Colors are stored as (small) integers; most models in NEMO use only a few (up to 16 or so) colors. For compactness, it is best to store the point data in single precision.
set PointData float Tpoint 10.0000 int Npoint 0400 float Position[256][3] -4.98145 -0.748152 -0.191633 -6.10421 0.119759 1.92620 -4.82857 0.0294401 0.0555099 -4.86905 -0.487407 . . . float Velocity[256][3] -0.979005 -0.0859801 0.0507055 -0.846533 0.208974 0.263324 -0.614061 -0.354721 -0.539217 -1.46307 0.148926 . . . tes
~/src/nbody/xyz snapxyz.c, xyzview.c
14-feb-93 documentation written PJT 30-mar-97 exported into NEMO