Compiling and Running the original LP-VIcode requires 4 actions:
1) provide a "PAV" fortran coded file with use your Potential, Acceleration and Variationals and include it in the code, and compile it. Note that in the current implementation both the potential and its parameters are specified in the executable, and unlike NEMO’s potname/potpars interface cannot be changed.
2) write an initial conditions file (4,5,6 or 7 values on the line). We only support 4 or 6 at the moment. (see tstop= below)
3) write a input parameter file. Needs to be 20 lines, including comments. This needs to be named
4) write a parameter file in which NDIM is defined (the rest seems not important) This needs to be named LP-VIcode.par.
This is sufficiently complex to make running many examples cumbersome, hence the runlpvi NEMO interface, which takes care of items 2-4. Linking the LP-VIcode is left as an exercize to the reader.
runlpvi run1 posvel=0.2,0.34,0.5,0.1235 prefix=log dt=0.05 tstop=25000 orbit=1 ci=1,0,1::5 nstep=20 tabplot run1/log.orb 2 3 -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5which took about 35sec CPU. We follow with some pure NEMO orbits with the same initial conditions and potential:
mkorbit run1/ 0.2 0.34 0 0.5 0.1235 0 potname=log potpars=0,2,0,0.7 orbint run1/ run1/orb.out 50000 0.05 ndiag=10000and it becomes obvious the integrator in orbint cannot handle a 0 core radius for box orbits. To show both method agree try this loop/tube orbit:
mkorbit x=0.8 lz=1 e=1 potname=log potpars=0,0.5,0,0.7 orbint - 2000 0.01 ndiag=200 | orbplot - yapp=2/xs orblist #>> 0 0 0.8 0 0 0 1.56406 0 0 -1e+30 1e+30 7.35388e+188 runlpvi run2 posvel=0.8,0,0,1.56406 prefix=log dt=0.01 tstop=20 orbit=1 ci=1::7 nstep=20 tabplot run2/log.orb 2 3 -2 2 -2 2 line=1,1 yapp=1/xs
29-dec-2019 V0.1 Created PJT 30-dec-2019 V0.3 posvel= now allows multiple orbits PJT