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nbody4 - input parameter file for nbody4


*       Definition of parameters, options & counters.
*       ----------------------------------------------
*       Input parameters
*       ****************
*       --------------------------------------------------------------------
* NBODY4: 
*       KSTART  Control index (1: new run; >1: restart; 3, 4, 5: new params).
*       TCOMP   Maximum computing time in minutes (saved in CPU).
*       GPID    Number of boards (counting from 0).
*       N       Total particle number (singles + binary c.m; < NMAX - 2).
*       NFIX    Output frequency of data save or binaries (#3 & 6).
*       NCRIT   Final particle number (alternative termination criterion).
*       NRAND   Random number sequence skip.
*       NRUN    Run identification index.
*       ETA     Time-step parameter for total force polynomial.
*       DTADJ   Time interval for parameter adjustment (N-body units).
*       DELTAT  Output time interval (N-body units).
*       TCRIT   Termination time (N-body units).
*       QE      Energy tolerance (restart if DE/E > 5*QE & KZ(2) > 1).
*       RBAR    Virial cluster radius in pc (set = 0 for isolated cluster).
*       ZMBAR   Mean mass in solar units for equal-mass case (1.0 used if
*       KZ(J)   Non-zero options for alternative paths (see table).
*       DTMIN   Time-step criterion for regularization search.
*       RMIN    Distance criterion for regularization search.
*       ETAU    Regularized time-step parameter (6.28/ETAU steps/orbit).
*       ECLOSE  Binding energy per unit mass for hard binary (positive).
*       GMIN    Relative two-body perturbation for unperturbed motion.
*       GMAX    Secondary termination parameter for soft KS binaries.
* INPUT: if(kz(4).gt.0)
*       DELTAS  Output interval for binary search (in TCR; #4, suppressed).
*       ORBITS  Minimum periods for binary output (level 1).
*       GPRINT  Perturbation thresholds for binary output (9 levels).
*       ALPHA   Power-law index for initial mass function (used if KZ(20)<2)).
*       BODY1   Maximum particle mass before scaling (KZ(20): solar mass).
*       BODYN   Minimum particle mass before scaling (also after scaling).
*       NBIN0   Number of primordial binaries (can be -ve: see IMF).
*       ZMET    Metal abundance (range 0.03 - 0.0001).
*       EPOCH0  Evolutionary epoch (in Myr).
*       DTPLOT  Plotting interval for HRDIAG (N-body units; >= DELTAT).
* SETUP: if(kz(5).eq.2)
*       APO     Separation of two Plummer models (SEMI = APO/(1 + ECC).
*       ECC     Eccentricity of two-body orbit (ECC < 0.999).
*       N2      Membership of second Plummer model (N2 <= N).
*       SCALE   Second scale factor (>= 0.2 for limiting minimum size).
*        if(kz(5).eq.3)
*       APO     Separation between the perturber and Sun.
*       ECC     Eccentricity of orbit (=1 for parabolic encounter).
*       DMIN    Minimum distance of approach (pericentre).
*       SCALE   Perturber mass scale factor (=1 for Msun).
*        if(kz(5).eq.4)
*       SEMI    Initial semi-major axis (changes a bit on scaling).
*       ECC     Eccentricity (ECC > 1: NAME = 1 & 2 free-floating).
*       M1      Mass of first member (in units of mean mass).
*       M2      Mass of second member (rescaled total mass = 1).
*       Q       Virial ratio (Q = 0.5 for equilibrium).
*       VXROT   XY-velocity scaling factor (> 0 for solid-body rotation).
*       VZROT   Z-velocity scaling factor (not used if VXROT = 0).
*       RTIDE   Unscaled tidal radius (#14 > 1; otherwise copied to RSPH2).
* SCALE: if(kz(24).gt.0)
*       X(3),V(3) Position and velocity for initial subsystems (KZ(24)
* XTRNL0: if (kz(14).eq.2)
*       GMG     Point-mass galaxy (solar masses, linearized circular orbit).
*       RG0     Central distance (in kpc).
*         if (kz(14).eq.3)
*       GMG     Point-mass galaxy (solar masses).
*       DISK    Mass of Miyamoto disk (solar masses).
