$NEMO/ -- toplevel directory inc/ -- include (.h) files for compilation lib/ -- library (.a, .o) files for linking bin/ -- executable files man/ -- manual pages text/ -- alternate doc on NEMO (e.g. TEX files) usr/ -- sources, per contributing user src/ -- sources, per topic data/ -- data files (some binary, some ascii) obj/ -- object files for loadobj (all binary)
~/src/kernel/misc nemoshow.c
xx-xxx-86 in the mind.. JEB xx-apr-88 V1.0: a program nemo created PJT 7-jun-88 V1.5: small updates PJT 7-jul-89 V1.8: more env-var’s to be checked PJT 11-sep-90 V2.0: renamed to nemoshow PJT It’s easy to create, but being responsible for what the creation does is something else.