Papers that discuss Stellar Dynamics Software can be found in:
- On Toolboxes and Telescopes , by
Hut and Sussman, (1986)
in: The Use of Supercomputers in Stellar Dynamics,
Springer Verlag, p 193-198.
- An Environment for Experiments in
Stellar Dynamics , by:
Barnes, Hernquist, Hut and Teuben (1988) BAAS, 20, 706.
- A Laboratory for Gravitational
Scattering Experiments by Hut, in: IAU colloq 109,
pp. yyy.
- NEMO: A Stellar Dynamics Toolbox ,
by Teuben (1994, PASJ, xxx, yyy) overviews the current state of
NEMO and introduces a proposal to use
FITS as a vehicle to interchange and archive NBODY data
(see also the QUESTIONNAIRE ).
A gzip compressed
postscript version
of this paper is also available.
Sci.Data.Formats FAQ discussion may be relevant.
The example program mentioned in
PASJ94 writes
- ADASS (1994) paper .
In preparation . A sample of the
poster is available.
- other miscellaneous papers
If you must acknowledge the use of NEMO, or want to refer to
a publication, this is the most current one:
Teuben, P.J. The Stellar Dynamics Toolbox NEMO, in:
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV,
ed. R. Shaw, H.E. Payne and J.J.E. Hayes. (1995),
PASP Conf Series 77, p398.