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update - combine multiple fortran source files for CYBER 205’s UPDATE
update [hfile1 hfile2 ... hfilen] [-d file1 file2 ... filen]
using multiple source files, and using the standard ’include’ facility that
many compilers offer (unix, VMS), this utility converts these files into
one source deck that the Cyber UPDATE facility understands.
The outputfile
name is the filename of the last file (filen) with an extension ".UPD". For
insanity reasons the output filename is in upper case.
This program has
only been tested with fortran source files, since it thinks comment lines
start with a ’C’. The C-definition of comments (/* through */) is not implemented
here. As long as the word include does not appear in those comments, a C-source
deck should also work.
- -c
- leave out the comments [default: they are
left in].
- -aext
- the default extension of the input filenames, in case all
filenames have the same extension [default: none, user must supply them]
See remarks on C-source files under DESCRIPTION.
anchor:/usr/pjt/205/doc/update* sources and executables
Peter Teuben
31-Mar-87 created PJT
22-May-87 include files bug PJT
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