(5,k-1))*yking(1,k-1))
00647 s(4,5+3) = -halfh*(0.25d0*(yking(2,k)**2/
00648 & yking(1,k))*(6.d0/
00649 & yking(1,k)
00650 & -9.d0*rhodot(k)))
00651 s(4,5+4) = 1.d0 - halfh*(0.25d0*(yking(2,k)**2/
00652 & yking(1,k))*9.d0*
00653 & rho(k))
00654 s(4,5+5) = -halfh*(0.25d0*(yking(2,k)**2/
00655 & yking(1,k))*(-9.d0)*
00656 & rhodot(k)*(2.d0/3.d0)*exp(y(5,k))*yking(1,k))
00657 s(4,jsf) = y(4,k)-y(4,k-1)-halfh*(g4(k-1)+g4(k))
00658 s(5,5) = -1.d0
00659 s(5,5+5) = 1.d0
00660 s(5,jsf) = -y(5,k-1) + y(5,k)
00661 endif
00663 return
00664 end
00666 c
00668 subroutine solvde(itmax,conv,slowc,scalv,indexv,ne,nb,m,
00669 & y,nyj,nyk,c,nci,ncj,nck,s,nsi,nsj,debug)
00670 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00671 integer debug
00672 parameter (nmax=10)
00673 dimension y(nyj,nyk),c(nci,ncj,nck),s(nsi,nsj),scalv(nyj),indexv(n
00674 & yj)
00675 dimension ermax(nmax),kmax(nmax)
00677 k1=1
00678 k2=m
00679 nvars=ne*m
00680 j1=1
00681 j2=nb
00682 j3=nb+1
00683 j4=ne
00684 j5=j4+j1
00685 j6=j4+j2
00686 j7=j4+j3
00687 j8=j4+j4
00688 j9=j8+j1
00689 ic1=1
00690 ic2=ne-nb
00691 ic3=ic2+1
00692 ic4=ne
00693 jc1=1
00694 jcf=ic3
00695 do 16 it=1,itmax
00696 k=k1
00697 call difeq(k,k1,k2,j9,ic3,ic4,indexv,ne,s,nsi,nsj,y,nyj,nyk)
00698 call pinvs(ic3,ic4,j5,j9,jc1,k1,c,nci,ncj,nck,s,nsi,nsj)
00699 do 11 k=k1+1,k2
00700 kp=k-1
00701 call difeq(k,k1,k2,j9,ic1,ic4,indexv,ne,s,nsi,nsj,y,nyj,
00702 & nyk)
00703 call red(ic1,ic4,j1,j2,j3,j4,j9,ic3,jc1,jcf,kp,
00704 & c,nci,ncj,nck,s,nsi,nsj)
00705 call pinvs(ic1,ic4,j3,j9,jc1,k,c,nci,ncj,nck,s,nsi,nsj)
00706 11 continue
00707 k=k2+1
00708 call difeq(k,k1,k2,j9,ic1,ic2,indexv,ne,s,nsi,nsj,y,nyj,nyk)
00709 call red(ic1,ic2,j5,j6,j7,j8,j9,ic3,jc1,jcf,k2,
00710 & c,nci,ncj,nck,s,nsi,nsj)
00711 call pinvs(ic1,ic2,j7,j9,jcf,k2+1,c,nci,ncj,nck,s,nsi,nsj)
00712 call bksub(ne,nb,jcf,k1,k2,c,nci,ncj,nck)
00713 err=0.
00714 do 13 j=1,ne
00715 jv=indexv(j)
00716 ermax(j)=0.
00717 errj=0.
00718 kmax(j)=0
00719 vmax=0.
