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uns_density - estimate mass density based on distance to Kth neighbour,
add distance to the kth neighbours
uns_density in=in_file out=out_file
[parameter=value] ...
uns_density reads a compatible UNS snapshot,
estimate mass density based on distance to Kth neighbour, add distance
to the kth neighbours, and save it in a NEMO format file. It computes very
quickly density by using falcON library from Walter Dehnen (WD). It works
like density program (WD) but accepts UNS input snapshot, plus 2 differents
method to estimate density, making it more versatile.
The following
parameters are recognized.
- in=uns input file snapshot
- give as input a compatible
UNS file snapshot (Nemo, Gadget, Ramses...) Default: required.
- out=out_file
- Output NEMO file name. You can give a filename or "-" (to pipe with another
NEMO program). Default: required.
- select=select-particles
- Select particles.
Set of particles must be selected using the ":" range operator, separated
by a comma. E.g. select=0:9,10:19 would select two sets of 10 particles,
or by component (gas,halo,stars,bulge,disk,bndry) for Gadget/Ramses files.
E.g. select=gas,stars . Default: required.
- m=method
- select method to approximate
density, 0:used by density program (WD), 1:used by hackdens program [0]
- K=number of neighbours
- select number of neighbours to approximate density
- N=order
- order of Ferrers kernel [1]
- ncrit=alue
- ncrit value, if empty=max(1,K/4)
- times=time-range
- Select time [all]
- first=boolean
- if true, add a trailing
number to the first output file [f]
- offset=time offset
- +/- time offset
between two consecutives snapshots [0.01]
- verbose=flag
- If true, give some verbose output [t].
, uns_projects(1NEMO)
, snapshot(5NEMO)
Jean-Charles LAMBERT
17-Mar-20 V2.0 manual created JCL
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