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ccdprinti - interpolate values from a map
ccdprinti in=image
ccdprinti prints out map values in an image.
The grid is specified in x, y and z independantly, and is limited to either
pixel (-0.5...N-0.5) or physical coordinates within a map. See also ccdprint(1NEMO)
for a version limited to just integer gridpoints. Recall that the grid runs
from the outer cell edges
Xmin - Dx/2 ... Xmin + (Nx-1/2)*Dx
and pixel coordinates generally refer to the center of the cell.
following parameters are recognized in any order if the keyword is also
- in=in-file
- input file, in image(5NEMO)
format [no default].
- x=x1,x2,...
- Grid coordinates in X to display. [Default: 0].
- y=y1,y2,...
- Grid coordinates
in Y to display. See x=. [Default: 0].
- z=z1,z2,...
- Grid coordinates in Z to display.
See x=. [Default: 0].
- scale=scale_factor
- scale factor with which the data
is multiplied before being displayed [default: 1].
- format=fmt-expr
- Real-valued
C-format expression (see also printf(3)
, e.g. %10.6e, %5.2f) with which data
and optional coordinate values are displayed [default: %g].
- newline=t|f
- Add
a newline between each map value printed? If false, all rows are printed
on one line, and a blank line separates different planes. [Default: f]
- label=x,y,z
- Any combination of x, y and/or z can be given, which labels the output
with their X, Y and/or Z physical values. [Default: x,y].
- offset=0|1
- Should
X,Y,Z be 0- or 1- based. NEMO images use 0-based images, but to appease fortran
users, 1-based input can be given here if this parameter is set to 1. Default:
- pixel=t|f
- Print out X,Y,Z labels in physical or pixel coordinates. By default
physical. [Default: f]
- dim=0|2
- Interpolation scheme. 0=nearest. 2=linear interpolaton
in the plane. 3=linear interpolation in a cube. Default: 0
, image(5NEMO)
Peter Teuben
~src/image/io ccdprinti.c
15-mar-2011 V1.0 created PJT
28-apr-2011 V1.1 redesigned, fixed location bug PJT
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