00720 do 12 k=k1,k2
00721 vz=abs(c(j,1,k))
00722 if(vz.gt.vmax) then
00723 vmax=vz
00724 km=k
00725 endif
00726 errj=errj+vz
00727 12 continue
00728 err=err+errj/scalv(jv)
00729 ermax(j)=c(j,1,km)/scalv(jv)
00730 kmax(j)=km
00731 13 continue
00732 err=err/nvars
00733 fac=slowc/max(slowc,err)
00734 do 15 jv=1,ne
00735 j=indexv(jv)
00736 do 14 k=k1,k2
00737 y(j,k)=y(j,k)-fac*c(jv,1,k)
00738 14 continue
00739 15 continue
00740 if (debug .lt. 0)
00741 & write(0,100) it,err,fac,(kmax(j),ermax(j),j=1,ne)
00742 if (err.lt.conv) return
00743 16 continue
00744 write(0,*) 'aking: itmax exceeded'
00745 stop
00746 100 format(1x,i4,2f12.6,(/5x,i5,f12.6))
00747 end
00750 subroutine bksub(ne,nb,jf,k1,k2,c,nci,ncj,nck)
00751 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00752 dimension c(nci,ncj,nck)
00753 nbf=ne-nb
00754 do 13 k=k2,k1,-1
00755 kp=k+1
00756 do 12 j=1,nbf
00757 xx=c(j,jf,kp)
00758 do 11 i=1,ne
00759 c(i,jf,k)=c(i,jf,k)-c(i,j,k)*xx
00760 11 continue
00761 12 continue
00762 13 continue
00763 do 16 k=k1,k2
00764 kp=k+1
00765 do 14 i=1,nb
00766 c(i,1,k)=c(i+nbf,jf,k)
00767 14 continue
00768 do 15 i=1,nbf
00769 c(i+nb,1,k)=c(i,jf,kp)
00770 15 continue
00771 16 continue
00773 return
00774 end
00776 c
00778 subroutine pinvs(ie1,ie2,je1,jsf,jc1,k,c,nci,ncj,nck,s,nsi,nsj)
00779 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00780 parameter (zero=0.,one=1.,nmax=10)
00781 dimension c(nci,ncj,nck),s(nsi,nsj),pscl(nmax),indxr(nmax)
00783 je2=je1+ie2-ie1
00784 js1=je2+1
00785 do 12 i=ie1,ie2
00786 big=zero
00787 do 11 j=je1,je2
00788 if(abs(s(i,j)).gt.big) big=abs(s(i,j))
00789 11 continue
00790 if(big.eq.zero) then
00791 write(0,*) 'aking: singular matrix, row all 0'
00792 stop
00793 endif
00794 pscl(i)=one/big
00795 indxr(i)=0
00796 12 continue
00797 do 18 id=ie1,ie2
00798 piv=zero
00799 do 14 i=ie1,ie2
00800 if(indxr(i).eq.0) then
00801 big=zero
00802 do 13 j=je1,je2
00803 if(abs(s(i,j)).gt.big) then
00804 jp=j
00805 big=abs(s(i,j))
00806 endif
00807 13 continue
00808 if(big*pscl(i).gt.piv) then
00809 ipiv=i
00810 jpiv=jp
00811 piv=big*pscl(i)
00812 endif
00813 endif
00814 14 continue
00815 if(s(ipiv,jpiv).eq.zero) then
00816 write(0,*) 'aking: singular matrix'
00817 stop
00818 endif
00819 indxr(ipiv)=jpiv
00820 pivinv=one/s(ipiv,jpiv)
00821 do 15 j=je1,jsf
00822 s(ipiv,j)=s(ipiv,j)*pivinv
00823 15 continue
00824 s(ipiv,jpiv)=one
00825 do 17 i=ie1,ie2
00826 if(indxr(i).ne.jpiv) then
00827 if(s(i,jpiv).ne.zero) then
00828 dum=s(i,jpiv)
00829 do 16 j=je1,jsf
00830 s(i,j)=s(i,j)-dum*s(ipiv,j)
00831 16 continue
00832 s(i,jpiv)=zero
00833 endif
00834 endif
00835 17 continue
00836 18 continue
00837 jcoff=jc1-js1
00838 icoff=ie1-je1
00839 do 21 i=ie1,ie2
00840 irow=indxr(i)+icoff
00841 do 19 j=js1,jsf
00842 c(irow,j+jcoff,k)=s(i,j)
00843 19 continue
00844 21 continue
00846 return
00847 end
00850 subroutine red(iz1,iz2,jz1,jz2,jm1,jm2,jmf,ic1,jc1,jcf,kc,
00851 & c,nci,ncj,nck,s,nsi,nsj)
00852 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00853 dimension c(nci,ncj,nck),s(nsi,nsj)
00855 loff=jc1-jm1
00856 ic=ic1
00857 do 14 j=jz1,jz2
00858 do 12 l=jm1,jm2
00859 vx=c(ic,l+loff,kc)
00860 do 11 i=iz1,iz2
00861 s(i,l)=s(i,l)-s(i,j)*vx
00862 11 continue
00863 12 continue
00864 vx=c(ic,jcf,kc)
00865 do 13 i=iz1,iz2
00866 s(i,jmf)=s(i,jmf)-s(i,j)*vx
00867 13 continue
00868 ic=ic+1
00869 14 continue
00871 return
00872 end
00875 double precision function dch_erf(x)
00876 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00878 half = 0.5d0
00879 if(x.lt.0.)then
00880 dch_erf=-gammp(half,x**2)
00881 else
00882 dch_erf=gammp(half,x**2)
00883 endif
00885 return
00886 end
00889 double precision function gammp(a,x)
00890 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00892 if(x.lt.0..or.a.le.0.) stop
00893 if(x.lt.a+1.)then
00894 call gser(gammp,a,x,gln)
00895 else
00896 call gcf(gammcf,a,x,gln)
00897 gammp=1.-gammcf
00898 endif
00900 return
00901 end
00904 subroutine gser(gamser,a,x,gln)
00905 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00906 parameter (itmax=100,eps=3.e-7)
00908 gln=gammln(a)
00909 if(x.le.0.)then
00910 if(x.lt.0.) stop
00911 gamser=0.
