hubble(1)                TIPSY COMMANDS                  hubble(1)

     hubble - add or remove the Hubble expansion in a box

     hubble box-number hubble-constant x-center y-center z-center

     hubble adds a radial hubble flow to box box-number  centered
     on the coordinates (x-center, y-center, zcenter) with a Hub-
     ble constant of hubble-constant. This command is useful when
     converting  to and from comoving coordinates.  To add a Hub-
     ble flow to the box use a positive value for hubble-constant
     and  to subtract a hubble flow use a negative value for hub-
     ble constant. NOTE: this  command  permanently  changes  the
     velocities of all the particles in box box-number. To undo a
     hubble command repeat the command with a hubble-constant  of
     equal magnitude but of opposite sign.  If the box box-number
     is not loaded an error is generated.

     pcenter  (1), vcenter  (1)

KQ Release 2.0     Last change: 22 MARCH 1994                   1

Created by: m2h on:Thu Nov 17 15:23:00 1994