Astronomical Software on Linux

* What is the linuxastro mailing list ?

Well, it really was a mailing list of people who were interesting in porting astronomical software to linux. Luckily Linux can now be considered mainstream and in your local neighborhood there should now be somebody able to help you with either installing or running linux (since this page totally ignores that aspect). This page will merely provide links to astronomical software that is known to run under linux or have direct binaries available.

* Listing

First here are some meta-links: lists that provide links to packages. Not all of them 100% linux specific, but the majority of them have either been ported, or should be doable:

* Packages

Here are individual packages for which there are known binary releases available (but not neccessarely at these links):

* Others

A number of related links:

Last updated on 5-apr-01 by PJT.