[-fast] [+|-onecmap] [+|-subpanel]
[-start (index)] [-private|-hist|-pair] [-logical (function)] [-w (width)] [-h
(height)] [-auto|-full|-fixed] [-timerscale us|ms|sec] [-timervalue (timer)] [-fwd|-rev]
[-blink|-cycle] [-loop|-loopback|-oneway] [+|-scrolling] [+|-resizing] [+|-moving] [+|-scaling]
[+|-updates] [+|-backdrops] [+|-lockcolors] [+|-centering] [+|-livecursor] [-backdrop
(index)] [-bw|-gray|-color|-cutoff|-contour|-random] [-red (value)] [-green (value)]
[-blue (value)] [filename...].
Most of these options have been described in
the previous sections. Note that the "+" prefix is used to override defaults
or previous values. For example, -fast invokes many of the Sub Panel options;
if it was desired to retain scrollbars, then +scrolling should be placed
after -fast on the command line. Options appearing last take precedence
over those appearing first. The options that have not yet been described