00912 return
00913 endif
00914 ap=a
00915 sum=1./a
00916 del=sum
00917 do 11 n=1,itmax
00918 ap=ap+1.
00919 del=del*x/ap
00920 sum=sum+del
00921 if(abs(del).lt.abs(sum)*eps)go to 1
00922 11 continue
00923 write(0,*) 'aking: a too large, itmax too small'
00924 stop
00925 1 gamser=sum*exp(-x+a*log(x)-gln)
00927 return
00928 end
00931 double precision function gammln(xx)
00932 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00933 real*8 cof(6),stp,half,one,fpf,x,tmp,ser
00934 data cof,stp/76.18009173d0,-86.50532033d0,24.01409822d0,
00935 & -1.231739516d0,.120858003d-2,-.536382d-5,2.50662827465d0/
00936 data half,one,fpf/0.5d0,1.0d0,5.5d0/
00938 x=xx-one
00939 tmp=x+fpf
00940 tmp=(x+half)*log(tmp)-tmp
00941 ser=one
00942 do 11 j=1,6
00943 x=x+one
00944 ser=ser+cof(j)/x
00945 11 continue
00946 gammln=tmp+log(stp*ser)
00948 return
00949 end
00952 subroutine gcf(gammcf,a,x,gln)
00953 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
00954 parameter (itmax=100,eps=3.e-7)
00956 gln=gammln(a)
00957 gold=0.
00958 a0=1.
00959 a1=x
00960 b0=0.
00961 b1=1.
00962 fac=1.
00963 do 11 n=1,itmax
00964 an=float(n)
00965 ana=an-a
00966 a0=(a1+a0*ana)*fac
00967 b0=(b1+b0*ana)*fac
00968 anf=an*fac
00969 a1=x*a0+anf*a1
00970 b1=x*b0+anf*b1
00971 if(a1.ne.0.)then
00972 fac=1./a1
00973 g=b1*fac
00974 if(abs((g-gold)/g).lt.eps)go to 1
00975 gold=g
00976 endif
00977 11 continue
00978 write(0,*) 'aking: a too large, itmax too small'
00979 stop
00980 1 gammcf=exp(-x+a*log(x)-gln)*g
00982 return
00983 end
00986 double precision function notsogoodran2(idum)
00988 c Notes from Steve, 7/16/98:
00989 c
00990 c This is the RAN2 random number generator from Numerical Recipes
00991 c (first FORTRAN edition, ~1986 or so). It has a number of limitations,
00992 c and seems to fail when too many calls are made to it..
00993 c
00994 c This generator will fail (with j out of range) if idum is too big.
00995 c For the parameters below, the limit is idum < 150999.
00996 c
00997 c (The mod function returns negative values for negative arguments
00998 c so, if ia*idum+ic <= 0 during the do-iteration below, j will go
00999 c out of range. This requires that the initial idum satisfy
01000 c
01001 c ia * (ic - idum) + ic > 0
01002 c or
01003 c idum < ic + ic/ia
01004 c = ic + 110
01005 c = 150999.)
01007 implicit none
01008 integer m, ia, ic, iff, j, iy, idum
01009 integer idum_save, idum_prev, count
01010 double precision rm
01011 parameter (m=714025, ia=1366, ic=150889, rm=1.4005112e-6)
01012 integer ir(97)
01014 c Note from Steve 7/15/98: the "save" here is crucially important!