*       A       Softening length in Miyamoto potential (in kpc).
*       B       Vertical softening length (kpc).
*       VCIRC   Galactic circular velocity (km/sec) at RCIRC (=0: no halo).
*       RCIRC   Central distance for VCIRC with logarithmic potential (kpc).
*       RG      Initial position; GMG+DISK=0, VG(3)=0: A(1+E)=RG(1), E=RG(2).
*       VG      Initial cluster velocity vector (km/sec).
* HOTSYS: if(kz(29).gt.0) 
*       SIGMA0  Hot initial velocity in km/sec (routine HOTSYS; #29).
* BINPOP: if(kz(8)
*       SEMI    Semi-major axis in model units (all equal if RANGE = 0).
*       ECC     Initial eccentricity (< 0 for thermal distribution).
*       RATIO   Mass ratio M1/(M1 + M2); (= 1.0: M1 = M2 = <M>).
*       RANGE   Range in SEMI for uniform logarithmic distribution (> 0).
*       NSKIP   Binary frequency of mass spectrum (#20 < 2; body #1 first).
*       IDORM   Indicator for dormant binaries (>0: merged components).
*       ICIRC   Indicator for eigen-evolution (RANGE: minimum period).
*       (see BINPOP for further explanation of SEMI, RATIO & RANGE uses)
* HIPOP: if(kz(8)
*       NHI     Number of primordial hierarchies.
*       SEMI    Semi-major axis in model units (all equal if RANGE = 0).
*       ECC     Initial eccentricity (< 0 for thermal distribution).
*       RATIO   Mass ratio (= 1.0: M1 = M2; random in [0.5-0.9]).
*       RANGE   Range in SEMI for uniform logarithmic distribution (> 0).
*       ICIRC   Circularization & collision check (not implemented yet).
* INTIDE: if(kz(27).gt.0) 
*       RSTAR   Size of typical star in S.U.
*       IMS     # idealized main-sequence stars.
*       IEV     # idealized evolved stars.
*       RMS     Scale factor for main-sequence radii (>0: fudge factor).
*       REV     Scale factor for evolved radii (initial size RSTAR).
* CLOUD0: if(kz(12).lt.0)
*       NCL     Number of interstellar clouds.
*       RB      Boundary radius in pc.
*       VCL     Mean cloud velocity in km/sec.
*       SIGMA   Velocity dispersion (#12 = -2 or -3: Gaussian).
*       DTBIG   Interval for injecting massive cloud (#12 = -2).
*       CLM     Cloud mass in solar units (#12 < 0; NCL members).
*       RCL     Cloud radius (softening) in pc.
*       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*       Options KZ(J)
*       *************
*       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*       1  COMMON save on unit 1 at end of run (=2: every 100*NMAX steps).
*       2  COMMON save on unit 2 at output (=1); restart if DE/E > 5*QE
*       3  Basic data on unit 3 at output (freq. NFIX; >1: cluster + tail).
*     # 4  Binary diagnostics on unit 4 (# threshold levels = KZ(4) < 10).
*       5  Initial conditions (#22 =0; =0: uniform & isotropic sphere;
*                =1: Plummer; =2: two Plummer models in orbit, extra input;
*                =3: massive perturber and planetesimal disk, extra input).
*                =4: massive initial binary, extra input; output on unit
*       6  Output of significant & regularized binaries (=1, 2, 3 & 4).
*       7  Lagrangian radii (>0: RSCALE; =2, 3, 4: output units 6, 7, 12;
*                >=5: density & rms velocity at given radii on unit 26 & 27;
*                >=5: average mass at given radii on unit 36 every DELTAT;
*                 =6: Lagrangian radii for two mass groups on unit 31 &
*       8  Primordial binaries (=1 & >=3; >0: BINOUT; >2: BINDAT; >3: HIDAT).
*       9  Individual bodies printed at output time (MIN(5**KZ9,NTOT)).
*      10  Diagnostic KS output (>0: begin; >1: end; >=3: each step).
*    # 11  Synchronization of circular orbits (suppressed).
*      12  Disk shocks (=1: standard model) or interstellar clouds (< 0).
