There is also a HDF implementation
Some description in gadgetsnap(1NEMO) .
unfio ICs/galaxy_bigeendian.dat swap=t unfio ICs/galaxy_littleendian.dat ### nemo Debug Info: 1 256 ### nemo Debug Info: 2 720000 ### nemo Debug Info: 3 720000 ### nemo Debug Info: 4 240000whereas of course much more information can be seen with gadgetsnap:
gadgetsnap ICs/galaxy_littleendian.dat - | snapmstat - 0 0:39999 = 40000 Mass= 0.00104634 TotMas= 41.8535 CumMas= 41.8535 1 40000:59999 = 20000 Mass= 0.00023252 TotMas= 4.65039 CumMas= 46.5039 # Found 2 species: select=0:39999,40000:59999Or here an example to split the two galaxies:
gadgetsnap ICs/galaxy_littleendian.dat - | snapmask - - 0:19999,40000:49999 | snapcenter - gal1 gadgetsnap ICs/galaxy_littleendian.dat - | snapmask - - 20000:39999,50000:59999 | snapcenter - gal2and here a funny analysis, draw your own conclusions:
snaprect gal1 gal1r snaprect gal2 gal2r snapcmp gal1r gal2r # time Min Qlow Median Qhigh Max Mean Sigma # obs=r 0 2.57303e-07 3.97679e-06 6.6571e-06 1.38556e-05 4.10978e-05 9.74949e-06 7.71154e-06
22-feb-2020 placeholder written PJT