01016 save iff, ir, iy, idum_save, idum_prev, count
01017 data iff /0/ count /0/
01019 idum_prev = idum_save
01020 idum_save = idum
01021 count = count + 1
01023 if(idum.lt.0.or.iff.eq.0)then
01024 iff=1
01025 idum=mod(ic-idum, m)
01026 do j=1,97
01027 idum=mod(ia*idum+ic, m)
01028 ir(j)=idum
01029 enddo
01030 idum=mod(ia*idum+ic, m)
01031 iy=idum
01032 endif
01033 j=1+(97*iy)/m
01034 if(j.gt.97.or.j.lt.1) then
01035 write(0,*)'aking: ran2: j = ', j, ' count = ', count
01036 write(0,*)' idum = ', idum,
01037 + ' ia*idum+ic = ', ia*idum+ic
01038 write(0,*)' idum_prev = ', idum_prev,
01039 + ' ia*idum_prev+ic = ', ia*idum_prev+ic
01040 stop
01041 endif
01042 iy=ir(j)
01044 notsogoodran2=iy*rm
01046 idum=mod(ia*idum+ic, m)
01047 ir(j)=idum
01049 c write(0,*)count, idum
01051 return
01052 end
01055 double precision function betterran2(idum)
01057 c Fortran-ized version of the ran2 function from "Numerical Recipes
01058 c in C," 2nd edition. Works much better than the older Fortran code,
01059 c and is also the basis of randinter() used in the rest of Starlab.
01062 c ***** An even better solution is to use a wrapper to allow *****
01063 c ***** Fortran to use the C++ function randinter! (Steve, 8/99) *****
01066 c Implemented by Steve, 8/99.
01068 implicit none
01070 integer idum
01071 integer IM1, IM2, IMM1, IA1, IA2, IQ1, IQ2, IR1, IR2, NTAB, NDIV
01072 double precision AM, EPS, RNMX
01074 parameter (IM1 = 2147483563)
01075 parameter (IM2 = 2147483399)
01076 parameter (AM = (1.0/IM1))
01077 parameter (IMM1 = (IM1-1))
01078 parameter (IA1 = 40014)
01079 parameter (IA2 = 40692)
01080 parameter (IQ1 = 53668)
01081 parameter (IQ2 = 52774)
01082 parameter (IR1 = 12211)
01083 parameter (IR2 = 3791)
01084 parameter (NTAB = 32)
01085 parameter (NDIV = (1+IMM1/NTAB))
01086 parameter (EPS = 1.e-14)
01087 parameter (RNMX = (1.0-EPS))
01089 integer init, j, k, idum2, iy, iv(NTAB)
01091 save init, idum2, iy, iv
01092 data init /0/ idum2 /123456789/ iy /0/
01094 c Initialize if idum < 0.
01096 if (idum .le. 0 .or. init .eq. 0) then
01098 c write(0,*)'Initializing....'
01100 if (idum .lt. 0) idum = -idum
01101 if (idum .eq.0) idum = 1
01102 idum2 = idum
01104 do j = NTAB+8, 1, -1
01105 k = (idum)/IQ1
01106 idum = IA1*(idum-k*IQ1) - k*IR1
01107 if (idum .lt. 0) idum = idum + IM1
01108 if (j .le. NTAB) iv(j) = idum
01109 end do
01110 iy = iv(1)
01112 init = 1
01113 end if
01115 c write(0,*)'idum = ', idum
01117 k = (idum)/IQ1
01118 idum = IA1*(idum-k*IQ1) - k*IR1
01119 if (idum .lt. 0) idum = idum + IM1
01121 c write(0,*)'idum = ', idum
01123 k = idum2/IQ2
01124 idum2 = IA2*(idum2-k*IQ2)-k*IR2
01125 if (idum2 .lt. 0) idum2 = idum2 + IM2
01127 c write(0,*)'idum2 = ', idum2
01129 j = iy/NDIV + 1
01130 iy = iv(j) - idum2
01131 iv(j) = idum
01132 if (iy .lt. 1) iy = iy + IMM1
01134 c write(0,*)'iy = ', iy
01136 betterran2 = AM*iy
01137 if (betterran2 .gt. RNMX) betterran2 = RNMX
01139 write(0,*) betterran2
01141 return
01142 end