*      13  Scaling of time (1: variable by t_cr; 2: variable by t_r;
*                 -1: constant scaling to t_r; -2: constant scaling to t_c).
*      14  External force (=1: linearized; -1: cutoff; =2: point-mass galaxy;
*             =3: point-mass + disk + logarithmic halo in any combination).
*      15  Triple, quad, chain (#30 > 0) or merger search (>1: full output).
*      16  Updating of regularization parameters (RMIN, DTMIN & ECLOSE).
*      17  Modification of ETA (>=1) & ETAU (>1) by tolerance QE.
*      18  Hierarchical systems (=1: diagnostics; =2: primordial; =3: both).
*      19  Stellar evolution and mass loss (=1: old supernova scheme;
*                      =3: Eggleton, Tout & Hurley; >4: Chernoff--Weinberg).
*      20  Initial mass function (=0,1: Salpeter; >1: various, see IMF).
*      21  Extra output (>0: model, etc; >1: CENTRE; >2: MTRACE; >3: GLOBAL).
*      22  Initial conditions on unit 10 (=1: output; =2,3(unscaled): input).
*      23  Escaper removal (>1: diagnostics in file ESC; =2: angles unit
*                           >1: tidal tails output if #14 = 3).
*      24  Initial conditions for subsystem (routine SCALE; KZ(24) = #).
*    # 25  Partial reflection of KS binary orbit (GAMMA < GMIN; suppressed).
*      25  HR diagnostics of evolving stars (output of B & S on #82 & 83).
*      26  Slow-down of two-body motion (=1: KS binary; =2: chain binary).
*      27  Two-body interactions (-2: RADIUS = 0; -1: collision detection;
*                                 =1: sequential circ; > 0: collision).
*      28  (not used).
*    # 29  Boundary reflection for hot system (suppressed).
*      30  Chain regularization (=1: basic; >1: main output; >2: each step).
*      31  Centre of mass correction after energy check.
*      32  Increase of output intervals (based on single particle energy).
*      33  Block-step diagnostics at main output (=2: active pipes).
*    # 34  Roche lobe overflow (suppressed).
*      35  Time offset (global time from TTOT = TIME + DTOFF; offset =
*      36  Step reduction for hierarchical systems (not recommended).
*      37  Step reduction for encounters with high-velocity particles.
*    # 38  Multiple use of GRAPE-6 (sleep 1 sec after each timer check).
*      39  Neighbour list (=-1: on host; =0: full list or closest on GRAPE).
*      40  (not used).
*       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* # currently suppressed
*       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*       Output counters
*       ***************
*       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*       NBCALL  Neighbour lists (# NBLIST calls).
*       NBESC   Escaped binaries (#23).
*       NBLOCK  Block integration steps.
*       NBKICK  Binary neutron star kicks (#19).
*       NBPREV  Indicator for enforcing new KS scheduling (SUBINT).
*       NBREF   Boundary reflections (#29; suppressed).
*       NBSTAT  Diagnostic data on binary interactions (#4; inactive).
*       NCBLK1  Active binary steps on HARP.
*       NCBLK2  Active binary steps with more than one pipe.
*       NCHAIN  Chain regularizations (#30).
*       NCOLL   Stellar collisions (#27).
*       NDIAG   Diagnostic warning counter (BRAKE, IMPACT & SPIRAL).
*       NDISS   Tidal dissipation at pericentre (#27).
*       NDUMP   Restart counter (STOP after two restarts).
*       NHIVEL  High-velocity search for all particles (#37).
*       NHLIST  Neighbour lists on HARP (not implemented).
*       NIRECT  Initialization of NSTEPI after exceeding 2*10**9.
*       NKICK   Neutron star kicks (#19).
*       NKSHYP  Hyperbolic KS regularizations.
*       NKSMOD  Slow KS motion restarts (#26).
*       NKSPER  Unperturbed KS binary orbits.
*       NKSREF  Partial reflections of KS binary (#25; suppressed).
*       NKSREG  Total KS regularizations.
*       NKSTRY  Two-body regularization attempts.
*       NMERG   Mergers of stable triples or quadruples (#15).
*       NMESC   Escaped mergers (#15 and 23).
*       NMTRY   Attempted mergers.
