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tabdms - Convert to HMS/DMS tables


tabdms [parameter=value]


tabdms replaces selected column(s) from a table to their HMS/DMS format.

Currently the format is fixed.

There is little controversie about DMS, these are numbers between -180 or 180, or 0 to 360. In fact, the program does not care about the absolute value, any number will do.

HMS is more complicated, since the 24h system is used as well as the 360deg.


The following parameters are recognized in any order if the keyword is also given:
input file name, an ascii table. No Default.
output file name, an ascii table. No Default.
list of columns (1..) to convert to dms. Negative columns should be used if the format is to be interpreted as ".DMS" instead of the default "D.MS". The D ins DMS is normally assumed to be modulo 360. Default: none.
list of columns (1..) to convert to hms. Negative columns should be used if the format is to be interpreted as ".HMS" instead of the default "H.MS". The H ins HMS is normally assumed to be modulo 24. Default: none.
A list of columns (1..) to convert from hms to degrees (or seconds) [none]
A list of columns (1..) to convert from dms to seconds (or seconds) [none]
separator between output D-M-S.S [Default: :]
Format statement for columns converted by fromhms= and fromdms= [Default: %g]
Scaling factor applied to degrees. If you want seconds, use 3600 here. For radians, use pi/180. [Default: 1]


The following example prints out the 4 possible ways to convert the number "12.51" to DMS or HMS:
% echo 11.51 11.51 11.51 11.51 11.51 | tabdms - - todms=1,-2 tohms=3,-4
11:30:36.000 11:183:35:60.000 11:30:36.000 11:12:14:24.000 11.51 
Column 1 in .DMS, 2 as D.MS, 3 as .HMS, 4 as H.MS and 5 is the original column copied.
echo 12:00:00 12:00:00 | tabdms - - fromhms=1 fromdms=2
12 180


The code is compiled with a maximum number of columns, MAXCOL, typically 256.

See Also

tabmath(1NEMO) , nemoinp(1NEMO) , nemoinpx(3NEMO)


src/kernel/tab/tabdms.c source code


Peter Teuben

Update History

24-Jan-00    V0.4 doc written    PJT
25-sep-13    V0.8 added fromdms=    PJT
17-jul-20    clarifications    PJT

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