01145 subroutine odeint(ystart,nvar,x1,x2,eps,h1,hmin,nok,nbad,
01146 & derivs,rkqc)
01147 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
01148 parameter (maxstp=10000,nmax=10,two=2.0,zero=0.0,tiny=1.e-30)
01149 common /path/ kmax,kount,dxsav,xp(200),yp(10,200)
01150 dimension ystart(nvar),yscal(nmax),y(nmax),dydx(nmax)
01151 external derivs
01153 x=x1
01154 h=sign(h1,x2-x1)
01155 nok=0
01156 nbad=0
01157 kount=0
01158 do 11 i=1,nvar
01159 y(i)=ystart(i)
01160 11 continue
01161 xsav=x-dxsav*two
01162 do 16 nstp=1,maxstp
01163 call derivs(x,y,dydx)
01164 do 12 i=1,nvar
01165 yscal(i)=abs(y(i))+abs(h*dydx(i))+tiny
01166 12 continue
01167 if(kmax.gt.0)then
01168 if(abs(x-xsav).gt.abs(dxsav)) then
01169 if(kount.lt.kmax-1)then
01170 kount=kount+1
01171 xp(kount)=x
01172 do 13 i=1,nvar
01173 yp(i,kount)=y(i)
01174 13 continue
01175 xsav=x
01176 endif
01177 endif
01178 endif
01179 if((x+h-x2)*(x+h-x1).gt.zero) h=x2-x
01180 call rkqc(y,dydx,nvar,x,h,eps,yscal,hdid,hnext,derivs)
01181 if(hdid.eq.h)then
01182 nok=nok+1
01183 else
01184 nbad=nbad+1
01185 endif
01186 if((x-x2)*(x2-x1).ge.zero)then
01187 do 14 i=1,nvar
01188 ystart(i)=y(i)
01189 14 continue
01190 if(kmax.ne.0)then
01191 kount=kount+1
01192 xp(kount)=x
01193 do 15 i=1,nvar
01194 yp(i,kount)=y(i)
01195 15 continue
01196 endif
01197 return
01198 endif
01199 if(abs(hnext).lt.hmin) then
01200 write(0,*) 'aking: stepsize smaller than minimum.'
01201 stop
01202 endif
01203 h=hnext
01204 16 continue
01206 write(0,*) 'aking: too many steps.'
01207 stop
01208 end
01211 subroutine rkqc(y,dydx,n,x,htry,eps,yscal,hdid,hnext,derivs)
01212 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
01213 parameter (nmax=10,fcor=.0666666667,
01214 & one=1.,safety=0.9,errcon=6.e-4)
01215 external derivs
01216 dimension y(n),dydx(n),yscal(n),ytemp(nmax),ysav(nmax),dysav(nmax)
01218 pgrow=-0.20
01219 pshrnk=-0.25
01220 xsav=x
01221 do 11 i=1,n
01222 ysav(i)=y(i)
01223 dysav(i)=dydx(i)
01224 11 continue
01225 h=htry
01226 1 hh=0.5*h
01227 call rk4(ysav,dysav,n,xsav,hh,ytemp,derivs)
01228 x=xsav+hh
01229 call derivs(x,ytemp,dydx)
01230 call rk4(ytemp,dydx,n,x,hh,y,derivs)
01231 x=xsav+h
01232 if(x.eq.xsav) then
01233 write(0,*) 'aking: stepsize not significant in rkqc.'
01234 stop
01235 endif
01236 call rk4(ysav,dysav,n,xsav,h,ytemp,derivs)
01237 errmax=0.
01238 do 12 i=1,n
01239 ytemp(i)=y(i)-ytemp(i)
01240 errmax=max(errmax,abs(ytemp(i)/yscal(i)))
01241 12 continue
01242 errmax=errmax/eps
01243 if(errmax.gt.one) then
01244 h=safety*h*(errmax**pshrnk)
01245 goto 1
01246 else
01247 hdid=h
01248 if(errmax.gt.errcon)then
01249 hnext=safety*h*(errmax**pgrow)
01250 else
01251 hnext=4.*h
01252 endif
01253 endif
01254 do 13 i=1,n
01255 y(i)=y(i)+ytemp(i)*fcor
01256 13 continue
01258 return
01259 end
01262 subroutine rk4(y,dydx,n,x,h,yout,derivs)
01263 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
01264 parameter (nmax=10)
01265 dimension y(n),dydx(n),yout(n),yt(nmax),dyt(nmax),dym(nmax)
01267 hh=h*0.5
01268 h6=h/6.