*       NPRECT  Initialization of NKSPER after exceeding 2*10**9.
*       NPRINT  Output counter (data bank written at NFIX, then reset).
*       NQUAD   Four-body regularizations (#15).
*       NSESC   Escaped single particles (#23).
*       NSHOCK  Tidal shocks (#12).
*       NSHORT  Shortened time-step due to high-velocity particles (#37).
*       NSPERT  Membership of perturber list (set in routine SIEVE).
*       NSTEPC  Chain regularization steps (# DIFSY calls).
*       NSTEPI  Irregular integration steps (reset to zero at 2*10**9).
*       NSTEPQ  Quadruple regularization integration steps (#15).
*       NSTEPS  Total number of time-steps (reset to zero at 2*10**9).
*       NSTEPT  Triple regularization integration steps (#15).
*       NSTEPU  Regularized integration steps.
*       NSYNC   Number of synchronous binaries (e < 0.002; #27).
*       NTIDE   Tidal captures from hyperbolic orbits (#27).
*       NTIMER  Time-step counter (reset to zero on checking CPU time).
*       NTPERT  Perturbation time-scale evaluations (includes NBLIST calls).
*       NTRECT  Time rectifications (not implemented yet).
*       NTRIP   Three-body regularizations (#15).
*       NTTRY   Search for triple, quad & chain regularization or mergers.
*       NURECT  Initialization of NSTEPU after exceeding 2*10**9.
*       NWARN   Warning messages (only first 1000 printed).
*       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*       Counters in COMMON/STAR/
*       ************************
*       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*       NMDOT   Calls to routine MDOT.
*       NMS     Main sequence stars (type 0/1).
*       NHG     Hertzsprung gap (type 2).
*       NRG     Red giants (type 3).
*       NHE     Helium burning (type 4).
*       NRS     red supergiants (type 5).
*       NWD     White dwarfs (type 8).
*       NSN     Neutron stars (type 9).
*       NHI     High-velocity stars (r < 3*<R>).
*       NDD     Doubly generate binaries (type >= 8).
*       NBS     Blue stragglers (type 1).
*       NTZ     Thorne-Zytkow objects (type 9 + 0/1 -> 9).
*       NAS     Accretion-induced supernovae (Roche; M2 > MCH; type 12).
*       NBH     Black holes (type 10).
*       NGB     Gamma-ray bursters.
*       NROCHE  Calls to routine ROCHE.
*       NRO     Completed Roche stages.
*       NBR     Blue Roche (TM < TPHYS & type 0/1).
*       NBRK    Calls to routine BRAKE (GR & MB).
*       NCONT   Contact binaries (Roche; enforced collisions).
*       NCOAL   Coalescence of binaries (Roche; giant collisions).
*       NHYP    Hyperbolic collisions & coalescence.
*       NSPIR   Calls to routine SPIRAL.
*       NSP     Circularization events.
*       NCIRC   Successful circularizations.
*       NSLP    Inactive circularizations (TC > 2x10**9 yr).
*       NEWHI   New hierarchical systems (counted by routine HIARCH).
*       NEINT   Runge-Kutta integration steps for eccentricity modulation.
*       NGLOB0  Initial membership of globular cluster model.
*       NGLOB   Current membership.
*       NSHOCK  Tidal shocks.
*       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*       Stellar evolution types
*       ***********************
*       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*       0       Low main sequence (M < 0.7).
*       1       Main sequence.
*       2       Hertzsprung gap (HG).
*       3       Red giant.
*       4       Core Helium burning.
*       5       First AGB.
*       6       Second AGB.
*       7       Helium main sequence.
*       8       Helium HG.
*       9       Helium GB.
*      10       Helium white dwarf.
*      11       Carbon-Oxygen white dwarf.
*      12       Oxygen-Neon white dwarf.
*      13       Neutron star.
*      14       Black hole.
*      15       Massless supernova remnant.
*       ---------------------------------------------------------------------


Sverre Aarseth

See Also



define.f  - dummy, but is the actual text in the DESCRIPTION part of this
man page!


1-mar-06    documented    PJT
13-mar-06    minor updates via Sverre    PJT/SJA

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