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getdrange, getirange - parse string into an array of values of unknown
size (slow)
int getdrange (expr, x, xlen)char *exprdouble **x;int *xlen;int
getirange (expr, i, ilen) not written yetchar *exprdouble **i;int
The getXrange routines parse a string expr containing
a list of numbers into an array x,i of xlen,ilen values. If the list is
not long enough, an attempt is made to allocate a new array and fit the
values in there. It is possible that the new array is larger than the actual
numbers parsed into the array. getXrange returns the actual initialized
numbers in the array, whereas Xlen is updated with the actual allocated
length of the array.
Parsing is done through nemoinp(3NEMO)
The string
1,10:20:2,100::2 gets parsed into an array of values 1 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 100.
Low-level catastrophies (eg, parsing
errors, wrong delimiters) generate messages via error(3)
Peter Teuben
20-jun-89 created (PJT)
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