01269 xh=x+hh
01270 do 11 i=1,n
01271 yt(i)=y(i)+hh*dydx(i)
01272 11 continue
01273 call derivs(xh,yt,dyt)
01274 do 12 i=1,n
01275 yt(i)=y(i)+hh*dyt(i)
01276 12 continue
01277 call derivs(xh,yt,dym)
01278 do 13 i=1,n
01279 yt(i)=y(i)+h*dym(i)
01280 dym(i)=dyt(i)+dym(i)
01281 13 continue
01282 call derivs(x+h,yt,dyt)
01283 do 14 i=1,n
01284 yout(i)=y(i)+h6*(dydx(i)+dyt(i)+2.*dym(i))
01285 14 continue
01287 return
01288 end
01291 subroutine derivs (x,y,dydx)
01292 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
01293 parameter (nvar=2,m=51)
01294 common /params/ w0,alpha1,alpha3,rho(m),rhodot(m),rlag,yking(2,m),
01295 & den,rking
01296 dimension y(nvar),dydx(nvar)
01298 pi = 4.d0*datan(1.d0)
01299 if (x.ge.0.d0) then
01300 rhox =-sqrt(x)*(x+1.5d0)+0.75*sqrt(pi)*exp(x)
01301 & *dch_erf(sqrt(x))
01302 else
01303 rhox = 0.d0
01304 endif
01305 dydx(1) = y(2)
01306 dydx(2) = 0.25d0*y(2)**2*(6.d0+9.d0*y(2)*rhox/den)/y(1)
01308 return
01309 end
01312 double precision function sigma(xstar,zstar,y)
01313 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
01314 parameter (ne=5,m=51)
01315 common /params/ w0,alpha1,alpha3,rho(m),rhodot(m),rlag,
01316 & yking(2,m),den,rking
01317 common x(m),h,mm,n,c2,anorm
01318 dimension y(ne,m)
01320 densty(z) = -sqrt(z)*(z+1.5d0)+0.75*sqrt(pi)*exp(z)
01321 & *dch_erf(sqrt(z))
01323 eps = -exp(y(5,m))
01324 s0 = 1.5d0*(1.d0+alpha3/alpha1)
01325 wc1 = -2.d0*yking(1,m)**1.5d0/yking(2,m)
01326 wc2 = -wc1/sqrt(yking(1,m))
01327 w0c1 = wc1*y(2,m)
01328 w0c2 = y(1,m) - w0c1/sqrt(yking(1,m))
01329 w2c1 = yking(1,m)**1.5d0*y(3,m)
01330 pi = 4.d0*atan(1.d0)
01331 sum = 0.d0
01332 ystar = 0.d0
01333 coeff = 0.5d0
01334 10 continue
01335 r2s2 = (alpha3/alpha1-0.5d0)*(zstar**2-0.5d0*(xstar**2+
01336 & ystar**2))+ 0.75d0*(xstar**2-ystar**2)
01337 r2 = xstar**2 + ystar**2 + zstar**2
01338 if (r2.gt.0.d0) then
01339 s2 = r2s2/r2
01340 else
01341 s2 = 1.d0
01342 endif
01343 r = sqrt(r2)
01344 if (r.lt.rking) then
01345 if (r.lt.sqrt(yking(1,1))) then
01346 w1 = x(1) + y(1,1)*s0 + y(3,1)*s2 - eps*r**2*
01347 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2)
01348 w = w0 - (r2/yking(1,1))*(w0 - w1)
01349 else
01350 j = 1
01351 20 continue
01352 j = j + 1
01353 if (r.gt.sqrt(yking(1,j))) goto 20
01354 wj1 = x(j-1) + y(1,j-1)*s0 + y(3,j-1)*s2 - eps*r**2*
01355 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2)
01356 wj = x(j) + y(1,j)*s0 + y(3,j)*s2 - eps*r**2*
01357 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2)
01358 w = wj1 + (r2-yking(1,j-1))*(wj-wj1)/
01359 & (yking(1,j)-yking(1,j-1))
01360 endif
01361 else
01362 w = wc1/r + wc2
01363 & +s0*(w0c1/r + w0c2) + s2*w2c1/r**3 - eps*r**2*
01364 & (2.d0/3.d0)*(s0/3.d0 + s2)
01365 endif
01366 if (w.gt.0.d0) then
01367 rhost = densty(w)/den
01368 sum = sum + coeff*rhost
01369 if (coeff.lt.1.d0) coeff=1.d0
01370 ystar = ystar + 0.1
01371 goto 10
01372 else
01373 sigma = sum
01374 return
01375 endif
01377 end